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FL Studio Remix Gauntlet -- Round 8 starts now, Round 6 results

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So as to the theme this week, I assume Time Travelling games are okay, like Ocarina of Time and Chrono Trigger.

Chrono Trigger, yes. I've never played Ocarina of Time. As long as the passage of time occurs in the game-world that equals greater than 1 year and is indicated as so by the game, then it's fine.



So what do I do about this, Jason? Want me to send you a new project, or do we just advise everyone to vote on my .mp3, not my project file?

It sounds fine here. I compared the flp you sent with the mp3, and they sound the same. Do you think maybe it's a problem with your comp? If you are still concerned, you can send me a new file and I'll upload it.

I was basing my track on the Kirby's Dream Land version of Green Greens, but it's the same song anyway.

You didn't provide the info so I guessed.

How many rounds are in this compo?

Nine. The ninth round will be a special round. KTHX3 will be involved.


It sounds fine here. I compared the flp you sent with the mp3, and they sound the same. Do you think maybe it's a problem with your comp? If you are still concerned, you can send me a new file and I'll upload it.

If it worked for you, then it clearly is a problem on my end only. In fact, when I posted that message, it was after loading the .flp on my desktop for the first time, so there's something going on with my desktop, I suppose.

I've never played Ocarina of Time.

I was about to post a scathing admonition, but then I realized that you escaped your childhood without falling into an infinite Kaepora Gaebora loop. Nice work!

Posted (edited)

Holy shit, DDRKirby. You managed to emulate chip sounds with 3xosc. I tried to do that but nothing I did came anywhere close. This entry is OCR quality and it's using only what FL gives you. I commend you, sir, for this godly work of art.

In other news, how 'bout that 'leven layer bass?

OOT is 7 years, I believe :P

Right on the moneys.

Edited by Theory of N
Posted (edited)
aw man, ecto you did the whole pretty-colors treatment for your project file. I shoulda done that too...used to do it back for FLMC. Then again, back then I was using pattern blocks, and they actually used the colors you told them to xP

Well, of course I made it pretty colors n stuff. I wanted to make it beautiful, just like the listeners <3 I don't think your project needed any more attention to detail, though. What you did in that project file, it... I... uhh... it more than suffices.

Round 1 - 32 MB

Round 2 - 25 MB

Round 3 - 154 MB

Excuse me, I need to strap myself in for this round.

My bad :P My project file alone is over 100 MB for some reason.

Holy shit, DDRKirby. You managed to emulate chip sounds with 3xosc. I tried to do that but nothing I did came anywhere close. This entry is OCR quality and it's using only what FL gives you. I commend you, sir, for this godly work of art.

I'm trying to hold off on the unbridled praise til the voting is over. Must... not... influence... votes...

Edited by ectogemia
Posted (edited)
Holy shit, DDRKirby. You managed to emulate chip sounds with 3xosc. I tried to do that but nothing I did came anywhere close. This entry is OCR quality and it's using only what FL gives you. I commend you, sir, for this godly work of art.

Dude, emulating chip sounds with 3xOsc is ALL I do.

Once upon a time, I was like "man, I love my 3xOsc but it can't change the duty cycle of its waves, so I have to use TS404 instead. But that's annoying because TS404 is monophonic! I could use a VST like tb_triforce or something to get past that, but then I can't use FL-style native pitch slides. There's no perfect solution!" (I actually considered making my own instrument in fl's synthmaker, to get what I wanted)

Then I was randomly asking flashygoodness about some stuff and he told me he used custom waveforms in his 3xOscs. Brilliant! Now I had access to my beautiful 25% and 12.5% pulse waves using 3xOsc. And they even had that chippy old-school aliased sound since I ripped them from LSDJ/FT!

Fastforward to last week or so when I was listening to

and I was like, man, the duty cycle changes and articulations on these pulse channels are great! If only I could do this with 3xOsc...hm, I suppose I could try to fake it by...oh wait, what if...

and then a few minutes later I opened up my test export in audacity and it looked totally good! 25%->50% pulse wave, just like that!

3xOsc foreverrrrrrr, it's the best best best.

In other news, how 'bout that 'leven layer bass?

Also check out Supersaw_Pad, which has "fat mode" enabled so that each note turns into like 20 different detuned notes. Yay polyphony.

Still nothing compared to TehBlob from KTHX2. Also, I know there was no demo flp for this round, but if we're getting KTHX3 that more than makes up for it because omg that would be AWESOME. Can we have more FL notebook visualizers please?




Also, ecto, what in blazes is going on in your .flp file that makes it so huge? hahaha...

Edited by DDRKirby(ISQ)

Also, ecto, what in blazes is going on in your .flp file that makes it so huge? hahaha...


When I was compressing it into a .zip, I was like wow, this is taking forevWHATTHEHELLTHISIS100MEGS.

Really, I have zero explanation for it. Maybe it's the grooviness or the soul. It could even be both.

And you're in touch with flashygoodness? Man, I can't even get the time of day out of him. I've tried to contact him about his methods, but no such luck. Tower of Heaven theme 5ever <3

Posted (edited)
there were two that contained a couple disallowed plugins: ectogemia's and Zerothemaster's entries. Neither were used significantly in their respective mixes so I don't think it's a big deal, but please check the list in the OP when you mix to make sure you aren't, say, using Edison.

Wait, what did I use? I'm pretty sure I checked the list for everything I used...

EDIT: awww crap soundgoodizer... grahhh im sorry I didn't check that one fuuuuuu

Edited by Zerothemaster

To be honest, I haven't been tremendously impressed with the music the last couple of weeks--the limitations of this compo were pretty clear. Not that anyone did a bad job, but that vanilla FL just isn't a great tool, and it showed. But this week was something else--you all did amazing jobs. Even Zerothemaster outdid himself. And DDRKirby's entry is going into my permanent collection; I didn't think I'd be saying that for this compo at all, and my threshold for doing that is pretty high. Just phenomenal.

To be honest, I haven't been tremendously impressed with the music the last couple of weeks--the limitations of this compo were pretty clear. Not that anyone did a bad job, but that vanilla FL just isn't a great tool, and it showed. But this week was something else--you all did amazing jobs. Even Zerothemaster outdid himself. And DDRKirby's entry is going into my permanent collection; I didn't think I'd be saying that for this compo at all, and my threshold for doing that is pretty high. Just phenomenal.

I heard ectogemia's entry is also going into your permanent collection.

LOL.. I used boobass :[

It's truly terrible. Other entries made crazy good basslines with 3x Osc.

Then there's DDRKirby who used extract of awesome.

Boobass is teh BEST

it's got that FUNK

that DRIVE

it's got dat BOOM BOOM POW, ya hear what I'm sayin?

seriously I love boobass I really do

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