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SITE HELP: OCR Sheet Music/Tabs/MIDIs

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I downloaded the JPG's and made a PDF from them back before their server died. I can't find the music anywhere else and I figured there must be other people out there looking for Nana's version as it is the best sheet music for klutz's 600AD

enjoy, hope this helps!

Btw I know the quality isnt great, but it is at the quality that the original JPGs were (which wasnt too high)


'Kay, fixed broken links to my stuff, and added links to my new remixes, as well as Blak_Omen and MC's "Hunter's Etude-Scherzo" and MC's "Scriabin's Long Library."

Can't do much about the other broken links since they're hosted elsewhere, but if anybody downloaded the files before they went down, I'd be happy to mirror.


Added sheets for Reuben Kee's "The Place We Knew" and "Ryu for Four Pianos," along with MC's "Dream Shore Fantasie-Sonata" and the OCR version of "Hunter's Etude-Scherzo." Mad props to Sooty for notating these ridiculously complex arrangements!

  • 5 weeks later...

David, have you transcribed any of your other works besides the castlevania one? I've been searching for sheets to your other arrangements to no avail. The first page of this thread only has midi's of your stuff.

I've wanted to play your "Life without parole" for awhile now.

Also, does anyone have an arrangement of Eric Barker's (Noir) "Freya"? You can listen to it on his website: http://music.ericbarker.com/sevenLevels/



that's a very nice and usefull threat you made keep it up.

Now my question.

Is there any possibity to reup the sheet of The Wingless' Silent Hill piece "There was a Hole in Here"?

I've searched in goolge but it only gave me sites which say "It's not longer availble. Go away" or "Error404 no sheet 4 U" and so on.

Come to think of it I've got another one.

Is there a sheet for Dhsu's "Rainbow Snowland"? Or do i have to do something with the MIDI file?

I know I could ask Goolge how to get the notes from MIDIs but while I'm at it why not asking here too =P.

Edit: Ok I've managed to get the Rainbow Sheets.



I don't know if this has been mentioned ITT before but I would like to request Sheet Music or even just bass Tabs for LuIzA's 'Materia Junkie,' remix on "Under the Rotting Pizza" and "Oppressed People" from Final Fantasy VII.

P.S: If you are not the artist mentioned (in this case, LuIzA) but you managed to tabulate this song, please contact me via PM... Thanks!

  • 3 weeks later...
I don't know if this has been mentioned ITT before but I would like to request Sheet Music or even just bass Tabs for LuIzA's 'Materia Junkie,' remix on "Under the Rotting Pizza" and "Oppressed People" from Final Fantasy VII.

P.S: If you are not the artist mentioned (in this case, LuIzA) but you managed to tabulate this song, please contact me via PM... Thanks!

you do realize that it's just straight off of the midi, right? the chords, the bassline, it's all exactly as it is in the midi, with some artistic interpretation. and ridiculous solos.


Well, yeah, that maybe true, Prophet, but I have nothing to use to get said notes from a MIDI file.

So unless you can get me a link to a (free) program I can use, I'm still stuck where I am.

I found another site with Cutman Sonata on it:


PS: Dhsu, could you start a similar thread over at animeremix.org ? I would love sheet music for your arrangement of Green Bird (named Blackbird on AR) from Bebop.

Cool, thanks for the link.

Unfortunately I don't have sheets for any of my arrangements on AnimeRemix either. I might try to get a few done this summer, but I really can't promise anything.

  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...


Sweet. Hows bout "Silent Progression" by JigginJonT?

Also, even though "Waltz of Pain" is already up, as noted it's the original arrangement, not what's up on OCR. There's a middle section to it that I like better in the OCR version. It'd be nice if that part could be transcribed

  • 2 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...
I think the piano parts of the Donkey Kong Country Lost in Jungle remix (http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01759/) are great. If someone transcribed those into a piano-solo kind of thing (might need to slightly re-arrange to cut out some of the electronica-focused parts) that would be awesome.

I didn't do any re-arrangement, but I did transcribe the intro up to the very first electronica note: http://www.box.net/shared/1e4ko34svl (it's a pdf)

If someone else wants to try and make up the rest, they're welcome to do so.

  • 3 months later...

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