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Pokémon X/Y and OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire (Gen6) (3DS)

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I'll eventually try to breed for shinies, but right now I wanna get a good team for battle maison. There are berries one can only obtain through getting 100 and 200 consecutive wins there, and they're VERY valuable. Not to mention the TMs and Bracers one can buy with the BP once it's done, and the ability capsule which sits at 200bp.

Edit: I finally gave up on getting a perfect 6IV flabébé using a ditto since it's near impossible, and it might be better to wait 'til people are done testing with egg groups for the new pokemon. I however got a great 5IV flabébé (no perfect attack, went for Modest anyway) so I'm more than happy :)

Edited by Vilecat

In case you didn't know, the soundtrack is out on iTunes. It's doing very well (#8 in albums on iTunes US as I write this), and The Pokemon Company has said some of the back catalog of games is coming next year.


So, in attempting to fill out my pokedex, I bred a Snorlax with a ditto. I got the egg, and hatched it, and it was... another Snorlax. Just... what. Really now. How on earth do you get a Munchlax then?


The soundtrack is very good. Every song and jingle you could find in the game is there, and it's so much better hearing each track out of something else than the 3DS speakers! <3

There are also a few extra tracks from the Pokemon Origin show, along with their Red/Blue/Green/Yellow counterpart for whoever wants to compare. Very impressive work.

;_; omg, so I wake up and do my usual thing in pokemon, go to a pokecenter and
! This is so awesome! And the music!


It definitely caught me by surprise last week. I wasn't expecting that at all and couldn't help but smile. The reinterpretation of the Pokemon Center theme sounds like a soft lullaby that you can fall asleep to. I had to spend a great deal of time just listening to it.

After my many play-throughs of playing Pokemon, today I somehow have gotten a Pokemon with Pokerus. :shock: With super training, it's kind of silly to have it now. Still haven't found a shiny though. Also, I wish I could get a Misdreavus but they aren't in the games. Not even in the Friend Safari. :(

Oh yeah friend safari, there are some Pokemon I need from there as well (like Galvantula). Gotta add people sometimes

I managed to get Ponyta's through the friend safari. Now I feel obligated to catch a bunch and hand them out like I'm Oprah Winfry.


Speaking of Friend Safaris, I just spent the bulk of my afternoon/night searching a ghost safari for a shiny Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Drifblim.

I go take a break to get Lucky Eggs and run into a SECOND shiny Chansey almost instantly. At least it was somehow holding a Lucky Egg, so I got fairly lucky there! But still, I'm pretty bummed. I feel like I spent all those hours for no reason. :(

That marks my 20-somethingth shiny of this game and 7th in the Friend Safari.

On another note, anyone want an Adamant Speed Boost 31/31/31/x/31/31 male Torchic? I have an extra one who needs a good home.

On another note, anyone want an Adamant Speed Boost 31/31/31/x/31/31 male Torchic? I have an extra one who needs a good home.

...I'd really like it. >.>;; I happen to have a crap-ton of Togepis with two or three maxed IVs, but I'm not sure if it's good enough...

Training takes so long in this game. ;w; My Zygarde takes an eternity to level up...


Battle Chateau makes it pretty quick for me, both for money and exp gains. Mostly since I'm now Grand Duchesse and can use the Black Writ of Invitation. That plus my lead pokemon holding the Amulet Coin, I'm set for life in terms of money.

And then I go back to the daycare or berry farm, and alternate between the 3 when I get bored of 1.


Step 1: Breed Absol to the point where you can have a team of 5-6 IV's knowing Thunder Wave and False Swipe.

Step 2: Farm Mirby's Friend Safari for Dittos using said team until you get a 5-6 IV Ditto.

Step 3: Start a perfect IV breeding empire, charging money to competitive Pokemon players a la Chinese WoW gold farmers.

No, seriously, the Absol team is ridiculously helpful since it reduces the time spent having to go back to the Pokecenter to heal/refill PP if you only use one catcher Pokemon.

Battle Chateau makes it pretty quick for me, both for money and exp gains. Mostly since I'm now Grand Duchesse and can use the Black Writ of Invitation. That plus my lead pokemon holding the Amulet Coin, I'm set for life in terms of money.

And then I go back to the daycare or berry farm, and alternate between the 3 when I get bored of 1.

Yeah, they were really smart putting the Daycare, Berry Fields, and Battle Chateau on the same route...all time-based things!

I'm currently a Marchioness right now...but I'm still fighting LV25 wussies with a LV83 Zygarde :|

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