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you were a bit premature

Do I really have to step in and tell you that -- just to make a play on words -- you made a needless, stupid, over-the-top comment about a poster's nature of birth in a thread about a fucking video game system?

Stop being an immature douche in this thread. You need to de-doucherize.

Stop being an immature douche in this thread.

You insult me like this then give me an infraction for insulting another user? SMH. At least with ocre he knew it was a joke, since we literally talk to each other like that all the time, almost every day, on IRC. I rarely if ever see actual insulting posts dealt with, and I used to report posts and instead of anything being done about them I would be interrogated for reporting them like I had done something wrong. Thanks for adding insult to insult. :tomatoface:

Yes, the comment to ocre was out of line, but it essentially boils down to "this thing is lame", "your mom is lame" pedantic retort. It wasn't some world-shattering, thought-provoking insult. And all of this scolding me for trivial stuff is putting the thread way off course, when we should have been talking about the PS4.

Yes, the comment to ocre was out of line...

So I'm right, it was over the top. :lol: And while you're claiming you two are bros for life, I can confirm he DIDN'T like it. Thus, I'm here. :-) Maybe you need to fix it with him. Pick the words more carefully next time.

You can and should go back to the actual topic, but seriously, tapdancing on Wii U's grave right now is stupid and immature and douchey AND (most importantly) premature.

It's never about the opinion, it's how you convey the opinion. If you want to talk about PS4 being poised to dominate Wii U, we don't need to descend into GameFAQs territory and troll other platforms for "sucking." We're not the place for that, which you know. Just stick to the substance of the argument and you should be fine.


That's fair enough man, I apologize. Ocre didn't tell me nothin'. And Wii U doesn't suck! I think it fell short of its promise to support hardcore gaming, but it's still good. Its games are getting crazy scores (above 9 out of 10) but they're just catered to a specific part of the Nintendo demographic.. with games like Pikmin 3 and Super Mario 3D World. While they look good I ain't exactly jumping off my seat to go pick them up.

On the other side though you've got PS4 where the family gaming or casual gaming basically involves Angry Birds (at like a $50 price tag) which is just ridiculous, and Knack which the critics pretty much destroyed. I don't agree with the reviews because I played Knack and I really loved it. It's challenging and it's not even really a button masher. You get 3 combos and 2 other types of attacks, but the enemies aren't frequent enough to really make it a button masher. And if you get hit twice or so you're dead, if you play on Normal.

Well, maybe it's just my perception of the gameplay. My facebook got spammed by PS4 achievements yesterday and a couple of them were "Kill 100 Robots" and "Kill 100 Goblins" from Knack. I didn't realize having fought that many enemies.


It looks pretty amazing in motion, and reminds me of Uncharted for whatever reason.. maybe all the relic hunting, and some of the locations, such as this one ^

I haven't even tried Killzone or Assassin's Creed 4 yet, anyone else have? I might be a little intimidated by Killzone


I've seen ocre tell you otherwise countless times.

Anyways, I've heard good things about ACIV PS4 (mainly that it looks AMAZING). Watched a friend play the PS3 version, probably gonna snag the Wii U version. Seems like a lot of fun.

Also wonder when the Gaikai streamin' will come into effect.


I do appreciate you defending me, Mirb but let's just get past that.

You know what's gonna be really awesome (when it comes out)? Binding of Isaac Rebirth.

So far, besides Steam, it's only coming to PS4 & PSV and PS+ subscribers are gonna get it free (along with Don't Starve). It's the perfect game to use in conjunction with the built in streaming.

I just started up some Resogun - that game is awesome. I seem to remember hearing that it was made by the guys behind Super Stardust HD?

Best game I've played so far on the PS4.

That's right. Housemarque made Super Stardust HD & Super Stardust Delta(enhanced remakes of the 90s games 'Stardust' & 'Super Stardust') and Resogun. :)


So I got to finally get in some quality time with the PS4 lately, now that I've gotten past the stress of finishing a particular website while sick (& I think overloaded on caffeine in two weeks).

Call of Duty: Ghosts - single player is way too short. I do not intend on doing multiplayer, so this was a sort of waste. I'm not sure I'm going to buy another Call of Duty unless it's on a heavy sale, none seems to measure up to the greatness of Modern Warfare.

Resogun - great side shooter. If you liked Super Stardust HD, you will like Resogun. So far it is my favorite game on the PS4, and it's a downloadable for $15.

Contrast - controls feel clunky, but the concept is not bad. It's an adventure/puzzle type of game. This is also a downloadable for $15.

Knack - graphics looks pretty nice, but the gameplay seems a bit on the bland side. I think anyone can live without such a game. Concept isn't bad though for an action game, it just feels really limited in scope.

The only really compelling game so far is Resogun. Everything else is sort of meh. Unless you're playing Call of Duty or Battlefield for multiplayer, I think you might as well pass so far.

Posted (edited)

So playing through some more of Knack, Knack is long...at least double the length of Call of Duty's single player sadly. It has a very mindless feel to it, for better or worse - worse to me, as I don't like it when games have that feel, but others may enjoy it. I think it's a better buy than Call of Duty though.

Also a side comment on Knack - apparently they rushed the game to release, there are some segments where they characters' mouths have the motion as if they're talking in Japanese, but have the English voice acting. It's a little bothersome at times, but it's not everywhere thankfully.

My controller is giving off a weird rubbery smell though, not liking that.

Edited by Bahamut

Initial thoughts on KillZone:

Game seems to get the atmosphere alright, but the game itself seems to be a bit poor on the cues as to where you need to go & on getting you to figure out stuff like the alarms. The graphics look nice in some areas, and unpolished in others - looks like a rushjob. I don't think I can really recommend it to anyone at full price from what I've played so far.

Initial thoughts on KillZone:

Game seems to get the atmosphere alright, but the game itself seems to be a bit poor on the cues as to where you need to go & on getting you to figure out stuff like the alarms. The graphics look nice in some areas, and unpolished in others - looks like a rushjob. I don't think I can really recommend it to anyone at full price from what I've played so far.


To add to bahamut's comments...it felt more like CoD than Killzone to me. Alright...CoD with some stealth elements from KZ, to be a little more fair. I couldn't remain vested in the game after about 3 chapters...luckily this was at a friend's place and I've yet to actually buy a PS4 :P

  • 2 weeks later...

Just beat Killzone - what a strange game. Not terribly impressed by it, it got a bit more tedious towards the end. Story-wise, I don't think it immerses you enough. Graphics look stellar at points and meh at others.

I think I can safely say that the launch lineup is full of duds so far. I highly recommend those interested in a PS4 to wait for games worth buying to come out, it's really not worth a purchase currently.

  • 5 weeks later...

If you don't already have Don't Starve on PC, it's free on PS4 for PS+ members now I think. Definitely worth getting, it's a pretty amazing game.

Also coming to PS+ for free... Devil May Cry (WAT?), BioShock Infinite (WAT?), Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (WAT?), and even Worms: Battle Islands on PSP and Vita (WAT?)

In case you didn't notice, the abundance of WAT?! signifies that I am really impressed with this lineup... I know the first 4 games I listed are amazing because I have them on PC. This line-up is AMAAAAZEEBalls

Put extra effort into playing Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.

Posted (edited)

Probably should mention that DmC, BioShock Infinite, and Brothers are free on PS+ on PS3, not PS4 :/

Fantastic deal though if you don't already have these games and have a PS3. PS+ is pretty amazing

Somewhat PS4/PS3 related:

PlayStation Now was officially named/announced. This is the Gaikai based (think OnLive) PS1/2/3 streaming service that was mentioned previously in Sony conferences. This will be available on PS3/Vita/PS4/Bravia TVs, and Smartphones/Tablets.

The Beta starts the end of this month, and I believe for PS4/PS3 first only. They have mentioned that games will be available for a rent model or a subscription model. No word on stand alone price or discounts if you have a PS+ membership. No word on what titles will be available, but they've shown it off at CES with Beyond Two Souls and The Last of Us and God of War: Ascension

I still don't see how any of games are going to be very playable via streaming but I guess we'll see how this turns out.

Edited by Crowbar Man
PlayStation Now was officially named/announced. This is the Gaikai based (think OnLive) PS1/2/3 streaming service that was mentioned previously in Sony conferences. This will be available on PS3/Vita/PS4/Bravia TVs, and Smartphones/Tablets.

The playability/streamability will probably be decent but the graphical fidelity WILL take a hit - i.e., there WILL be compression artifacting, all the worse on a sporadic connection.

The slap in the face here is that they've indicated that the new streaming service won't honor previous digital purchases or physical purchases... so you won't be able to insert your physical PS3 game and have that server as authorization to play the streaming version on your PS4, and if you bought it on PSN previously, that's also not good enough. This to me is just downright insulting, and I'm confused why there isn't greater outrage... perhaps the policy isn't 100% final, but if this is accurate, count me as pissed... I guess if it's a Netflix-style service, and all those games are indeed offered, it's not as big of a deal...

On the positive side, though, BioShock Infinite & DmC for free IS pretty cool...

Posted (edited)

Well, games being rendered / played on a local machine online still have lag issues when the your internet isn't 100%, and sometimes even when it is and the server is having a problem. And that is with complex algorithms to hide lag. Heck, sometimes just a TV with the wrong settings or a wireless controller can make some input/display lag.

This introduces a whole new layer of lag, from input lag, to video lag / quality degradation as you mention, to your own network lag, to server lag, etc. For every game, online or not.

Even if every piece is working 100% I just can't see how there wouldn't be noticeable input lag, but I guess we'll see when the service enters Beta how usable it is. For things that don't require precise timing, like an RPG or something, its probably fine. But get to the scale of a like, a platformer, a twitch FPS, or a fighting game and I just don't see it working.

I don't think they ever hinted that was going to be the case as far as "putting your game in and you can play it on this new service". I think that was mostly fans hoping for something that obviously wouldn't happen :/ But yeah, if you are paying a Netflix style sub then you get all the games either way.

It would be nice if at least the Digital would transfer a license to this service, but here is hoping at least some of those Digital PSN games get ported over to PS4 eventually.

There is no reason the PS1 games shouldn't eventually pop over to PS4 for example, those were all emulated so its only a matter or porting the emu to PS4 which should be trivial. Same for the PS2 PSN games actually, they just need to update the emulator. I just hope instead of simply porting the emu they already have over, they are going to use this crappy Gaikai stuff and call it a day, since we have to pay for it extra anyways :/

PS3 games will need to be fully ported over however so I don't expect many of those, but fl0w at least has. Its a start I guess? It is an option, its up to publisher/devs to take advantage of. But unless its something like an indie game, I think most pub/devs would rather charge for the new PS4 port than give it to you for free, so PlayStation Now is probably going to be the only option on a large scale for PS3 stuff

But... if you keep your PS3 around, and have PS+, you are all set to go.

Whenever PS5 rolls around, I imagine this is the last time we'll have to go through a weird transition or worry about BC. My prediction for PS5: Another x86 based machine, fully BC. Unless it has no BD. :/ or PlayStation Now is their "exit" strategy ..

Edited by Crowbar Man

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