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Super Mario RPG: Window to the Stars - History

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I'm going to try to remix one of the short jingles just so I can convince you of a nice, solid arrangement. I like arranging shorter songs anyways. : D

I'm not really a big fan of any of the tracks that are left ATM, that's the only reason why. If it doesn't end up being acceptable, I'll just submit it to OCR. :P worth trying though.

Edited by urdailywater
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inb4 dramarama :D

no drama, just a dude that needs to keep his preemptive hate to himself and let the artists do what they enjoy. we're not asking anyone to like every genre and/or song on the album, and a little bit of dubstep certainly isn't going to 'ruin' the album, and hopefully we'll still be able to provide a good 30+ tracks that he will enjoy. excuse me for getting a little worked up, but that post was basically a slap to Rockos' face (who IMO, happens to produce some pretty enjoyable, eclectic electro/dubstep). feel free to voice your opinions in the review thread when the album is out, but don't talk shit about songs that literally have not even been created yet.

Edited by halc
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no drama, just a dude that needs to keep his preemptive hate to himself and let the artists do what they enjoy. we're not asking anyone to like every genre and/or song on the album, and a little bit of dubstep certainly isn't going to 'ruin' the album, and hopefully we'll still be able to provide a good 30+ tracks that he will enjoy. excuse me for getting a little worked up, but that post was basically a slap to Rockos' face (who IMO, happens to produce some pretty enjoyable, eclectic electro/dubstep). feel free to voice your opinions in the review thread when the album is out, but don't talk shit about songs that literally have not even been created yet.

I have never seen halc mad before. You done goof'd.

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You mean barbershop with growls?

Seriously, though. It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to make an album in which every track pleases every listener. The options are basically either to go the route of Chrono Symphonic - a consistent style throughout all tracks - so you're appealing to a niche of fans who will dig the whole thing, or let everyone come in and offer whatever they have to the project. Instead of decrying one song you think could have been better, how about we just be thankful that a project gives us at least one song we want to listen to over and over again?

[/topic derailment]

Also, in case you missed the edit, I would love to contribute vocals to any track that's looking for them. My range extends a bit beyond what I've ever had time to record; if you're considering vocals, hit me up, I'll send you some stuff, and then you can tell me it sucks/not what you're looking for/you're gonna find somebody else, and we'll still be cool. But I love this game and this OST and really would love to help out.

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