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Holy shit. What if a piece of the file managed to make it onto the internet and spread far and wide, spreading it's destructive awesomeness onto unsuspecting computers, causing them shut down and never boot again.

What if part of the file found it's way into a congressman's computer and spread throughout the internal infrastructure of congress.

Are WE responsible for the shutdown of the American Government? 8O

As far as I'm concerned, the government is already shut down, and I'm blaming it on Darke. *runs* :<


Well, bummer. There was a major lack of communication within Energy Tank headquarters, and I was under the impression that one of my teammates was taking on the bulk of our track. Wasn't sure until now whether or not anything made it in. For that person looking forward to a song from us, sorry.


Now that everything is in, FWIW, I have a short list of remixes where I really enjoyed the arrangements but the production held them back. Here's the ones I would particularly love to see improved versions of:

  • Space Pirate Attack
  • Funky Moles & Trashy Ducks
  • Lunar Storm
  • Tempestuous
  • In Everlasting Pieces
  • Adventure of a Lifetime
  • We're the Robutts!

I also want to call out Blood of the Concrete Moon as one I'd love to see get some finishing treatment, not because the production wasn't amazing but because that piano solo is just way too long and breaks up the flow too much.

Now that everything is in, FWIW, I have a short list of remixes where I really enjoyed the arrangements but the production held them back. Here's the ones I would particularly love to see improved versions of:

  • Space Pirate Attack
  • Funky Moles & Trashy Ducks
  • Lunar Storm
  • Tempestuous
  • In Everlasting Pieces
  • Adventure of a Lifetime
  • We're the Robutts!

I also want to call out Blood of the Concrete Moon as one I'd love to see get some finishing treatment, not because the production wasn't amazing but because that piano solo is just way too long and breaks up the flow too much.

I see no FDP tracks in your list - many thanks for thinking our productions were already top notch XD

I see no FDP tracks in your list - many thanks for thinking our productions were already top notch XD

They are top notch. This final round song kinda blew my mind. I think you guys are very talented and creative. I just don't understand why you were apologizing last week. Was it supposed to be a 2hour movie? :)))

Anyways, I don't know if we have a last listening party or not, but can I please ask for one last review? Thx

They are top notch. This final round song kinda blew my mind. I think you guys are very talented and creative. I just don't understand why you were apologizing last week. Was it supposed to be a 2hour movie? :)))

Anyways' date=' I don't know if we have a last listening party or not, but can I please ask for one last review? Thx[/quote']

I think you meant "a pack of idiots" ParahSalin'. But thank you for your kind words.

Alas, I was aiming for 20 mins and sadly the full YouTube animation to go with the story was never realised :(

I see no FDP tracks in your list - many thanks for thinking our productions were already top notch XD

Your production is top notch and is bloody hilarious as well, however Darke has made it clear that we should vote based on source usage this week and I'm having real trouble picking out any source at all from your guys' track. Would one of you be able to provide a source breakdown to make things easier?

Posted (edited)

Really? Thought source was really, really clear this week. :/ I'll provide a breakdown shortly.

Edit: ok here it is.

0:00 Public Service Announcement - Credits theme on sax

0:35 Verse 1 - Top Man theme played on lead xylophone

0:59 Verse 1 - Top Man theme plays on double-bass

1:26 We have AIDS? - Splash Woman theme played on strings

1:53 In the year 20XX - Splash Woman theme played on arpeggiator synth

2:06 80's Cartoon Intro - original material

2:21 80's Cartoon Verse - Splash Woman theme part 2 played on arpeggiator synth and bass

2:33 80's Cartoon Outro - original material

2:49 Our Heroes - Top Man theme

2:59 We will fight with rock - Top Man theme on guitars

3:16 Rock Verse - original material

3:43 AIDS, AIDS, Robot AIDS - original material

4:10 Arrgh my ronads! - Commando Man on flute/strings

4:38 Rap Dungeon - Commando Man main bassline, chiptune accompaniment Commando Man main theme

5:19 We need the remedy - Commando Man main bassline, chiptune accompaniment Commando Mam main theme

5:47 You! Wizard! - Commando Man main bassline, chiptune accompaniment Commando Mam main theme

6:21 Piano Pop Verse - original material

7:03 Piano Pop Pre-chorus - Splash Woman theme on lead piano

7:30 Breakin my Balls - original material

7:45 Fight with Wily - Top Man theme

9:15 Wily's revenge - Top Man theme

9:32 Goodbye, Goodbye Mr. Robot Man - Credits theme played on lead acoustic guitar

Edited by Jivemaster
Now that everything is in, FWIW, I have a short list of remixes where I really enjoyed the arrangements but the production held them back. Here's the ones I would particularly love to see improved versions of:

  • ...

  • Funky Moles & Trashy Ducks
  • ...


You sure man? I'm very satisfied with the production on it, and I already subbed it to OCR. I've honestly got no complaints of my own on it, and I was jiving in my room when I finished it. :D

Posted (edited)

I just want to give a quick shout out to all the non-competitors who followed this competition every week and voted. Thanks guys. :)

Also I think I need to make a new rule about voting for the next compo that says to actually write the titles of the tracks and not these trying-to-be-funny approximations some of you guys do sometimes. :whatevaa:

Edited by DarkeSword
You sure man? I'm very satisfied with the production on it, and I already subbed it to OCR. I've honestly got no complaints of my own on it, and I was jiving in my room when I finished it. :D
It's borderline IMHO, and I'm actually still waffling over whether to add it to my permanent collection. We'll see what the judges have to say, but to my admittedly novice ear, some of the lead synths are a little tinny, and some of the mid-range frequencies step on each other in the more complicated sections. I'm glad you're subbing it, my suspicion is that it'll come back with a Resubmit and they'll be able to give you more precise feedback than I can.
Anyways' date=' I don't know if we have a last listening party or not, but can I please ask for one last review? Thx[/quote']I wasn't going to, because this is going to be pretty harsh, but since you asked for it:

The singing is implemented really badly. It's off-beat and the delay effect is really distracting. The recording quality is also poor, and and I hate to say it, but the singing is just not very good--it's off-key, with limited range; the rhythm is off, and he just can't keep up with the faster parts. Also, I needed two listens before I could tell there was English in there.

As for the arrangement, there is once again no integration of sources, they're just played in serial, and in different keys, and that transition at 1:09 is completely out of place. During the singing there often isn't really any accompaniment, just the lead duplicated with a synth. When there is accompaniment it isn't very interesting. And the lead isn't very interesting either, it sounds exactly like the original sources, no rearrangement at all that I can hear.

The instrumentation is overall of very low quality and is poorly balanced, mostly too quiet. The pads and bass (is that supposed to be bass?) are almost inaudible.

I could probably find other things to criticize, but those are the biggies.

Posted (edited)
I submitted it. That was fun!

I'd like to thank everybody for all the help and constructive criticisms.

About our song:

Unfortunately' date=' we lost Zerothemaster in the battle. SilvernixSP and I was debating what to do for the last round. I came up with the song idea and my teammate mentioned doing vocals. First I didn't want it, because English is our second language (or third or fourth), but when I found out SilvernixSP's native language is French (imo the sexiest language on Earth) I encouraged him to do the vocals. That's how our song was born.[/quote']

well, first time for me writting and singing, I'm not really good, but anyway, I can't still believe that I have done it, lol. wonder what review we will get XD

oh, and Parah, you only post the lyric before you done your final change, anyway, I will put them with an english traduction neer them, well enjoy

-Mega Man 6 ending part-

Nous voici à la toute dernière ronde............................Here we are at the last round

Nous n'allons pas perdre notre temps encore moins une seconde................We will not waste our time even one second

Mais y'en a qui se sont défié...................................But they're people who have challenged

À mettre des vocals.............................................To put vocals

Dans nos music remixé...........................................In our music remixed

Alors faisons le nous aussi-si-si...............................So let's us do it to

-Nitro Man part-

L'armé des Metools viens tout juste de s'engagé-é...............The army of Metools have just committed

Le frelon c'est p-etre faite exterminé-é........................The Hornet is maybe exterminated

Nous avons perdu un homme contre le docteur malfaiteur..........We lost one man against the wrongdoer doctor

Mais nous revenons avec une force destructeur...................But we return with a destructive power

-Hornet Man part-

Nous sommes les débutants.......................................We are the beginners

Et nous avons pas froid.........................................And we're not having cold

Car il y à toujours un commencement.............................Because there is always a beginning

Ce fut très instructif..........................................This was very instructive

Et peut-être qu'un autre fois...................................And then maybe next time

On sera beaucoups plus compétitif (ben ouais!)..................We will be alot more competitive (yeah right!)

On va tous vous battre..........................................We will beat you all

Vous avez aucune chance.........................................You have no chance

On va tous vous battre..........................................We will beat you all

Car la victoire est pour nous...................................Because the victory is for us

Quand tu mix du nitro avec un zippo.............................When you mix the nitro with a zippo

Ca va te donné un putain de flambeau............................It will give you a fucking torch

Vous allez que collecter, un vrai chaos.........................You will only collect, a real chaos

Vous allez pas nous éteindre avec de l'eau......................You will not shut us with water

-Heat Man part-

On se cache sous notre casque...................................We hide in our helmet

Vous pouvez pas nous battre.....................................You can not beat us

On peut vraiment tout résisté...................................We can really resisted all

Vous perdez juste votre temps a toujours nous attaqué...........You just waste your time always attacking us

On se cache sous notre casque...................................We hide in our helmet

Vous pouvez pas nous battre.....................................You can not beat us

C'est le début de la fin........................................This is the beginning of the end

Car la victoire est a nous bande de crétins.....................Because victory is ours bunch of morons

Will burn Everything to the ground

That's how I'm gonna beat you down

Faster than a superbike

You're all going to lose, Alright!

This is not going to end well

You will only suffer in hell

We have enough of your shit

and I'm sure that you're going to rage quit

-Hornet Man part-

Nous sommes les débutants.......................................We are the beginners

Et nous avons pas froid.........................................And we're not having cold

Car il y à toujours un commencement.............................Because there is always a beginning

Ce fut très instructif..........................................This was very instructive

Et peut-être qu'un autre fois...................................And then maybe next time

On sera beaucoups plus compétitif (ben ouais!)..................We will be alot more competitive (yeah right!)

-Heat Man part-

Will burn Everything to the ground

That's how I'm gonna beat you down

Faster than a superbike

You're all going to lose, Alright!

This is not going to end well

You will only suffer in hell

We have enough of your shit

and I'm sure that you're going to rage quit

did i said i'm not a good singer, lol, i think i got difficulty saying my english part:tomatoface:

Edit: I can use tabs or space to make my traductions apart from the real lyric on the forum? seriously? put dot as replacement :s

Edited by SilvernixSP
Posted (edited)
It's borderline IMHO, and I'm actually still waffling over whether to add it to my permanent collection. We'll see what the judges have to say, but to my admittedly novice ear, some of the lead synths are a little tinny, and some of the mid-range frequencies step on each other in the more complicated sections. I'm glad you're subbing it, my suspicion is that it'll come back with a Resubmit and they'll be able to give you more precise feedback than I can.

Well, you see, since a good majority of those lead synths were ones I made, it means objectively I like how they sound in the context of this ReMix. I agree that by themselves with the EQ they have externally they might sound a little bit thin, but in context they allow other frequencies such as the C64 arp and the dry signal of the E. Piano to peek through. I personally believe this was my second toughest mixing experience, next to the final round's mixing difficulty, so I of course spent a long time fixing it up until I was satisfied with leaving it as it is now. Because of that, I did in fact run into the observation that some mids were clashing a bit, so I took that into account and scooped the mids on the bass only during that Electro House section, and that should be enough, but we'll see. Honestly, I think this mixing job was better than what I did for "Cloudhopping", a collaboration with Chimpazilla, and apparently "Cloudhopping" was good enough for a DP, so maybe the bar is lower than you think and what I used to think (before I got the email, thinking the mix was going to go through to the judges panel instead of DPing).

Edited by timaeus222
Honestly, I think this mixing job was better than what I did for "Cloudhopping", a collaboration with Chimpazilla, and apparently "Cloudhopping" was good enough for a DP, so maybe the bar is lower than you think and what I used to think (before I got the email, thinking the mix was going to go through to the judges panel instead of DPing).
I personally think the synths in Cloudhopping are quite a bit better, the soundscape more robust, and the percussion and synth elements more dynamic (although I enjoy the arrangement of Moles more). I also think sometimes djp passes things he really likes that might not pass the judges' panel on technical merit. Either way the response will be enlightening. Also congrats, is that your first mixpost?

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