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Before fragmenting and hosting each one of these, I just wanna make sure they will be wanted, desired, loved and cared for! :)


LT: The burden's on you guys for naming them, so please do. Otherwise, nice stuff. Will be using most if not all of these, then let's never speak of them again!









ff4-palomporom.gif (I thought it will be nice to put Palom & Porom together!)




























Phew, I finally did this. You people better love them because I won't be doing them a second time! :D

LT: As a disclaimer, there are actually so many of these types of sprites offered here that I'd think djp would pick the best ones using his own discretion. I don't know for sure, but it's possible. You mind ZIPing these next time for an easy download? If I missed any, it's because there were simply too many on the page.


Ok... finally I get to do one I've wanted for a while. (These are all from the anime series Naruto.)



I personally don't like the edge on that, I'm gonna go back and make more.

I demand more sharingan, though.

EDIT: And byakugan!

EDIT 2: I did another one:

More sharingan:


EDIT 3: Three more! I'm really enjoying this!



Rock Lee:


Sakura - Pissed:


EDIT 4: Added series name and character names.

LT: Yeah, the round things just have bad edges on them, and the second one of those looks like a poor resize. The only anime shot that looks fine is Anbu, even though I don't know what the hell that is or if we'd ultimately take it. Rock Lee doesn't look quite smooth enough, and initially it doesn't look like a 1:1 resize. Looks squished. Sakura needs to be sharper, but I dunno if I'm gonna take that image anyway. Don't really need anything with evil eyes like that. Go for the touchup on the Rock Lee one.


More ones from me! And I'm too lazy to edit again my old post :lol: , so +1 and who cares.

Indiana Jones:


Donald Duck:


Sanae, the hot girl from Capitan Tsubasa:


Great Saiyaman, from Dragon Ball Z:


Ivo "dr. Eggman" Robotnick, from Sonic:


Homer Simpson:


Bender, from Futurama:


A random mushroom from Super Mario:


Old Windows' Logo (nostalgia +1):


"Roguelike" (nemimen's request):


(note: minor edit on a transparency. you may need to reload your cache)

LT: The Super Mushroom look good. Indiana Jones just needs some stray pixels removed. But you gotta refine the overall quality of your avatars. Look at how clean and smooth the resize on your Neko avatar is; almost none of the ones here look as good. If you can get the big Robotnik sprite to not be so dark, we can use that too.

Well, since we got Harrison Ford in here (thx Nineko), we could also use Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson, and Franco Nero. Preferably all in the 60s/70s western-style.




LT: The Nero one isn't a good pic, IMO. Need to be sharper, all of them. The first Bronson one is almost there; sharpen it slightly and brighten it a little. Also, sharpen the 3rd Eastwood slightly and center the picture. Forget the others. Nice work so far, those are gonna look good.




LT: Bronson looks all set. I like how it kind of looks more like a painting than an actual picture. Shift Eastwood's a bit to the right in order to center his face in the picture more, then that's all set. Nice stuff.


LT: Excellent.

Would I be a terrible person to request Robo? I find it odd he was left out of the Chrono Trigger crew (along with Magus, but I take baby steps).

This statement is Joyzillapproved!



LT: Took the Robos, the Magus face, and the running Magus. Very nice.


Some new random ones from me.

Balto.gif Balto

Scrooge.gif Scrooge Mc Duck

Koenma.gif Koenma (from Yu Yu Hakusho)

Taz.gif Taz

Einstein.gif Albert Einstein

LT: Hahahah! Balto! Man, you need to smooth/sharpen these all out. Except for Taz, these images are just not smooth enough. I don't mind cartoon characters but would rather see them in video game form, not pictures. How about Scrooge from DuckTales for the NES or Taz from Taz-Mania for the Genesis? Overall, stick more to video game images. I'm not really gonna add many non-VG images aside from animes, and even then, the anime stuff isn't gonna be huge either. Don't lose focus.


I made 44 Chrono Cross avatars (excluding Harle since nineko already made that one for me), yet I don't want to post them individually here as it would take me forever to upload them and make the appropiate links here. So here is a simple zip archive of them if you want to browse. Point out anything that you think I should fix and I might fix it.

File size: 88 KB


LT: Irene, Lynx & Starky look excellent. The rest are crud, most of them having loads of stray pixels despite the attempt at transparency. Personally, I recommend for most people not to do transparency on non-sprite images. I can understand the attempt at doing so if these pictures all had white backgrounds, but it generally doesn't turn out looking good regardless. Some of the other character pics with no transparency edits just didn't look good unfortunately. If nothing practical can be done about any of the rest of the characters, the three I chose will still make very nice additions, so thank you.

EDIT: Okay, will work on those some more. Ouch, all of them did have white backgrounds. I'll probably have to start from scratch.

If we can make requests in this thread, Nanami from Suikoden 2 could use some love. The Hero, too. Hell, anyone from that game.


give me some good pic, and i'll see what i can do.

@LT: Edit done for Clint and Bronson (check previous post)

LT: Sure.

Well, since we got Harrison Ford in here (thx Nineko), we could also use Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson, and Franco Nero. Preferably all in the 60s/70s western-style.




LT: The Nero one isn't a good pic, IMO. Need to be sharper, all of them. The first Bronson one is almost there; sharpen it slightly and brighten it a little. Also, sharpen the 3rd Eastwood slightly and center the picture. Forget the others. Nice work so far, those are gonna look good.




I love you.

I just hope that they will be added.


EDIT: half life 2:







LT: Nah, forget about those. Lame-looking faces, plus they're all too dark. But thanks for the attempt.

You can't reject avatars because of your personal preferences of character attractiveness, Larry. :P It's because they're white, isn't it? You, as a formerly oppressed "brotha," now feel the need to abuse your newfound power as a judge to stick it to the white man, is that it? Discrimination is still discrimination, Larry! Don't hate on the whiteys! (LT: Kill whitey.)

(But seriously, even though those particular avs aren't too good, we still need some HL2 in the collection. At least a logo or something.)


let's try it again then.


i just notice that my screen show image, very lighten. some of my avatar look more darker on my friend's computer screen. i need to thing about that when making avatar i think :?

LT: Quick breakdown:

Alix: too green, cropped too tightly

Breen: Too dark, should be moved up, cropped too tightly

Calloun: Almost good, but cropped a little too tightly

The lighter Eli Vance: cropped too tightly

Gordon: Cropped too tightly

Kleiner: Too dark, cropped a little too tightly

So yeah, you can see I agree with David in the post below. Don't crop the faces so tightly. Get the full picture of the face and make sure to properly center them; stop cutting out the forehead and/or chin.

ok. sorry. i'll try to fix that.







LT: Man, I hate to say that I think most of the faces are ugly. Alix, Eli, Gordon and Kleiner, I'm just not feeling. Except for Kleiner, they all lacked sharpness, plus they just have ugly faces, sorry. Calloun looks good to use though. Breen is still way too dark. He's the closest anyone will get to an old Sean Connery avatar at this stage.

DLF:no problem. i think i give up on those one. if someone want to try. Good luck


Hey LT, besides mine having loads of stray pixels (which was caused by my save settings in PS), how would you say I should do the backgrounds? Right now I'm trying to clean up the edges and adding a 1px outer black stroke to those that don't show that nicely on a transparent bg. All the source pictures had a white background. :cry:

LT: I wouldn't really know, as I don't know the picture programs well, but you can replace white backgrounds with any color you want, so long as it looks ok and is done easily enough without looking amateur/spotty.


Let's see if I can quote the correct stuff in the correct place...

Amy1.gif Amy

LT: I'll take Amy Rose if you eliminate the stray pixels.

I'm not sure what do you mean as stray pixels. I have two edits about this anyway: Amy2.gifAmy3.gif

LT: Stray pixels are any pixels that mess up a transparency effect. You had some white pixels on the edges on the Amy picture that you didn't make transparent. In any case, the close-up face is way better for the ladies. Nice work.

Super Knuckles:


What's wrong with these? :(

I'm not arguing, for sure. But I find these two pretty funny. And they're ripped sprites, so if they're wrong just tell Sega's artists. Should I recolor them with the non-super colors?

edit: done. See my new post about this.

LT: Pink is lame if it's not for the ladies. I saw the edit with the regular colors, by the way, so I used one of those.

LT: I'm not really gonna add many non-VG images aside from animes, and even then, the anime stuff isn't gonna be huge either. Don't lose focus.



Ok, you're not going to take a lot of anime stuff... but I love these ones... Please... at least one... :P

LT: Nah, the picture choices are lame, plus they're not sharp enough.

Indiana Jones:


LT: Indiana Jones just needs some stray pixels removed.

Again, I'm not sure about that. Anyway: Jones2.gif. Better?

LT: Still a stray white pixel on the right side of his face near his neck. Yep.

Ivo "dr. Eggman" Robotnick, from Sonic:


LT: If you can get the big Robotnik sprite to not be so dark, we can use that too.

What about this?


LT: Eggcellent.

Homer Simpson:



LT: Nope. Get a screen capture and do it with a background, rather than transparent. The quality here isn't sharp enough anyway.

Balto.gif Balto

LT: Hahahah! Balto!

Does this mean he's in or out?

LT: My bad. Yeah, the dog is definitely in. Never saw the movies, BTW. They're probably lame. I just thought that was a really unexpected idea for an avatar.

Taz.gif Taz

LT: Except for Taz, these images are just not smooth enough. [...] How about Taz from Taz-Mania for the Genesis?

Ok, so Taz is smooth, but is he in or out?

LT: Well, the face is cropped too closely. I'd really prefer for most cartoon characters to be game sprites, otherwise we'll get a glut of Disney and Warner Brothers cartoon avatars, which I'm not gonna do. And yeah, in the Genesis game you see him upfront.I hope you know that he's displayed from behind in the video game...


I guess I shouldn't use that pic :P

(later edit: my fault. that pic is from the SNES game)

Scrooge.gif Scrooge Mc Duck

LT: How about Scrooge from DuckTales for the NES?



LT: YES! The first one is exactly what we need. Awesome.



This MUST be in. :lol:

Edit: reworked for sharpness.


LT: Nah, just too bright and looks lame. Try getting a more modern version of Pac-Man.

Thanks for those, bro.
No problem, I like to be useful. :P

edit (more avatars):

Rework on Yusuke:


LT. Nah, forget that one. Image is too shrunken down. You tried to apply more sharpness and it just made it look pixelated. Try some other shot of the guy.

Then, since you like sprites from actual games, a whole bunch of sprites from Sega Master System games! (they are easy to rip)

LT: Thanks a lot for tackling some lesser-known and underappreciated games here. This helps us a lot. djp in particular will probably be happy with Sega Master System love.

Alex Kidd:


LT: Took the first two.



LT: Wow, that can't be Master System graphics, this one looks too good.

Aztec Adventure:


LT: Ick. Gangly looking things, I'll pass on these.

Ghost House:


LT: Took the first two.

Kung Fu Kid:





LT: Cool.

Spy Vs Spy:

SpyVsSpy_Heckel.gif Heckel

SpyVsSpy_Jackel.gif Jackel

LT: Why did the game make their bodies flesh-colored. Makes them look like deformities. Pass on these, but thanks very much for the ones that were solid. You're helping a great deal and I appreciate it.


Not that I'm unhappy with my current, but more Katamari avatars are ALWAYS welcome. *hint hint*

Also, that Poring up there is pretty awesome. If it wasn't for the higher levels of awesome in Katamari, I'd totally use that.


I don't know if you really want this, but I was messing around with an icon editor last night and tried to recreate the OCR logo from memory:ocremix3dp.gif

It didn't look quite right do I did a couple revisions:




Is this worth pursuing? (I can mess with the colo(u)rs some more if you want.)

Edit: Ignore these, look at my third post on the next page.


First up, a resubmission:

Final Fantasy X - Rikku

Old = ffx_rikku.gif

New = ffx_rikku1.gif

LT: Nice fix, bro. Looking good now.

Now the new stuff:


Final Fantasy X - Rikku


LT: Her chin's kind of on the picture border. If you're willing to get the bottom of the face all the way in without sacrificing the resolution quality, that would be good. Don't have to, as I'll use this version if you don't. I could see many female goers using it.

Super Mario Bros. 3 - Fire Flower


LT: Of course.

Sonic CD - Metal Sonic


LT: Too much white/empty space. The croppings chosen aren't really that good either, especially the second one. Forget these. Maybe get an in-game picture of him.


YuYu Hakusho - Botan


LT: Something a bit more expressive from her. Plus her eyes annoy the hell out of me.

s-CRY-ed - Kazuma


LT: Hating on this guy too. Evil eyes or some crud. I'd be up for a different shot of this guy.

s-CRY-ed - Ryuho


LT: A little fuzzy, but the resolution gets the job done.

s-CRY-ed - Cougar

scryed_cougar2.gif -> scryed_cougar2b.gif{A little fixing up on the contrast and brightness compared to the first one)

LT: Yep, good fix. White background is pretty lame, but it's reasonably fine. I'll reluctantly go for it.

s-CRY-ed - Mujo


LT: Another crazy yelling anime face. Pass, sorry.



vgdj.gif - Could probobly be better if made with original of the graphic (so if you want an avatar for this, and this one isn't good enough, bug The Wingless about it :) )

LT: Aight, I'll bug John. Thanks for the idea though, as well as the accepted avatars ones you had here!

I don't know if you really want this, but I was messing around with an icon editor last night and tried to recreate the OCR logo from memory:ocremix3dp.gif

It didn't look quite right do I did a couple revisions:




Is this worth pursuing? (I can mess with the colo(u)rs some more if you want.)

OCREmblemSM.gif ???

I had my old Mario Kart DS emblem lying around. They're supposed to be 32x32, right?


More sprites! (so I made a new post since the old one was already long)

Did I already say that I love Sonic? :wink:

These sprite are from several games (S3&K, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Spinball, ...)

LT: The yellow Super Sonic one you did earlier, the one about to run, can you brighten that one too? It's too dark, now that I look at it again.

Vector1.gif Vector

LT: Too dark.

Amy4.gifAmyH.gif Amy

LT: Took the one with the horn or whatever that is.

Chao.gifCream1.gifCream_Chao.gif Cream and Chao

LT: Took the last two.

Tails1.gifTails2.gifTails3.gifTails4.gif Tails

LT: Just took the last one. Sonic 3 swimming Tails is too dark.

Sonic2GG1.gifSonic99.gifSonic999.gifSonic9999.gifSonic99999.gifSonicS.gifSonicT.gifChibiSonic.gifSonicChaos.gifSonic_running.gifSonic2_running.gif Sonic

LT: Just took the one 3rd from the right, trying to halt his running. Forget the rest.

Spring.gifSpring2.gif Spring (object)

LT: Too dark. Just fix the red spring.

Piranha.gif Piraña (enemy)

LT: Too dark. All your Sega Genesis screen captures/sprites are too dark.

Knuckles4.gifKnuckles5.gifKnuckles6.gifKnuckles7.gifKnucklesT.gif Knuckles

LT: Took the first and last.

Monitor1.gifMonitor2.gifMonitor3.gifMonitor4.gifMonitor5.gifMonitor6.gifMonitor7.gifMonitor8.gifMonitor9.gifMonitorA.gifMonitorB.gifMonitorC.gif Monitor (object)

LT: Too dark. All of them. I'm guessing we'll only use some of them, since there are so many.

NackT.gifNackT2.gif Nack the Weasel

LT: Too dark. Just use the first one.

Enjoy :)

edit: some Dig Dug for Oldschool. note: I couldn't use transparency on these ones because they have white parts on their edges. so I kept a black background, and I added a canvas for the same reason. they're really editable anyway.


LT: Badass. Took the first 4.

edit again: this is K' dash from King of Fighter.


LT: A little too pixelated; some of the edges are really rough.

Thanks for all the hard work here. Once you get the Genesis sprites brighter, we can add most of them.

I don't know if you really want this, but I was messing around with an icon editor last night and tried to recreate the OCR logo from memory:ocremix3dp.gif

It didn't look quite right do I did a couple revisions:




Is this worth pursuing? (I can mess with the colo(u)rs some more if you want.)

OCREmblemSM.gif ???

I had my old Mario Kart DS emblem lying around. They're supposed to be 32x32, right?

Where was that? Well if you don't want them, fine. I didn't see that one so I wanted to try one myself.

Here are some Tyrian ships:




Dragon Head:dragonhead8jt.gif


A couple of sidekicks.



These are from the 2-player game. They're at 47x32px so maybe not.

Dragon Wing:dragonwing4ez.gifdragonwing22wc.gif

Steel Dragon (1P and 2P combined):steeldragon6hn.gif

LT: Took the ones that looked the most obvious like ships (Phoenix, Stalker) or lil' badges (Warfly, Gerund). Gracias.

I don't know if you really want this, but I was messing around with an icon editor last night and tried to recreate the OCR logo from memory:ocremix3dp.gif

It didn't look quite right do I did a couple revisions:




Is this worth pursuing? (I can mess with the colo(u)rs some more if you want.)

OCREmblemSM.gif ???

I had my old Mario Kart DS emblem lying around. They're supposed to be 32x32, right?

Where was that? Well if you don't want them, fine. I didn't see that one so I wanted to try one myself.

Here are some Tyrian ships:




Dragon Head:dragonhead8jt.gif


A couple of sidekicks.



These are from the 2-player game. They're at 47x32px so maybe not.

Dragon Wing:dragonwing4ez.gifdragonwing22wc.gif

Steel Dragon (1P and 2P combined):steeldragon6hn.gif

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, tyrian.

I'll be using one of these if they're accepted.

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