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I wrote that comment because Jens Wulvik had in his list a lo of tools like Ableton Live, Cubase SX and Reason - plus Sonar... before he edited that thread.

HEY, I never said I got Ableton,Cubase and Reason!!!

I got two applications Cakewalk Sonar 5 and Cakewalk Pro audio!! I edited because I by a mistake wrote Cakewalk Pro Audio instead of Sonar, and wrote that it was VST-compatible, which it's not. I paid 7000 Norwegian "Kroner" for Cakewalk Sonar 5.


Not to threat you, but it was really funny that as soon as I posted "I smell warez - so who's honest among us" that you were the only one who "suddenly" edited your post.

I won't imply anything here, this is not my job. But I'm not blind or crazy either. There was more than just "Sonar" standing there. And as someone who paid years for his stuff, I know what the material costs - and this post looked(!) like massive warez usage.

Take it, or leave it...

Not to threat you, but it was really funny that as soon as I posted "I smell warez - so who's honest among us" that you were the only one who "suddenly" edited your post.

...I changed Pro Adio to Sonar, which is a more exzpensive application



-FL Studio 5

-E-MU Patchmix DSP




-T-Racks EQ


-M-Audio Oxygen8 midi controller

-E-MU 1820M soundcard/interface

-Beyerdynamic DT-250-80 monitoring headphones



Sorry, I read it as "what you have" rather than "what you actually use". On top of that, Reason and Live are LE editions that came with other hardware - fully functional in terms of usability and saving, but lacking in the more complicated features.

I won't deny warezing a ton of software, audio and otherwise, but I buy what I can.


*flexes e-peen*


- FLStudio5

- Cubase SX 3

- PatchMix DSP

- lots of VST/DX stuffs


- E-MU 1820M

- Behringer Eurorack mixer

- Mackie 1642 mixer

- Johnson J-Station

- Digitech GSP-5

- Ibanez TB100R Amp

- Behringer GMX212 Amp

- Crate BT220H/BT410 Bass stack

- Roland 100w 1x15 Keyboard amp

- Various smaller studio/practice amps (4)

- Various microphones (~12)

le instruments:

- Epiphone Violin (Hofner Style) Bass

- Epiphone Les Paul Special II Electric Guitar

- Epiphone Generic Strat Electric Guitar

- Epiphone Acoustic Electric Guitar

- Ibanez SR900 Bass

- Ibanez S470 Electric Guitar

- Ibanez Artwood Acoustic/Electric Guitar

- Fender American Strat Electric Guitar

- Squier Affinity Strat Electric Guitar

- Hamer HSH Electric Guitar

- Memphis LP Electric Guitar

- Razor Generic P-Bass Electric Guitar

- Yamaha Classical Guitar

- Several Generic Mandolins

- Unknown Violin

- Hammer Dulcimer

- Korg Triton Workstation

- Concertmate 990 Keyboard/Synth

- Ludwig Console Piano

- Kimball Upright Piano

- PDP 5-Piece Drum Set (w/ new Paiste brass all around)

- Various percussion instruments

probably some stuff i'm forgetting.



Reason 3

Ableton Live 5

Sound Studio


G5 PowerMac

Oxygen 8 MIDI controller

American DJ Q-MX1 Mixer

American DJ PSX CD Player/turntables (x2)

Stanton STR8-30 Turntable


Reason Library

DoruMalai SuperDrums 8000

Big Fish's Electric Ghetto

(sorry to ditch the "Reason 2.5 club," EazyP) :oops:

le instruments:

- Epiphone Violin (Hofner Style) Bass

- Epiphone Les Paul Special II Electric Guitar

- Epiphone Generic Strat Electric Guitar

- Epiphone Acoustic Electric Guitar

- Ibanez SR900 Bass

- Ibanez S470 Electric Guitar

- Ibanez Artwood Acoustic/Electric Guitar

- Fender American Strat Electric Guitar

- Squier Affinity Strat Electric Guitar

- Hamer HSH Electric Guitar

- Memphis LP Electric Guitar

- Razor Generic P-Bass Electric Guitar

- Yamaha Classical Guitar

- Several Generic Mandolins

- Unknown Violin

- Hammer Dulcimer

- Korg Triton Workstation

- Concertmate 990 Keyboard/Synth

- Ludwig Console Piano

- Kimball Upright Piano

- PDP 5-Piece Drum Set (w/ new Paiste brass all around)

- Various percussion instruments

probably some stuff i'm forgetting.

Holy monkey


Well, I'm not an official remixer,,,(yet) but I'll go ahead an throw in my two cents here.


PowerMac Dual 1.8G4

1 gig ram

M-Audio Delta 44 Audio Interface

MIDI Controllers:

M-Audio Radium 61

Behringer BCF-2000


Ableton Live 5.01

Pro Tools M-Powered 7

Software VST's/AU's/Rewire apps

Reason 3.04



Absynth 3

Battery 2

Garritan Personal Orchestra

Recycle 2.1


M-Audio BX8s

Sony MDR 7506s

(I've had Reason since 1.0, which seems like forever ago. If it hadn't been for that program, I would've never been able to embrace midi production like I have)



Reason 3

Logic Pro 7

Audacity, I guess, but Audacity sucks and won't go through my audio interface.

Some AUs that I can't think of because I rarely use them.


Edirol PCR-80

Eurorack UB802

Echo MIA Midi


PowerMac G5 dual 1.8GHz


Well right now I am using FL Studio 5. My friend lent the program to me awhile back and I don't know if he actually gave me it or not. But anyway after I installed it for some reason he took all the info I need to get FL Studio 6. I'll soon ask him for what I want that is if he lets me...


Audio card:

M-Audio Audiophile 2496


Cubase SE


Tascam's GigaStudio

Garritan's Personal Orchestra

Spectrasonics Atmosphere VST

Sound libraries:

Garritan's Orchestral Strings

Some samples from Vienna Orchestral Library

Project SAM Brass and Percussion

Wave editor:


Well right now I am using FL Studio 5. My friend lent the program to me awhile back and I don't know if he actually gave me it or not. But anyway after I installed it for some reason he took all the info I need to get FL Studio 6. I'll soon ask him for what I want that is if he lets me...

Is your friend's name "Torrentspy" by any chance?

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