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Killing Game Show 'Prime Time'

This is the second Killing Game Show mix on the site, and also the second one I get to review. The tune sounds like it’s going to start out slow, but then it picks up the pace. The high speed action of this tune is definitely much better than it’s intro. Around 1:00 there’s another bunch of vocal samples that the mix probably could have done without, but they don’t detract that much. A nice short mix. 3/5

  • 1 year later...

this mix rivals some of my favorite DDR songs -- Naoki’s Dynamite Rave (B4 Za Beat Mix) and Niko’s Night Of Fire, to name a few. and just like a DDR song, it’s a shame this is short. damn teasers. the melody at 1:04 is just what i crave. it’s hard to describe the reason why these songs are appealing. an out-of-body experience, maybe. the tempo’s always one step ahead in your mind before your body reacts to it.. so how about that extended version?

  • 4 weeks later...

'We got a hot one for you' ^_^ this mix is awesome as a techno track, a shame it is to small. I also like DDR and i have to say this is very much like it. The beginning is like an adreneline rush with the slow countdown then once the vocals have kicked in the song takes up a fast techno tempo. The vocal samples i dig completely and the pace of the track is spot on. I disagree with Saunders i think the vocals at 1:00 are brilliant, i love the vocals - 'What time is it?... Its time for The Kiling Game Show!", they are the best vocal samples ive heard on OCR and they give PrimeTime a break of speed in the track which i think is important in one as small as this though speeds up immediatly to add intensity to the beat all the way to the end. This is great i only wish it were longer. Recommended for techno fans :P

  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Fast and frantic, This mix is heavy on the style at the expense of substance, IMO. More a series of arpeggiated chord progressions than a specific melody, with a good deal of sound clips, there's nothing bad about this per se, but it just isn't what i'm looking for in a mix. The synths are all well done and interesting, but I just couldn't get into it.

  • 11 months later...
  • 11 months later...

know this track is short but I think it's great that way. Nothing gets me more pumped than a quick minute and a half of fast rhythm and sharp synths. And I'm not sure what everyone else was talking about, but I think the vocal samples MAKE the track. Good job!

  • 5 weeks later...
The second I read 'this sounds like a DDR track' I couldn't get that out of my thread. I can picture myself trying (and failing) to dance to this one.

Yes, this sounds like every DDR song I've ever heard with some vocal samples in. Well, I haven't heard every DDR song, but what I have heard is very similar to this.

Normally, I'd want the vocal samples in a remix to help create a sense of place/flavor/setting, and they don't really do much for this track.


Honestly, I like the vocal clips used here. They give a really nice highlight to what would otherwise be a quite simple intro. That and the "It's time for the killing game show" was a nice bit of work.

Too bad though that the track was so short. Most of it seemed to be intro, and very little of the real meat, which was showing some real promise. Ah well, still a nice highlight whenever it comes around on my iPod's shuffle setting.

  • 3 months later...

The two tones of this track - the minimal-with-sound-clips sections and the bulk - are both fun, but it's like they're in different worlds. Abruptly changing from one to the other rubs me the wrong way. I'm feeling more power and energy in the former (foreboding, Celebrity Deathmatch-like late-night entertainment) than the latter (sugar-high freestyle). So besides being longer like others have pointed out, I think smoother transitions would help this.

  • 5 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Alexander Prievert's tracks are often quite quirky for me as they tend to take the production setting in a more experimental way. While this does indeed feel safer to that regard, it still has its quirk with the mid-dependant levelling and the use of a quirky source material (right down to taking all the voice clips that were in it).

It's a shame it came by so short, but then again many mixes post-2002 had a tendancy to do that, so for its time it wasn't too bad. It's still another firm side of Prievert on the site, and I hope he makes a return soon if not briefly D:

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00398 - Killing Game Show "Prime Time"

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