djpretzel Posted November 12, 2013 Posted November 12, 2013 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Damashii!! Posted November 12, 2013 Posted November 12, 2013 **CAUTION/WARNING: incoming serious over the top fangasm alert** YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH BOOOOiii!! I've been waiting a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time for this baby to get posted. When I first heard it back in the SZRC I immediately fell in love (and it's a really good thing that I lost early on in the compo, because I probably would've been to discouraged or mesmerized to want to follow up with this ). Super sexy and silky smooth, and I don't even know where to begin with that gorgeous trumpet solo. I could go on and on and on talking about good things for this mix but I'll just leave it at "congrats" to the both of you, and I hope to hear many more things from ya whether it's OCR-related or personal projects as well. Quote
DiGi Valentine Posted November 12, 2013 Posted November 12, 2013 Smoother than melted butter ice on a silk limousine. Love it, Matt. Just love it! Ah man, the Sonic Zone Remix Battle though. We had some good times in that thing, huh? Such a long time ago now ...actually, now that i really think about it, it was that competition that got me speaking to some of you guys in the first place. You, Sir J, Halc, Phonetic Hero. Lol, that competition not only brought out a magnitude of awesome music like this but connected me to some of you on a more personal level ....and then we all skipped merrily off down the road to go and mix up the Sonic CD soundtrack! What a legacy this turned in to, huh XD Anyways, again. Great great track, going to bump this from the playlist for the rest of the evening. Quote
Phonetic Hero Posted November 12, 2013 Posted November 12, 2013 YES, FINALLY!! Congrats man, this is crazy smooth. I love it all, the vibe, the synth work, the solo... very cohesive, great stuff! Ah man, the Sonic Zone Remix Battle though.We had some good times in that thing, huh? Such a long time ago now ...actually, now that i really think about it, it was that competition that got me speaking to some of you guys in the first place. You, Sir J, Halc, Phonetic Hero ....and then we all skipped merrily off down the road to go and mix up the Sonic CD soundtrack! What a legacy this turned in to, huh XD Nuts to think that all of that has happened just in the last year and a half or so. SO pumped for Temporal Duality Quote
SuperiorX Posted November 13, 2013 Posted November 13, 2013 Thanks for the kind words guys! Although this ended up technically not being my first mix-post collaboration on the site, this is my first solo-arrangement mixpost that passed the judges panel, so I'm pretty proud of that. It reminds me how much I've improved since then too, hehe And I still can't get over how Adam did such a good job on that trumpet solo! Ah man, the Sonic Zone Remix Battle though.We had some good times in that thing, huh? Such a long time ago now ...actually, now that i really think about it, it was that competition that got me speaking to some of you guys in the first place. You, Sir J, Halc, Phonetic Hero. Lol, that competition not only brought out a magnitude of awesome music like this but connected me to some of you on a more personal level ....and then we all skipped merrily off down the road to go and mix up the Sonic CD soundtrack! What a legacy this turned in to, huh XD Yeah that is crazy, that compo did pretty much spawn 'Temporal Duality', as well as bring about a lot of friendships! Rexy originally posted the 'generating interest thread' for a Sonic CD album just as the compo was winding down, and then I ended up picking it up and getting it running in October 2012. I ended up recruiting a bunch of you guys and gals from that compo for the album too. And here we are now just about a year later! Sooooooo excited!!!! Quote
C7 Posted November 13, 2013 Posted November 13, 2013 Oh, wow! This was a fun solo to do! It's been so long, I forgot this was in the queue! Great stuff, Matt! Quote
Crulex Posted November 13, 2013 Posted November 13, 2013 Oh man, I love this. So smooth and chill, and it's actually the kind of chill that can let you wind down while tapping your toes. That trumpet was terrific and certainly makes up for anything that could be nitpicked at with this ReMix. Honestly, between the arrangement style being well executed and the way I loved how Lava Reef was used, A+ from me. Quote
Crono3of3time Posted November 16, 2013 Posted November 16, 2013 I probably would have titled this "Cozy Bubble Bath" or "Hot Tub Aquatics". Cause it's all calming and bubbly. The word Pyroclastic made me expect some kind of loud instrument or squealing guitar, as it is generally associated with Explosions of a volcano. Hmm. Quote
SuperiorX Posted November 16, 2013 Posted November 16, 2013 I probably would have titled this "Cozy Bubble Bath" or "Hot Tub Aquatics". Cause it's all calming and bubbly. The word Pyroclastic made me expect some kind of loud instrument or squealing guitar, as it is generally associated with Explosions of a volcano. Hmm. Well, my thinking with the mix title was aimed at making reference to the two zone themes I was remixing: "pyroclastic" makes reference to Lava Reef zone and "tides" to Tidal Tempest zone. The word Pyroclastic is most often associated with a pyroclastic flow, which is a mixture of hot gas and rock that flows down the side of a volcano after an eruption. They also have the ability to cross bodies of water. So yeah it was just my clever way of combining the two zone themes into my title, not so much trying to elicit a certain instrument or sound Quote
Black_Doom Posted November 18, 2013 Posted November 18, 2013 This Remix makes me think about a seashore with a little volcano on it, and the trumpet solo is volcano eruption. Great job, guys! Quote
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