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SZRC - The Sonic Zone Remix Competition 2014 [TheGuitahHeroe wins - complete ZIP available!]

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Sanic > Not Sanic
My finals are starting in the middle of February so I may be able to squeeze in a round or two of this, I expect to go out in the first round anyway :tomatoface:

Well in your defense, you did lose to the eventual compo champion :-D Someone's gotta challenge Amph for his crown! :<

My finals are starting in the middle of February so I may be able to squeeze in a round or two of this, I expect to go out in the first round anyway :tomatoface:
Well in your defense, you did lose to the eventual compo champion :-D Someone's gotta challenge Amph for his crown! :<

I very much expected to lose every round when I heard my opponents mix last time around. Errybody made stellar tracks <3

I aint never seen no dang crown :<

Posted (edited)

From the first post:

For now, this thread is serving to announce that the 2014 compo will begin next month, January 2014, to help build awareness and hype. At this time, DO NOT POST PICKS for the compo: the official recruitment period will begin in mid-January when the competition starts. You can make your picks then.

All righty, here's my picks:

Ethan :cry::tomatoface:

I had just been trying to create awareness/interest in the compo at this point and then open up the recruitment for picks on Jan 12th. Then we'd have a 2 week recruitment window before the compo started mixing on Jan 26th. I also wanted to give people time to come back from the holidays and MAGFest and all that jazz too before getting this thing going (hence the Jan 12th date). I'd appreciate it please if no one else started putting down picks for now until the official recruitment period starts up. Thanks!

Edited by SuperiorX
From the first post:

Ethan :cry::tomatoface:

I had just been trying to create awareness/interest in the compo at this point and then open up the recruitment for picks on Jan 12th. Then we'd have a 2 week recruitment window before the compo started mixing on Jan 26th. I also wanted to give people time to come back from the holidays and MAGFest and all that jazz too before getting this thing going (hence the Jan 12th date). I'd appreciate it please if no one else started putting down picks for now until the official recruitment period starts up. Thanks!

Reading's for squares

I hope someone does Flying Battery Zone or Oil Ocean Zone this time. Can Hidden Palace (Sonic 2) be used?

Awww yeah, especially Oil Ocean. You don't see many remixes of that tune either. I know I personally will be picking a Sonic 2 source. Not gonna say which one at this time though :razz:

In regards to Hidden Palace Zone, good question!... since the zone is an actual real zone now with the Sonic 2 iOS/Android release, then yes it could be picked. However, the

is the same music as the
source, which already could've been chosen anyway. The music a lot of people attribute to Hidden Palace is just an
and really shouldn't be attributed to Hidden Palace zone. From what I've read the Mystic Cave 2P song was originally the song that was supposed to be used for Hidden Palace before it was scrapped anyway. So unfortunately that unused track from Sonic 2 couldn't be used as a pick for this compo, since it is not affiliated with any real zone.
Awww yeah, especially Oil Ocean. You don't see many remixes of that tune either. I know I personally will be picking a Sonic 2 source. Not gonna say which one at this time though :razz:

In regards to Hidden Palace Zone, good question!... since the zone is an actual real zone now with the Sonic 2 iOS/Android release, then yes it could be picked. However, the

is the same music as the
source, which already could've been chosen anyway. The music a lot of people attribute to Hidden Palace is just an
and really shouldn't be attributed to Hidden Palace zone. From what I've read the Mystic Cave 2P song was originally the song that was supposed to be used for Hidden Palace before it was scrapped anyway. So unfortunately that unused track from Sonic 2 couldn't be used as a pick for this compo, since it is not affiliated with any real zone.

Oh. I didn't know that. That was the only reason I asked about Hidden Palace was cause I thought the unused track was for it. Its too bad.

I am busy as hell, but F it. Count me in.

Awww yeeeeah :-D

Just to update everyone: like it says in the first post, I'll open up the official sign-up on the weekend of January 11th. So everyone can begin posting their Top 5 Zone Picks at that time. I'll give everyone the heads-up in this thread too when the time comes. By my unofficial count, it looks like we have about 16 people that have said they are definitely interested and another 10 or so that I know might sign up. So we should be well on our way to getting 32 participants when I official open up the sign-up!

It'd be amazing if someone that has a lot of free time made a list of the zones with links to the themes... Or something like that :-D

Yeeeeeeaaaah... I'm not gonna do that, it'd take waaay too long :razz: You guys can check out the Sonic Wiki page though cause they list all the zones by game, so you can look it up that way. When I open up the sign-up though, I'll keep an up-to-date Google Spreadsheet people can view to see everyone's picks (to make it easy to track and make your own picks) and then when each person's picks are solidified I'll keep a spreadsheet with links to themes so the participants can easily reference each others sources like I did last time.


I feel bad for getting excited for this as I didn't really follow the first sonic zone compo. I sort of just dismissed it thinking it would never be as great as the Mega Man ones. After the compo was over, I downloaded all the entries and find myself really enjoying what everyone created. Then I watched a montage about a wagon full of pancakes. That part was amusing.

So now I am really excited for this compo now as I've grown to appreciate the fine music that the Blue Hedgehog games have produced over the years. I have my fingers crossed for someone picking the Sandopolis act zones and a return of the Aquarium Park as I'm really fond of those tracks.

Cheers for the potential of more excellent mixes!

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