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All three of the songs / write-ups posted so far get the attention of my anti-virus software when I click on them, telling me it's quarantined trojans. Might want to get that looked at.

All three of the songs / write-ups posted so far get the attention of my anti-virus software when I click on them, telling me it's quarantined trojans. Might want to get that looked at.

I looked at the page sources and didn't see anything of that nature. What anti-virus are you using, and what are the trojans called?


VIPRE Antivirus 2013 is what I'm currently using.

Heur.HTML.FakeLiker(v) is what pops up as a Trojan. This could be a glitch on VIPRE's part, but I still thought it was something that needed to be brought to attention, in case anyone else was having similar issues.

VIPRE Antivirus 2013 is what I'm currently using.

Heur.HTML.FakeLiker(v) is what pops up as a Trojan. This could be a glitch on VIPRE's part, but I still thought it was something that needed to be brought to attention, in case anyone else was having similar issues.

Yea, that's a false positive. Google the name of the purported trojan for more info.

VIPRE Antivirus 2013 is what I'm currently using.

Heur.HTML.FakeLiker(v) is what pops up as a Trojan. This could be a glitch on VIPRE's part, but I still thought it was something that needed to be brought to attention, in case anyone else was having similar issues.

Your software just can't credit that anyone would actually like hip-hop. :ducks:

There's some very good stuff on the album! I of course enjoy the epic rap trilogy - the varied backing is great, really a lot of respect for keeping it so varied and alive throughout. Excellent verses, I was laughing out loud at the Snake especially.

Not to scoff on any of the other tracks, but I also especially enjoyed Train Yourself - tight rock/bigbeat groove; S-Tier - a mini-epic, I especially liked the middle portions; Chillin' with the Bros. - it's chill but the harmony is tense, the agressometer doesn't go near red in this track, so it's somewhat understated, but that just adds to the excellentness; Judge, Jury and Executioner has tons of 80s/chiptune goodness.. I appreciate how in the solo section, the backing adjusts when the solo changes mode/scale/theorystuff yeah - sounded good to me; Gathering Clouds of Heaven - superb sound design and very deliberately paced, feels like one huge build up.. definitely getting 90s vibes from this.

That's over half of the material on the album that I immediately enjoy a lot, that's a pretty good hit rate so good work all! :nicework:


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