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but i recently was listening to anamanaguchi's album Endless Fantasy, and it's fantastic. so i listened to dawn metropolis and loved it too.

so, tell me what essential chiptune album you can't live without. i've found some reddit lists but it's particularly long. i'm looking for new stuff to listen to a lot lately since i can listen to music at work.

i've heard a few chiptune/rock mashups that i liked as well, so if you've got suggestions there, that'd be awesome.

Posted (edited)

First off, look into Ubiktune, a chiptune label that consistently releases top-notch chiptune albums from top-of-the-line artists. You should find plenty of material to start from there!

For a particular album, C-jeff's Preschtale would have to be my current go-to. It's fake-bit in that it doesn't adhere to chiptune restrictions, and includes acoustic drums, guitar, and piano at times, but it's certainly quite a ride regardless.

Disasterpeace's soundtrack to Fez is basically heavily-processed chiptune, and it is simply powerful; even more effective if you've ever played the game itself, too.

Jake Kaufman's FX3 and FX4 prog-chip albums are incredible translations of a genre into full chiptune form, complete with all the restrictions involved. The first is simulated NES 2A03 chip; the second is actually an emulated composition written using Famitracker. Both are very authentic-sounding, and show well the depth of composition that can be produced with these machines.

Danimal Cannon and Zef's tag-teamed Parallel Processing is both a compositional and technical marvel. It's a set of compositions written for and played by two Gameboy systems side-by-side, and the sounds that come out of these things are nothing like what you'd ever expect.

SoulEye's PPPPPP (the soundtrack to VVVVVV, obviously) is another fake-bit soundtrack, but it certainly sticks in your eardrums. Such catchy, much grooving. The arrangement album, PPPPPPowerup!, is excellent too; however, that's a separate topic altogether and is distinctly not chiptune.

_ensnare_ (also known as nervous_testpilot, the composer for Frozen Synapse) has released a few fakebit EDM albums, his latest being

. Worth checking out. Edited by Kenogu Labz
Posted (edited)




iimusic.net (Pause Music)

9bitrecords (though seem to be down)

Specific Artists:

virt, coda, Alex Mauer, Animal Style, she, Bit Shifter, RushJet1, Anamanaguchi, Nullsleep, Disasterpeace, little-scale, Monomer, GeckoYamori/lazygecko, PROTODOME

Just a few off the top of my head.

Edited by Crowbar Man

i'm more specifically looking for albums. i should note that while i said chiptune in the thread title, i wouldn't necessarily call anamanaguchi (the band that makes me want to listen to them) solely a chiptune artist. so please don't just suggest guys with gameboys to me =) are there artists that have a similar sound to that? that's what i'm looking for.


cTrix's A for Amiga and George & Jonathan's The Best Music are some stellar albums that I've been listening to lately, and I think The Best Music has a real Anamanaguchi vibe that I think you'll enjoy.

Also check out Kaboom! by I Fight Dragons. Where anamanaguchi has a lot of chiptunes surrounded by some guitar stuff, IFD is more rock/guitar based with some chip flourishes. It's also on my list of top albums of all time.

I'll second Imposter Nostalgia and Motorway by Fearofdark as well.

Posted (edited)

Well, if you haven't already checked out all of Anamanaguchi's, Power Supply and the Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game OST are very good albums.

If you are going for hybridish Chiptunes... I always like C-Jeff's Stuff.

Around Past - C-Jeff <- A good example

or Track 3 of Electric is a journey all in itself:

Electric - Track 3 - C-Jeff

Also since hes in this very thread, go listen to ProtoDome's Bluescreen (or Blueshift/Bluenoise too) if you haven't already. Good stuff :)


Test Subject 2 - Bit Rat <- Anamanaguchish

Quite Operational - Monomer

Tree of Knowledge - Yogurtbox (coda & surasshu)

Just dropping these here, because I've listened to these so many times since they came out. I could post about Chiptunes for days (Its all I listen to outside of VGM OST/Remixes) but I'll stop here.

Edited by Crowbar Man
Well I mostly suggested those compilation albums because you should easily find something similar.

I'd also recommend danimal cannon's Roots and Parallel Processing too.

see, i didn't like danimal cannon's stuff, though, because it sounded like a dude with a gameboy, and while the writing was interesting it got tiresome fast because it's the same couple of sounds being used over and over. i don't like that. i like where people take those sounds and add a ton of other awesome stuff in it. like, anamanaguchi sounds like it's got a full band behind it sometimes, with guitars and drums and singers and stuff. that complexity is awesome, and the chip tones add a lot to it that normal instruments wouldn't.

therex, that IFD album sounds like just my style. i'll check it out when i'm home, along with other stuff in this thread up to this point.

see, i didn't like danimal cannon's stuff, though, because it sounded like a dude with a gameboy, and while the writing was interesting it got tiresome fast because it's the same couple of sounds being used over and over. i don't like that. i like where people take those sounds and add a ton of other awesome stuff in it. like, anamanaguchi sounds like it's got a full band behind it sometimes, with guitars and drums and singers and stuff. that complexity is awesome, and the chip tones add a lot to it that normal instruments wouldn't.

therex, that IFD album sounds like just my style. i'll check it out when i'm home, along with other stuff in this thread up to this point.

I Fight Dragons has a bit less emphasis on Chips as Anamanaguchi, but still sounds a little closer to what you're looking for.

Perhaps also DIB which is the same idea: http://shaelriley.bandcamp.com/


Some bands I'd like to recommend:

* Hadouken!: Kind of like Linkin Park meets electro

* Machinae Supremacy: great people, great music!

* Chipzel: I'm missing the words here

* Superlevel: not the artist but there be mixtapes with great chiptunes

* Trash80: chiptunes at its finest

* Benjamin Briggs: 'nuff said

* Dunderpatrullen

* Nullsleep: it doesn't get any chiptune-er

* Superpowerless: oldschool

Those should do for the next few hours... ;-P

Gonna second this one. It's been out for about a month and it's already one of my favorite albums ever

Keep in mind that it's all tracked on an Amiga too, with 4 channels.

Four. Channels.

Wait you're serious, that album was tracked?

Holy shit fuck whaaat

Wait you're serious, that album was tracked?

Holy shit fuck whaaat

Yep, there's a video on youtube somewhere with cTrix talking about the album. It's a really fun watch, I recommend it

Also on chip albums, I heard this one's not ALL that bad :P

BUT, it does have a couple tracks that lean more toward pure chip, and I know you said you weren't into that side of things

Posted (edited)


tell me what essential chiptune album you can't live without.


please don't just suggest guys with gameboys to me
because it sounded like a dude with a gameboy.
i don't like that.

;_; Your words hurt so much..

haha, probably should change some of your opening posts honestly at this point. The title, and first post seems to want this to be a chiptune suggestion thread, but it quickly changed into "things that just sound like Anamanaguchi" since you don't seem to really like chiptunes themselves per se :/

Edited by Crowbar Man

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