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Idea for a compo about limited tools

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So, I was joking about this in the last meat 'n' potatoes, but would find it quite interesting to give it a try.

The basic idea is: you pick an older, and somewhat exotic, free sound generator or sample bank available to everyone with a VST-ready host.

Then you pick a theme that makes for a relatively large pool of remixable sources. A single possible source would seem too restrictive.

All remixes have to be made exclusively with the chosen synth/samples.

Effects would be fair game, unless specified otherwise (example: a synth might have onboard fx to utilize, which adds to the challenge)

I'll give a random synth example of the more restrictive sort:


A fine little synth specializing in AdLib-like timbres. Pretty usable for anything melodic or basic FM noises, but definitely a hard choice as far as percussion goes. It's possible, but you have to work it.

The whole idea bears some similarity to the Fruity Loops Challenge, except you don't need a specific (commercial) host and the overall scope is more narrow, focusing on a single piece of equipment. Simplifies things in a way, also makes it tougher in another.

The common ground obviously is the exploration of tools you generally don't use, or not utilize that deeply, because you have better and shinier gadgets.

I don't have anything concrete planned as of yet, just checking if this can generate some interest. Compos are hard to launch off and harder to maintain, and i know for sure i'm not the best person for that job. Also, the forums do seem a little slow these days.

But if this spawns atleast some level of interest and curiosity, that might be enough for one or a couple fun editions.

Ait! Thoughts?


This is a cool idea :) I record all of my instruments apart from drums live so, for me at least, it would be a good opportunity to learn about synths and sequencing.

I do rather like the idea of being limited to one tool - could be very interesting.

Perhaps we could also limit the plugins to the basics?


I'd be open to this well. Though I think a bi weekly competition would work best. One week to familiarize ourselves with the synth and one week to remix with it. It would also be pretty cool if a selection of freeware was open to vote on before each round. There's a bunch of stuff out there that I have but never bothered to learn to use.

The only problem I see is a synth not working for people who have older systems. But then again I'm pretty sure I am the only person running a 4GB XP studio PC. :)


Sounds like a good idea. Making it like the current bi-weekly competitions (PRC and MnP) in that the winner chooses the next rounds vst would probably draw more people in; having to choose for themselves can put some people off (myself included).

Would you make this an actual remix competiton or would it be an original compostion? If it's a remix does it have to be an actual remix (like PRC) or would MIDI-rips be allowed (like MnP)? Also, if we're going down the remix route, would the winner choose a source as well as the vst? Or if it's an original piece maybe they could choose a theme instead (like the One Hour Remix compo).

Posted (edited)
Sounds like a good idea. Making it like the current bi-weekly competitions (PRC and MnP) in that the winner chooses the next rounds vst would probably draw more people in; having to choose for themselves can put some people off (myself included).

Oh sure, that is precisely what i meant. Wasn't completely clear i guess.

The fun comes with everyone using the same thing and then comparing what everyone managed to squeeze out of the noisemaker, and how similar or different the results are.

I'd also be prepared to offer some suggestions to the winner or, if he really can't make up his mind, do the picking for him.

Generally, I'd trust in people having some good picks for this from their own VSTi scavenging hunts. But if not, i should have enough backup plans from years of checking out weird freebies myself.

In any case, the gear picks would be of central importance to this thing, so some back and forth in the decision making might be warranted.

Ideally, i imagine a somewhat niche and original plugin/soundbank, not too cookie cutter, not extremely versatile and complex, but no one trick pony either.

Would you make this an actual remix competiton or would it be an original compostion?

Remixes, definitely. But with a theme, or a broader means of restriction.

Sort of like Dwelling of Duels i guess.

Games released in '92, games starring rodents, games featuring Dracula. That sorta thing. Quite open but not free for all.

@Garp: wouldn't worry about performance at all, the focus really is on older obscure gems. If someone picked something recent, i'd make sure it's modest in cpu use.

Also, IF it were to go serial i'd rather go for one per month, 3 weeks music making + 1 week voting.

Therex: yup, soundfont editions would be alright as well.

Using just one plugin or one soundfont per month is the tidiest way conceptually, but in some instances two very niche synths complementing each other, or a soundfont+synth combo might work well. It's all about finding a reasonable degree of restriction to make people tinker with what little they have at their disposal.

If a winner wants to provide a little hand rolled set of samples, that could be cool too (although it would require some basic sampler knowledge from participants)

Jonathan: if by plugins you mean effects...i'd like to limit it, but it seems logistically difficult. Everyone uses different ones, and none are the same. If i were to say 'only delay and chorus allowed'...there are very basic delays, and then there are delay units you can do pretty much anything with, like flanging, phasing and even distortion.

I also don't want to force people to download a basic set of fx plugins that is fair game. Too much hassle.

So my idea is, do it case by case (compo by compo). Soundfont/WAV editions would most definitely have no restrictions regarding FX. (Unless it's a Mega Man soundfont and you specifically want the entries to sound SNES like)

If you were to make, say, a Synth1 edition, external fx might as well be off limits, because Synth1 has a very capable fx section. It makes the synth what it is.

In summary: it is a remix compo, but the star of each round is really the piece of gear you have to use. This requires good choices first and foremost, and possibly some fine tuning of the rules each round.

Edit: o yeah, regarding midi rips, dunno if i'd disqualify them, but definitely not encouraged. The concept is: do as much as possible with very limited resources, and once you've done what you possibly can with the sound design, the only way to make it better is through the arrangement. It's all for fun, but also should be a challenge.

Edited by Nase
The only problem I see is a synth not working for people who have older systems. But then again I'm pretty sure I am the only person running a 4GB XP studio PC. :)
I was until a couple months ago. Last time I had upgraded it was to play Fable, and that was just the video card.

I think one restriction per round is enough, I.e. one vst or soundfont. Restricting the theme or source in addition seems unnecessary, and too similar to existing compos. A super-broad theme might be OK, but DoD ranges from broad (Japan) to narrow (TMNT). Although their re-remix theme would be pretty cool for this.

I also think the winner should choose the next round's instrument, and I don't think it necessarily has to be a super-obscure one. It probably shouldn't be Synth1 or FluidR3, but choosing 'Bleep or setzerspc seems reasonable enough.

Posted (edited)

I think one restriction per round is enough, I.e. one vst or soundfont. Restricting the theme or source in addition seems unnecessary, and too similar to existing compos. A super-broad theme might be OK, but DoD ranges from broad (Japan) to narrow (TMNT). Although their re-remix theme would be pretty cool for this.

I also think the winner should choose the next round's instrument, and I don't think it necessarily has to be a super-obscure one. It probably shouldn't be Synth1 or FluidR3, but choosing 'Bleep or setzerspc seems reasonable enough.

Broad themes are generally better than no themes at all i find. The three random examples i listed each allow for hundreds/thousands of possible source tunes.

Personally, i prefer a vague reference point to narrow the picking down for you. I find FFA's demotivating unless i got a remix idea burning under my nails.

Like you said, the general idea is to go super broad. But i wouldn't rule out anything. If the idea is hilarious enough (maek Barbie remiks with UltraWobbleStep 3000)...it might be alright ;P

You're reading too much into the obscure part. It's cool if no one knows the plugin, but no requirement.

I actually consider Synth1 a passable choice. Not very creative or tough, but remember, JUST Synth1 in that case. If you wanted to make something great, you'd have to make excellent use of the onboard fx, and it ain't the best drum synth either.

Edited by Nase

Soundfont sounds best. I thought it would be fun to try making music using a single wav file that is manipulated via various sources. But I think originals might be easier , since there's no active originals compo, plus it's easier to just improvise and go with the flow

I thought it would be fun to try making music using a single wav file that is manipulated via various sources.

That would be a compo for granular synthesis buffs, basically. Definitely fun, but also very hardcore and very niche.

I do hear ya on the lack of original compos, i miss that too. However, those simply work best with a mood/imagery or story based theme.

Sadly, that cannot be the scope here. I wouldn't count out an original month though.

That would be a compo for granular synthesis buffs, basically. Definitely fun, but also very hardcore and very niche.

I do hear ya on the lack of original compos, i miss that too. However, those simply work best with a mood/imagery or story based theme.

Sadly, that cannot be the scope here. I wouldn't count out an original month though.

We could do some sort of 1-time 'ressurection' event for the original compo...it might be that it'll generate enough interest to get it rolling again. Either that or we just dust it off for an annual or bi-annual event ;)

Well I meant more just that you could use samplers to manipulate the sounds .

Well, if a winner chooses a couple WAV files, you have to do that, to a degree. You'd want to have things like ADSR envelopes, LFO for vibrato, loop points to construct sustained instruments...

Even using a soundfont will require a SF player, and those come with some typical sampler features.

But you know, there are simple sample players and then there are sample-based resynthesis monsters or complex granulizers, tools that can twist samples so hard it matters less and less what you feed them.

That stuff is cool, but might detract from the initial 'one thing' idea.

This is part of why i would prefer people to stick with synth choices for the first rounds. It's more clear cut.

Btw, i got an idea for a name: OPRA - One Plugin to Rule them All

If you have a better one i'm all ears.

Thx for the interest so far!


Happy to hear you like it.

In case you're reading the thread and could see yourself joining a compo of this type, feel free to confirm it with a quick post.

Input on the details is very welcome of course, but all i really need is like 50 curious people, which might result in 5 mixes or so.

Need dat critical mass! :)

Happy to hear you like it.

In case you're reading the thread and could see yourself joining a compo of this type, feel free to confirm it with a quick post.

Input on the details is very welcome of course, but all i really need is like 50 curious people, which might result in 5 mixes or so.

Need dat critical mass! :)

I'm already sold, but I guess you already knew that I would

Nevertheless you can +1 that list :tomatoface:


been toying around with single synth projects a bit, and i now have a likely candidate for the hypothetical round 1.

it's actually a combination of one VSTi sans fx and one VST effect.

i like this sort of combo, it doesn't really break the 'one thing' paradigm (being one of each), plus it makes everyone use the same fx with just one additional download required.

quick electro cheese demo:


it also became obvious that two effect types should always be allowed,


- EQ

- Dynamics tools (read: compressors, limiters. expanders and gates should be ok as well but i doubt many people use them much)

- on the fence about reverb, i'd probably allow it unless the synth features its own reverb or a delay unit that can produce reverb-like echo.

all this pertains to synth editions. with soundfonts, FX use would likely be free for all.

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