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I've even noticed that I've watched the trailer at least once a day since it came out. The same goes for Nobuo's theme.

Hopefully, this doesn't drive me insane.


You too, huh?


Yeah, I've been excited about games before, but never like this. I've even noticed that I've watched the trailer at least once a day since it came out. The same goes for Nobuo's theme.

Hopefully, this doesn't drive me insane.

My thoughts and actions exactly.


I've heard rumors (rumors being the operative word here) that Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles will all be involved. (Like I said, RUMOR)

I've never understood why people like Sonic so much. It seems to me that you can beat all of his 2D games just by holding right on the control pad.

Now you go ahead and try that.

You won't get past level 1.

(Plus you could claim the same thing about Mario,s 2-d games.)


Obviously I wasn't being literal, but most stages you can breeze through just by running to the right and jumping over a few obstacles. And if you get hit you just scramble to pick up one of your rings while you're briefly immune.

I wouldn't say it's the same for Mario's 2D games. When you get hit, you lose your powerup and depending on what that powerup was, one more hit will kill you.

Obviously I wasn't being literal, but most stages you can breeze through just by running to the right and jumping over a few obstacles. And if you get hit you just scramble to pick up one of your rings while you're briefly immune.

I wouldn't say it's the same for Mario's 2D games. When you get hit, you lose your powerup and depending on what that powerup was, one more hit will kill you.

But it's about the speed, the music, the rush of going at high speeds like no 2D game ever allowed before. The whole level design is pure genius. Not like I can say that for the latter Sonics...

I just put SSBM back in my cube and I realised I was missing the last set of trophies from All-Star mode.

It's been a while though and I put it on very easy.

So much fun.

Yeah it is. Just been polishing up my Ganondorf skills with my brother. Well... On my brother. He's all like: "OMG LINK IS TEH PERFECT 2 BEAT GANONDURF!"

"Uhh... no it's not. Here let me show you."


I win. Rematch. I win. No items. I win. 3 different stages. I win. I gotta get my friends over...

But it's about the speed, the music, the rush of going at high speeds like no 2D game ever allowed before. The whole level design is pure genius. Not like I can say that for the latter Sonics...

The problem I have with it is that while you're using that speed, you skip a large portion of the stage. Yes, you could explore the whole thing, but why? Sonic doesn't move very fast if you do that...


The problem I have with it is that while you're using that speed, you skip a large portion of the stage. Yes, you could explore the whole thing, but why? Sonic doesn't move very fast if you do that...

There really was a bit of an exploration and skill factor to the orignal sonic games. I'd even hazzard to say there was more to the Sonic levels then to the Mario ones because there are so many different paths you can take through them, wereas mario is just puttering from start to finish and jumping on the enemies.

They aren't really much different to me gameplay wise, only you have to have slightly better reflexes and control in a sonic game to not die.

For the record, everytime you get hit by something your rings fly further away and don't stick around as long, so if you're really crappy at a sonic game and get hit alot eventualy you'll be trying to hold onto that one last ring or else die.

But this is a smash bros thread...so

I personaly do hope to see atleast sonic knuckles and tails in the games, it's be cool to pit the mario and sonic franchise against each other. That and I'm a bit of a sonic fangirl.


Good luck getting Square characters in a nintendo game.

Because last time I checked Squeenix didn't want to honor Nintendo with licensing out any of their characters; plus Square's a third-party developer anyway and up to now all the characters have been from first party (nintendo directly) or a second party development house (creatures, for example).


I know that it's doubtful, but I would still like to see it.

....hmm....I wasn't aware that...err KONAMI (it could of happened to anybody)... was a second party developer (Solid Snake)....

I know that it's doubtful, but I would still like to see it.

....hmm....I wasn't aware that Capcom was a second party developer (Solid Snake)....

Konami ?

So, I've always to play a SSB game with SoM, Chrono, FF (6,etc) characters ...

Maybe one day Square will do the big one, but if it's like Jump Super Stars, it would be less interesting than the true Smash Bros :P

However, I'm ready for that kind of piece of museum !


Why does everybody want Square characters in the game so badly?

If you want to play around with Cloud in a fighting game, go pick up Ergheiz or something. It would be cool, but its nothing to drool over. I hope Nintendo just puts most of the Nintendo people in first before adding others.


I reiterate that we won't likely be seeing any square characters, so stop speculating on them already. Instead think about what other second party chars (and for the record Konami is a third party but they have given Nintendo permission to use Solid snake, thus his appearance in the trailer) will be appearing.


Err... I wanted to say a SSB-"like" game, sorry. Mistake.

Because I'm thinking about that even before Smahs Bros 64 existed :P

(that was a dream when I played on my SNES ^^)


If anything, Nintendo just HAS to put Reggie in the game. That would be so awesome if they did that for fun.

But if Nintendo was to add more characters from third-party people, I would think Viewtiful Joe would be a good choice, seeing how it was a better seller on the GC instead of the PS2.


Capcom...Konami...same thing. Ok, so I just failed at life and mixed up two high-profile developers. I'll go kill myself to make up for it.

Here is a new suggestion: Jesus Christ.

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