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These aren't "Lesser known" but I recommend all of the following:

Club House Games

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin


Final Fantasy III DS

Kirby Canvas Curse

Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

Mario Hoops 3 on 3

Mario Kart DS

MegaMan Battle Network 5

Mega Man ZX


Metroid Prime Hunters

New Super Mario Bros.


Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Tetris DS

WarioWare: Touched!

I guess now that I'm keeping track of all the games I've played and whether I liked em, I can pull out lists like this. Nifty.

Yeah, those are all pretty well known and I own about half of them already, but I didn't know there was a MegaMan Battle Network game for the DS! I loved the ones for the GBA so I'll definitely check it out. I bet it would make the battles pretty slick using the stylus the move, etc.

And agreed on the Metroid game... I played for a total of like 15 minutes when I got it and got incredibly bored. Never even tried multiplayer, but disconnects and assholes already made games like Mario Kart pretty terrible so I figured it would be the same. I guess if you were playing with a group of people you know it would be cool. I think the best online games for the DS so far are Animal Crossing and Tetris DS.

Yeah, those are all pretty well known and I own about half of them already, but I didn't know there was a MegaMan Battle Network game for the DS! I loved the ones for the GBA so I'll definitely check it out. I bet it would make the battles pretty slick using the stylus the move, etc.

BN5DTDS is pretty much just a remake of BN5 with both versions in one cart(And you can pick which one you play, with two saves). There's no real gameplay additions, and the stylus tends to be used in a somewhat gimmicky way(For the NaviCust for example, as well as chip/folder management and menu navigation) Still, worth checking out if you haven't played BN5 yet, especially for the turn-based strategy stuff. There's a few added voice samples that are pretty decent, as well as maps for all areas, and compatibility with the older BN titles for alternate battle music and stuff.


Concerning metroid, the multiplayer is where it's at - and it really only hits the sweet spot when you have a group of friends (ClanOCR in my case) to play it with. If you want a great single player metroid, MP:H is not what you're looking for. But friend matches online rock. We need to do them more often.

And Bahamut: I challenge you to produce a better list than mine!


Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (not as good as Portrait but still solid)

Mega Man ZX

Mario Kart DS

Elite Beat Agents

Meteos (if you find it for cheap)

Tetris DS (if you find it for cheaper)

Clubhouse games (if you find it for cheaper)

Diddy Kong Racing (at first it starts off bad but it gets better)

So pretty much a subset of your list. The other games, I can't really recommend, mostly due to not being worth a buy or much of a play unless you're really strapped for games to play, or a few I haven't got around to playing (i.e. Kirby Canvas Curse and Phoenix Wright).


Apparently, my older sister got a DS lite for her birthday. She got NSMB with it. Even she said it was easy and for her, that's saying a lot. She stopped playing video games back in the NES era, more or less, but plays those flash games online every once in a while. It's kind of cool though, knowing someone else has a DS lite that's close by. Let the multiplayer goodness begin!

NSMB has fun mini-games but it gets a bit boring after you play stage after stage. I also find that the 'shuffle' feature isn't as random as I would like it to be. Card games are selected a bit too often if you ask me.

I am contemplating on either getting Tetris, or Mario Kart. Those seem like staple games I should have in my library. That and my sister has a 50 dollar gift card to Best Buy. It would have been better if it were at Gamestop or some place where it sells used games though.

Oh yeah, does anyone own Super Princess Peach? It might seem random, but I want to know how it is as a whole. I played a demo of it and it wasn't bad. It was kind of like your normal platformer, but I want to know how the difficulty progresses throughout the game. My sister doesn't like hard games like I do.

(But if she got it, I would play it.)


I hear Super Princess Peach is even easier than New Super Mario Bros. I haven't tried it yet for this reason.

Also, half the fun in NSMB is the multiplayer, and I'm talking mostly about the star battles, not the minigames

If I had to pick between Mario Kart DS and Tetris DS, I'd pick MKDS - Both the single player and the multiplayer kept me entertained longer. As with metroid, though, (This actually applies to all the online games) local and friend matches will keep you entertained much more than random internet matches.


Yeah, Super Princess Peach was one of the first games I got for the DS and I was really dissapointed. I quit playing it after a few worlds, so maybe the later levels are more interesting, but to say it's an easy game is an understatement. You pretty much just walk around and find the three toadpeople in each level. It's like playing a Kirby game that is even easier, and with fewer skills. I would definitely avoid it if you are looking for a challenging Nintendo platformer. Seems those died out with the SNES.

Wish I would have bought the flashcart sooner! Now I can check out games like SPP before I waste the money on them.

oh come on now :[

Yeah, I really appreciate you sending it though! But I just didn't get into it. Maybe I should try out the multiplayer? From what I hear here the single player game was pretty boring compared to the online play. Is Clan OCR still active?

Yeah, I really appreciate you sending it though! But I just didn't get into it. Maybe I should try out the multiplayer? From what I hear here the single player game was pretty boring compared to the online play. Is Clan OCR still active?

yes we are we kinda all talk in a skpype chat. I would seriously love to start playing Prime: Hunters with you peeps again.

Yeah, Super Princess Peach was one of the first games I got for the DS and I was really dissapointed. I quit playing it after a few worlds, so maybe the later levels are more interesting, but to say it's an easy game is an understatement. You pretty much just walk around and find the three toadpeople in each level. It's like playing a Kirby game that is even easier, and with fewer skills. I would definitely avoid it if you are looking for a challenging Nintendo platformer. Seems those died out with the SNES.

Wish I would have bought the flashcart sooner! Now I can check out games like SPP before I waste the money on them.


Now I'm going to go play my DKC2 rom.


Wow. I don't know if any of you care a lick about sales data, but I find this absolutely astonishing:

I was just reading last week's hardware sales data from Japan, and the DS has almost outsold the GBA there. Next week it will certainly overtake it.

6,582,991(DSPhat) + 8,690,758(DSLite) = 15,273,749

8,823,554(GBA) + 5,927,930(GBSP) + 571,128(GBM) = 15,322,612


Wow. I don't know if any of you care a lick about sales data, but I find this absolutely astonishing:

I was just reading last week's hardware sales data from Japan, and the DS has almost outsold the GBA there. Next week it will certainly overtake it.

6,582,991(DSPhat) + 8,690,758(DSLite) = 15,273,749

8,823,554(GBA) + 5,927,930(GBSP) + 571,128(GBM) = 15,322,612


I don't find it too surprising. First of all, the DS is insanely popular here. They don't stay on the shelves for more than a day and sell on auction for $200 or so. Not only do most little kids and gamers own it, but it's popular with people who don't normally play games. It's become a bit of a fashion accessory for girls since the lite is so cute. I went out to eat with a few of my friends and THREE of the girls bought DS lites that day. It was funny seeing them all playing games and talking into the DS's mic all through dinner. My girlfriend's snobby super fashionable little sister bought one as well. One of my coworkers, who is a 50+ year old women, bought one to study English. I just got one for my GF since she wants one to study English too. Plus the gap between the regular DS and the DS lite is enough for a lot of people to buy the system twice. I know I did, and I know several other people who did as well. Whereas with the original GBA and all of it's incarnations, if you had one of them it was pretty much good enough unless you are a maniac.

For those interested, Children of Mana @ Amazon.com for $15 today for the Deal of the Day!


(Note: The link is to give due to CAG for reporting it, it links to the right page though)

well i just ordered it... seems like estimated delivery march 5th. I ordered lunar knights and that Izuna game too, Just impulse i suppose. They were both 29.99 each which is actually cheaper than the EBstops around here, usually everything is 34.99 unless you go to walmart/target/toys r us. So i suppose it's a little on sale (or i keep telling myself that to justify the purchase ^_^)

well i just ordered it... seems like estimated delivery march 5th. I ordered lunar knights and that Izuna game too, Just impulse i suppose. They were both 29.99 each which is actually cheaper than the EBstops around here, usually everything is 34.99 unless you go to walmart/target/toys r us. So i suppose it's a little on sale (or i keep telling myself that to justify the purchase ^_^)

You missed out on the $15 Children of Mana by a little more than 2 hours - it was part of the Amazon.com video game deal of the day.

You missed out on the $15 Children of Mana by a little more than 2 hours - it was part of the Amazon.com video game deal of the day.

I missed it as well. =(

If I heard about this earlier (or if the deal lasted longer), I would have ordered this and a PC gamepad for myself. >_<

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