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Picked up a DSi this weekend, as well as Rhythm Heaven, and also downloaded WarioWare: Snapped.

DSi is really nice - the more Wii-like UI is better IMO, pressing the power button to return to the system menu is really handy, and the cameras work pretty well for what they are. The slightly bigger, brighter screens are nice as well. That black matte finish is an improvement as well. No complaints from the upgrade from the DS Lite.

Rhythm Heaven just gets more awesome the more I play it...I think if somebody liked Elite Beat Agents and/or WarioWare, they'd enjoy that game.

WarioWare: Snapped is...akward. The camera doesn't always seem to work right when doing the initial calibration and is just way too slow between each microgame when you have to position yourself to start the next one, yet no problems during any of the microgames. It's fun, but it's no longer fast-paced like the rest of the series is and is also extremely short. I think the best part, though, is after each "roller coaster," where it shows you the pictures of yourself as you played the microgames, since the pics tend to look pretty funny.

Looking forward to more worthwhile DSiWare games to come out (my reason for buying DSi in the first place), and really hoping they extend the VC to DSi - it'd be really great to transfer VC games from the Wii to play on the go or be able to download GBA games, though who knows if that's gonna happen.


I got a DSi too, but I can't get it to connect to my internet. For some reason, it won't accept the password (According to Support.Nintendo), even though the same password works with my DSlite. I've gotta wait until sunday when my family gets back from florida to change the password and see if that works. :(


DSi is really nice - the more Wii-like UI is better IMO, pressing the power button to return to the system menu is really handy…

Oh definitely. Probably the best feature besides the redone menu/entire system.

It's great when playing a game during the day and saving to go to the menu and brightening the screen as the day goes into the evening and resuming your game.

Especially when playing Pokemon Platinum.

Blue DSi FTW!

Beautiful color.

I got a DSi too, but I can't get it to connect to my internet. For some reason, it won't accept the password (According to Support.Nintendo), even though the same password works with my DSlite. I've gotta wait until sunday when my family gets back from florida to change the password and see if that works. :(

What kinda router do you have? Linksys WRT51G perhaps? I actually had the prob you're describing with that router, and ended up getting a Linksys wireless N router for my b-day the next day, and now it works perfectly (my old router was dying about once a day lately, so it was time for a change regardless). I tried various things with the old router to get it to work (disable WEP, etc) and still nothing...about the only thing I didn't try was a hard reset to restore the factory settings, which might be a good thing to try if your router keeps giving you trouble.

Man, looks like I missed the deal you were talking about, Bigfoot. Oh well, hopefully I'll see it for cheap again at some point...it had pretty positive reviews.

What kinda router do you have? Linksys WRT51G perhaps? I actually had the prob you're describing with that router, and ended up getting a Linksys wireless N router for my b-day the next day, and now it works perfectly (my old router was dying about once a day lately, so it was time for a change regardless). I tried various things with the old router to get it to work (disable WEP, etc) and still nothing...about the only thing I didn't try was a hard reset to restore the factory settings, which might be a good thing to try if your router keeps giving you trouble.

Yeah, see, I have no idea what model it is. we got it from Telus, and I can't find any model name on it or the box, and I can't find the manual. If we CAN get a new router that works with the plan we've got going with telus, that would be awesome.


I played a demo of Rhythm Heaven the other day, and I have some concerns. Maybe some people who have played the full version can assist:

I noticed that there wasn't much feedback. No scoring, no "300" or anything. At the end of the stage, I got an "just OK" despite only missing one thing. The first time I tried, I missed like 6 things and got a "just OK."

Does the full version have more feedback? High scores? Other types of replay value?

I loved Elite Beat Agents, but I am so far disappointed in RH so far, but again, it was just a demo. Anyone care to give more detailed analysis?


I picked up a DSi yesterday on a complete whim. I was utterly against it in principle but had owned a Fat and a Lite. I traded in my Lite for $70 at gamestop and 5 DS games and pretty much got the system for free. I picked up the blue one along with DQ5. I downloaded brain training off the DSI ware store for free since I have never done brain training. I'm pretty impressed with the revision. Also I was disapointed in DQ5's graphics until I noticed you can rotate the camera.

I played a demo of Rhythm Heaven the other day, and I have some concerns. Maybe some people who have played the full version can assist:

I noticed that there wasn't much feedback. No scoring, no "300" or anything. At the end of the stage, I got an "just OK" despite only missing one thing. The first time I tried, I missed like 6 things and got a "just OK."

Does the full version have more feedback? High scores? Other types of replay value?

I loved Elite Beat Agents, but I am so far disappointed in RH so far, but again, it was just a demo. Anyone care to give more detailed analysis?

If it's anything like the GBA game, the characters will give you visual feedback telling you how close you were to the beat. E.g. if you did it right they will smile, if you barely made it they'll look at you funny, and if you totally screwed up they'll fall down or something.

I played a demo of Rhythm Heaven the other day, and I have some concerns. Maybe some people who have played the full version can assist:

I noticed that there wasn't much feedback. No scoring, no "300" or anything. At the end of the stage, I got an "just OK" despite only missing one thing. The first time I tried, I missed like 6 things and got a "just OK."

Does the full version have more feedback? High scores? Other types of replay value?

I loved Elite Beat Agents, but I am so far disappointed in RH so far, but again, it was just a demo. Anyone care to give more detailed analysis?

There's no score or anything, but besides your result (I've seen "try again" "just ok" [the biggest range, btw] and whatever the best one is..."superb" or something), the feedback at the end they give you hints at where you did well...not particularly useful. Like Dhsu said, though, during the level itself it gives you some feedback as to how you're doing (the first level is pretty binary so it's not so applicable with that, but is with the rest as far as I've played). The demo is pretty indicative of the game, so if you didn't like that you prob won't like the full version.


Hi guys, there's a little question :

I've got a European DSi so the power supply shows PRI. : 230V~50Hz, and I travel to Canada for two weeks.

Do you think I can plug it in 110 V and it'll work ?

For my PSP, it's written "AC 100-240V", but for the DSi there is only "230V".

Of course it's lower in Canada than on my french island (240) so there's no risk but I hope it'll work ^^


Well, it doesn't matter too much because unless Canadian outlets are shaped the same as European ones I don't think you'll be able to plug anything in.

I know in the US our plugs have flat prongs, but Europe has round ones doesn't it? It's been a really long time since I was there, and all I remember is having to use transformers for everything to work!

So you might want to get an adapter.

I also asked one of my friends that actually knows all that electrical mumbo jumbo, and he says that it probably won't work even if you can plug it into the wall without a way to boost the voltage or something to that effect.


Here in Canada we've got the 2 flat prongs as well. You'll need an adaptor for sure, but whether or not you'll need a converter is something to check out at your local electronics store. If I remember correctly, Europe has a much higher energy output, so I had to buy a converter that would lower that output so it wouldn't fry my computer. I'm sure you can buy one that would do the opposite.


GET A CONVERTER. If you get just an adapter, you might be able to charge your DSi, but you'll do permanent damage to your battery, significantly reducing its battery life per charge.

If it doesn't charge, you run the risk of bricking your brand-new system.

Also, US and Canada have the same type of power, so if it says that it'll work in the US, it'll work in Canada.


I'm super paranoid to ask but is the hinge on the DSi a bit looser than the DSlite? Mine certainly is and so was the other unit I tried to exchange it with.


If anything that's a good thing.

Because the DS Lite was stiff and was more likely to break.

The fact that the hinge doesn't make that snappy sound when you open it all the way means they probably sorta fixed that problem.

That's what I think.


Thank you very much for all those answers!!!

I already got an adaptor for flat prongs, I am French-Canadian so I'm used with the two systems :).

But this is the first time I have this problem so I prefer ask for some help.

So I found the answer : an old phat DS with a "Dragon" power supply compatible for GBA/DS, as I did last year. It has 100~230 on it.

And yes, as I see in some posts, it seems that only 230V power supply can become too harm so I won't take it.

So bye people !

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