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Another Animal Crossing question...is it normal for the past few days there have been no fossils or even cracks in the ground to dig up? Everyone else I know who plays is having the same problem, but I'm wondering why it's happening.

Happening to me too. I haven't dug anything up in a while.

Another Animal Crossing question...is it normal for the past few days there have been no fossils or even cracks in the ground to dig up? Everyone else I know who plays is having the same problem, but I'm wondering why it's happening.

Happening to me too. I haven't dug anything up in a while.

This is usually caused by you missing the cracks. Obviously, if they aren't dug up, new ones don't appear.

My friend was having the same problem until I dug up two fossils hidden behind trees and buildings. Then it worked as per normal. Who knows why I was able to spot them when he wasn't. 8O

Offtopic once again. I think Lunar's pretty awesome, but I'm blown away by Hunters.

No really, I'm exceptionally impressed by it.

No, I don't care if it's old news.

Lunar IS awesome. Lunar Dragon Song is fucking awful, though. Biggest disappointment of all time.


I'm enjoying it though. Plus, I got it cheap. I get all my games cheap. Because I'm a tightfisted bastard, who only buys when it's on special and pre-owned.

I cannot stress enough how much you need to play each of the other Lunar games.

Lunar 2 is an exercise in an RPG's tediousness. I had very mixed feelings about the game - loved the OST, and the story was intriguing, but the combat...holy shit was it shitty.

Just thought I'd tell everyone here, in case they didn't nkow already, that EBGames is having a preorder special for Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, you get a free 25th Anniversary set that includes a Soundtrack CD, DS Stylus, DS Game case and a Castlevania art book.


I already preordered it in store earlier today. Great deal, even though it's $40.

I'm 20 and Pearl has rekindled my love for the series. Even if it's kiddy, it's fun and addictive...and now online.

good I am not the only one.... and the online capabilities will be very nice seeing is I think I am the only one outta my friends getting it lmao


I'm stoked for Diamond and I haven't really played Pokemon since blue. After I heard you could transfer over pokemon from the GBA versions, I got my copy of sapphire from my friend and started playing that. I forgot how addicting pokemon is.


Bah! Children! All of ya! I'm 28, and I play it whenever I have the time. Hell, I'll be 29 by the time it comes out here!

In case any of you are wondering how much transferring from your GBA game to your DS game you will be doing, the game is nice enough to include... get this... 425 of the 445 pokemon. You don't have to transfer for days on end to complete the dex! Most of the pokemon can be captured between Diamond and Pearl, and with online trading and the Global Trading System, you can do it as long as you have wireless access somewhere.

The remaining pokemon are the previous starters and older legendaires. Other than those ones, you can catch and trade for everything else.

And for those of you here that want some, I have every starter and all but three of the old legendaires. I'm willing to trade with those that are missing them.

On other matters, I went to three different stores to see if I could find Contact. Of the three, only one had any for sell, and that place only had three copies, all of which were gone. Is the game that popular, that rare, or did a lot of places justnot bother getting it?


Castlevania: PoR online details

Another online facet is the shop mode. Players will be able to offer up items they find in the main game for others to buy. It's interesting to note that when someone buys one of your items, you receive money for it but don't lose the item. Thus, you could potentially just keep a valuable item up there and accumulate a lot of money. Gamespot also notes that the shop mode could prove very helpful in the event that you have trouble with a boss but don't feel like trekking back to a shopkeeper to buy potions.

Awwwwwww yeeeeaaaahhhh.


^I plan on getting it soon too, and I noticed that (thankfully) I haven't had any problem finding it in stores where I live. Also, just preordered Castlevania: PoR a few days ago and the Gamestop people told me there was a slight chance that I might not get the awesome preorder bonus due to limited availability. :(

Castlevania: PoR online details
Another online facet is the shop mode. Players will be able to offer up items they find in the main game for others to buy. It's interesting to note that when someone buys one of your items, you receive money for it but don't lose the item. Thus, you could potentially just keep a valuable item up there and accumulate a lot of money. Gamespot also notes that the shop mode could prove very helpful in the event that you have trouble with a boss but don't feel like trekking back to a shopkeeper to buy potions.

Awwwwwww yeeeeaaaahhhh.

Too bad its been delayed to February :( .

^I plan on getting it soon too, and I noticed that (thankfully) I haven't had any problem finding it in stores where I live. Also, just preordered Castlevania: PoR a few days ago and the Gamestop people told me there was a slight chance that I might not get the awesome preorder bonus due to limited availability. :(

This is why I did it online. It may have been a little more cash, but meh..


Merry meet,

If Nintendo could spend the time and money in creating a MMORPG version of Pokemon...

The thought gives my free time a feeling of dread and my heart would pity on the countless lives they would destroy.

But the new Pokemon game does tickle me.

Blessed be


Sometimes I hate not having a job. :x

I am saving my money for upcoming events, even though I really want a lot of the games that are coming out. I'm pretty patient, but you guys aren't helping. :P

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