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Joystiq and Kotaku seem to be the most up-to-date sites, I find. If anyone knows a site that gets news faster than them, I'd like to hear about them.

I stick with joystiq. I think Joe reads the neoGAF forums which I can't bring myself to read.

Yeah, the sister's ending sucked, although it was fun to play. And OMFG is Dracula hard with Richter! I have got up to the second form several times, but I usually have taken too much damage up to that point. I've given up on Richter for now though.
I've got the first form of that fight hammered down to a science. First, it should be your top priority to never have Death just barely between you and Dracula. If he's not there, it's easy to jump over Dracula and get behind him for whipping. Dracula's pattern is Fireball, Lavaball, Fireball, Lavaball, special. It seems that his first 3 specials are always Bat, then scythes/lava, then HUEG EXPLOSION.

If death gets between you and Dracula and he's doing the fireball, switch to your partner and do the dragon looking move, this will wipe out all the fireballs it hits. Use your slide to avoid Death while doing this. If he's doing the lavaball with death between him and you, you have more desperate options. You can do your up, back, down, forward Y move to go through Dracula without taking damage, or you can dodge as much as you can then Grand Cross to avoid damage from anything else, as you are invulnerable while doing Grand Cross.

Also, when he does the scythe+lava special, use Grand Cross right in his face as soon as the scythes start moving. Not only will you not take damage, but you'll deal a shitload to him as it hits both Dracula and Death at the same time.

If you get low on MP from using Grand Cross too much, switch to your partner, who has much better MP regeneration. Her melee attack can cancel Dracula's fireballs pretty well, without having to send out dragons.

That should get you to the second form. basically my strategy is whip and get the fuck away as soon as you hit. This kind of dance should keep you out of range of the stomps, and if you see him about to swoop (VERY hard to tell, I think it's a different sound), duck. When he does the fire thing, he often goes the wrong way and moves away from you, you can pretty much chill without moving much at all. if he moves toward you, you might as well Grand Cross when he's about to touch you, as atempting to dodge it usually just makes you end up with MORE damage. When he does the thing with the walls closing in, switch to your partner and send melee attacks in both dirtections and jump like crazy. This should hit 4 of the 6 sides enough so that you don't get hit.

The rest is pretty much luck, based on what he does and where you are. If you are backed up against the wall for example, if he doesn't swoop you're pretty much guaranteed to take damage.

Yeah, the sister's ending sucked, although it was fun to play. And OMFG is Dracula hard with Richter! I have got up to the second form several times, but I usually have taken too much damage up to that point. I've given up on Richter for now though.
I've got the first form of that fight hammered down to a science. First, it should be your top priority to never have Death just barely between you and Dracula. If he's not there, it's easy to jump over Dracula and get behind him for whipping. Dracula's pattern is Fireball, Lavaball, Fireball, Lavaball, special. It seems that his first 3 specials are always Bat, then scythes/lava, then HUEG EXPLOSION.

If death gets between you and Dracula and he's doing the fireball, switch to your partner and do the dragon looking move, this will wipe out all the fireballs it hits. Use your slide to avoid Death while doing this. If he's doing the lavaball with death between him and you, you have more desperate options. You can do your up, back, down, forward Y move to go through Dracula without taking damage, or you can dodge as much as you can then Grand Cross to avoid damage from anything else, as you are invulnerable while doing Grand Cross.

Also, when he does the scythe+lava special, use Grand Cross right in his face as soon as the scythes start moving. Not only will you not take damage, but you'll deal a shitload to him as it hits both Dracula and Death at the same time.

If you get low on MP from using Grand Cross too much, switch to your partner, who has much better MP regeneration. Her melee attack can cancel Dracula's fireballs pretty well, without having to send out dragons.

That should get you to the second form. basically my strategy is whip and get the fuck away as soon as you hit. This kind of dance should keep you out of range of the stomps, and if you see him about to swoop (VERY hard to tell, I think it's a different sound), duck. When he does the fire thing, he often goes the wrong way and moves away from you, you can pretty much chill without moving much at all. if he moves toward you, you might as well Grand Cross when he's about to touch you, as atempting to dodge it usually just makes you end up with MORE damage. When he does the thing with the walls closing in, switch to your partner and send melee attacks in both dirtections and jump like crazy. This should hit 4 of the 6 sides enough so that you don't get hit.

The rest is pretty much luck, based on what he does and where you are. If you are backed up against the wall for example, if he doesn't swoop you're pretty much guaranteed to take damage.

The first form isn't a problem at all - I figured out exactly what do to there. It's after.


I'd rather good art direction that realism any day. The Uncanny Valley is cool if you're passing through but I wouldn't want to live there.

I mainly read Kotaku for gaming news, which often links from Joystiq. It's basically a site that gets important and off the wall news all in one place, reducing travel time for me. Plus it tickles my funny bone.

Has there been any news on Phantom Hourglass? I miss Celda.


I agree. I think that what really makes a game for me is the writing and how it is presented, not necessarily the quality of the graphics. Usually, I remember the epicness or just the feelings a game can invoke especially when there are surprising plot twists.

No, nothing new about Phantom Hourglass other than it gets released in March 2007. I have plenty of games to keep me busy until then. I have Zelda:LttP and FFV to start and in the middle of Tales of Phantasia right now. I <3 DS because I get to play GBA games. I think I'm on the heels of beating Phoenix Wright though. ^_^ It's such a fun game, I want to pre-order PW2 just so I can get the free stylus that comes with it. But I think I've been getting more games than I can play right now... maybe I should wait a while before I buy some more games.


Actually, rumor has it that PH is delayed until Q4...

Anyways, RPG haven is what the DS will be next year. FFXII:RW, Heroes of Mana, hopefully FFTA2 comes out too, hopefully Luminous Arc comes out here, DQIX, and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember.

This has probably been posted already. I know it was posted about the PSP, but I dunno if it included this info.

So I'm just throwing this out here.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2 confirmed for the DS.

This makes me smile. Tactics full revival? Hell yes.

Not hell yes. The man who created the Tactics series, Yasumi Matsuno, has left Square. Now his work is going to be handed over to someone else.

If people thought FFTA didn't hold a candle to FFT, the difference between FFTA and FFTA2, I'd wager to bet, will be staggeringly awful.

This has probably been posted already. I know it was posted about the PSP, but I dunno if it included this info.

So I'm just throwing this out here.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2 confirmed for the DS.

This makes me smile. Tactics full revival? Hell yes.

Not hell yes. The man who created the Tactics series, Yasumi Matsuno, has left Square. Now his work is going to be handed over to someone else.

If people thought FFTA didn't hold a candle to FFT, the difference between FFTA and FFTA2, I'd wager to bet, will be staggeringly awful.

While FFTA was nowhere as good as FFT, it was still pretty enjoyable on it's own.


I heard it wasn't bad, but that it was way too easy.

Anyway, I don't know how old is this (posted on Gametrailers yesterday I think) but there's a trailer for Subarashiki: It's a Wonderful World, (another) Square Enix game for the DS.

It's something like an action game plus an RPG with a heavy focus on music as source for it's style I guess, leaning towards the Hip-Hop culture. Think Samurai Shamploo. SE is going all out with the two screens and the touch screen, since it seems like you control 2 characters in battle at the same time, one with the touch screen , the other with the D-Pad. Or not, maybe it's just two control styles. Nevertheless, it seems to be well implemented.

It's about this guy called Neck who has seven days to live and has to find God of Death in Tokyo. There's a lot of grafitti and "with there hipp' and their hoppin' and their bippin' and their boppin'" going on.

It definitively has style, and it's clearly a direct result of the DS' success in Japan, allowing developers to be a little more... expansive with their games.

Then again, this is a Square Enix trailer, so expect about 80% of it to be pure bullshit. All this fancy artwork and fancy vocals probably won't make it into the final game, which is a shame really.



All right. I just finished Phoenix Wright yesterday. Wow. That last case was long. It took me probably a good week or so to get through it. And I was playing it quite consistently too. The other ones were considerably shorter. That's some good gaming right there. I was thinking about pre-ordering the second one. Finger pointing stylus is a nice treat too.

I guess most people here are enjoying PoR? I think I was going to buy DoS first, but I have no idea how the plot goes. Should I really care? I think it's important, but gameplay is also important too. Any suggestions for a beginner type Castlevania game? I played a little DoS before, so I know how it plays... seemed pretty fun.

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