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Hoho, wow. I just have to congratulate everybody involved in this project, if this is a sign of the quality of what's to come in future projects, consider everyone here very lucky. Whilst all the tracks in the album are fantastic, "New mexican thunderbird", "R U Overdrive", and "Made in USA" definetly stand out in my opinion.

Great work everyone. And I'll see what I can fire up for the boxart.


If you want album art posted to the site, PM me details:

the art (front and back or whatever)

yer name

a link to yer website and/or email

anymore details you want on the site

maybe pics of naked ladies

To print in best quality, the pic should be HUGE (think 300dpi or thereabouts), and should be in a lossless (or similar) format like .bmp.

Keep on truckin'

so... do you guys want this album art? I emailed richter' date=' but i haven't heard a response.

It'd be awesome if this was up on your site! So, do you approve or is there anything you'd want changed?[/quote']

Looks pretty good all things considered. Wish the blood looked a bit less pasted on top of the asphalt picture, but it's clearly serviceable.

The font for the website and album subtitle is way too generic. I'd also place the subtitle more across the bottom, than just the bottom left corner, but the placement is certainly alright.

The back cover background could be more unique than the blue fading into black, but it's pretty decent.

I'd do a slightly more transparent black block at the bottom of the back cover so that you can see the bottom of Ryu's hands from that pic (but obviously keeping it so that you could still read the white text on top).

If the Akuma sprite was big enough to work with, I'd try to make him more the same size as the other characters, just by using only his symbol and above for a shot of the back of his head.

Great idea to use the bloodied/losing character poses. I wouldn't worry about not hearing from Richter yet. This stuff looks pretty good so far, so hopefully Matt would like it. Nice work on this.


My thoughts:

1) The front looks thrown together. I really hate the courier (or fixed or whatever) font that says [a remix collaboration].

2) The back looks great, but the wrapping of the text is extremely awkward. The flow of the text should work with the images, not be forced to stagger and bunch together because of it.

3) I also would have preferred something with more grey gradients to go with the look of the website.

Other than those issues it's good.


Rock the Asphalt (Opening Demo) by Jivemaster

Intro a bit long. Then the oh so familiar intro music. Nice. This is a decent mix, but I am sure to mix the opening demo music was a task. Good Job.

Prepare Yourself (Here Comes the New Challenger) by Malcos

Wow, a good mix of a song most likely less that 30 seconds. I could see this in a version of SF. Nice use of the horns and piano. Not a bad mix at all.

Wallstreet Monster (Blanka Stage) by Joshua and Richter

Intro is to the point. The beats are catchy. Then right into the melody. For some reason I see Blanka in a suit. ;) A good mix with a good beat and good tempo. The changes are done with ease. Good job.

I Don’t Fight Boys (Chun-Li Stage) by Red Tailed Fox and Malcos

Love the intro. The piano was right on. This is a catchy mix that had me tapping my foot several times. Very mellow, until 0:55. The background beat was a bit overpowering. 1:19 the piano comes back, again with ease of transition. 2:19, a jazzy hint with the piano solo, very good. The transitions are seamless in this mix, but at 3:00 I did catch my self checking the length. This is a loooong mix. The solos are nice and not repetitive. But it’s on the long side and could have been shorter. Nice job.

New Mexican Thunderbird (T. Hawk Stage) by Verez

The intro is amazing. The claps and voices are a nice touch. The strings are done well. A nice mix of Mexico and American Indian. 1:26, the horns are a very good addition! Makes me want to dance. This is a very catchy mix. 2:07, the violin is a nice touch. This mix kept my attention the whole time. Nice finale. Great job.

Thank You, Dee Jay (Dee Jay Stage) by Jose` the Bronx Rican

At first I was not feeling the music, then :20 came and I found myself bobbing my head. The flow was smooth and the mixture of English and Spanish were nice. The piano works well. The inclusion of the guy saying “Round 1” and “Round 2” and “Final Round” were a nice use to go from verse to another. The check the crowd was a bit cheesy, but overall a solid mix.

Tokyo Slapdown (E. Honda Stage) by V

The intro was right on for E. Honda’s stage. Then the industrial-like music came in, a nice twist. The song became a bit repetitive. Nothing new until close to the end. I understand that these are background songs, but that is not a reason to not come fresh. Overall a good mix.

Reaching for Nirudha (Dhalsim Stage) by Malcos

The intro was straight up Indian. The song flowed well, very catch tune. But I can not see this as his background music, a bit too happy. The mix is fine, but I don’t think it fits Dhalsim. I always viewed him as a darker character.

Guile’s Mile Long Dong (Guile Stage) by Trenthium

Ok, what is up with the title of this song?!?!?! :D Now on to the review. At first it is a bit cheesy. The flute did not work well at all. To me a guitar should have been used. I am not sure what else to say, I did not like this mix at all.

Communist Jungle (Zangief Stage) by nesper

The intro was very long. The melody was a bit too fast for my tastes. Also hard to hear. Again the overall feel of this mix is not right, I am not a fan of this mix either.

Flying Heven (Fei Long Stage) by zircon

This is the first mix I have heard by the VGDJ and I must say I am very impressed. The intro rocked, the tempo was tight, and the use of sounds were nailed. I could see this in a movie as a fight scene song. Even the tempo change at 1:35 was done flawlessly and flowed with the overall feel of the music. The ending of this song was done well also, a good overall wrap-up. Zircon nice job! I will be downloading your other mixes as well.

Army Girl (Cammy Stage) by Malcos and Red Tailed Fox

The intro was done well. The bass beat flowed well. Also very interesting use of effects as well, nicely done. Not my favorite mix on the album, but not my least favorite either.

Made in USA (Ken Stage) by Sixto Sounds

Now this has to be the hardest song to mix. I am sure EVERYONE will compare any Ken remix to “The Ken Song”. As did I the first time I heard this. But this is done quite well with great guitar licks and solos. I could see this in the game as the background music. Some of the transitions were not as clean as I would like. The dueling guitars were a nice touch. The melody was easy to pick out. A solid mix that should have no trouble being one of the best on the album, I hope to hear more from Sixto Sounds.

R U Overdrive (Ryu Stage) by AkumajoBelmont and BrainCells

A nice intro reminded me of J-Pop/J-Rock. The guitar licks are nicely done. The tempo is right on for a Ryu stage. The transitions were done well. A good solid mix. Great job.

Mercenary Boxing (Balrog Stage) by Malcos

A dark sad intro that picks up at 0:13. Reminds me of a song you would hear as Rocky trained. The scratches were a nice touch to accompany the piano. The voices were a little overpowering at first, and then when the next beat came in they balanced out. The tempo change at 2:20 was done well and with ease. The next set of voices were not quite as over the top. This was a good solid mix that many people should enjoy.

Spittin’ Narcissism (Vega Stage) by Jose` the Bronx Rican

Nice intro. The flow is smooth and I like that you took Vega in the first person. The music was nice, Godfatheresqe. The words are easy to visualize as Vega. A nice overall mix that I will listen to more than once.

Urban Uppercut (Sagat Stage) by bLind and Leifo

The bass guitar in the intro was nice. Not really feeling the mix for Sagat. I always felt he was a hard ass. Needed more of a “I will F you up” type mix. The song is ok but IMHO does not represent Sagat at all.

Tribute to the Maste (M. Bison Stage) by Malcos

The intro was sooooo Bison. Big heavy beats, like heavy footsteps. The chimes were a nice touch. This whole song screams M. Bison. Big beats held long. Even the technoesque parts flowed very well. A good solid remix that told the story of Bison very well. Good job Malcos.

Murder Instinct (Akuma Stage) by Eternal Testament

The intro is very industrial. Dark, grunge guitars are a good feel for the overall sound. The hard beats hits work well in this mix. A nice solid mix that fits well in this project.

Home at Last (Dhalism Ending) by Malcos

A catchy tune that makes me bob my head. By now I expect no less from Malcos.

Blood on the Asphalt (Guile Ending) (Richter Mix) by Shael Riley and Richter

The first of two Guile Ending mixes. This one seemed a bit slow. At first I was not fond of this version. Then the words kicked in. They blended with the music. Not my favorite mix. But not to shabby.

Blood on the Asphalt (Guile Ending) (Aetheris Mix) by Aetheris

The second mix. Again slow, and this may be my memory not remembering the ending for Guile. The words were like the last, but the addition of the piano made it better.

Hi, Score! (Ranking Display) by Shael Riley

Congrats on doing a mix of the high score song. I liked it, made me smile as I could see peoples names go across the screen. Good Job!!

Ending Credits Mix (Staff Roll) by Damien Krauss

Did not like this song at all, but I am sure that I was not fond of the original.

Overall this is a good album with its ups and downs. Worth the download for Fei Long's Stage, Ken's Stage and the Vega Stage song. Go download it now….



ok... I took your comments into consideration and updated the art a bit.

I want to say I really appreciate your feedback. How do you feel about these? I made the back a bit more printer-friendly, considering all the ink you'd be using on the front cover. Anyway, if there's anything else that you want changing, feel free to tell me. Again, these are obviously very low-quality versions of the real things, so please keep that in mind.




It's also been an honor to listen to it. It's really sweet to go into the game, listen to the themes, then play the CD and recognize them. Loved all of them, extra props to Ryu and Ken's themes.

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