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You could safely say 4 out of 4 hehe, everything you guys said I feel the same, the source was more complex than I expected, and I tried too many new and different things. (that Im not used to)

I was happy with the some things, especcially in the mix stage, but in the master I think I didnt do that well.

Im eager to hear the other songs in the round


Ok, Round 2 Bravo remixes are uploading.

Nutritious, there are two schmup stages. I chose this one http://galaxytrail.bandcamp.com/track/schmup-stage. Correct me if I'm wrong and I'll re-upload it.

Here are the lyrics for gercr's song.

Lich king speech in the Adventure time show. (ep 1, Season 6)

"You are alone, child. There is only darkness for you, and only death for your people. These ancients are just the beginning. I will command a great and terrible army, and we will sail to a billion worlds. We will sail until every light has been extinguished. You are strong, child, but I am beyond strength. I am the end, and I have come for you, Finn."


I really wanted to fill mine out a bit more in various places but either wasn't having luck with what I wanted to do or I was running out of time. So, I just submitted it as is. No Weapons Here from Shovel Knight is quite a complicated piece when you break it down. There is definitely more going on with it than I first realized.

Posted (edited)

I've added a bonus download. It contains remixes relevant to the competition and updated songs from previous rounds. If you would like for me to add to it please let me know and PM me an updated version of your previous entries. ~Enjoy

PS: Jonathan, if I labeled your song incorrectly please let me know. I chose Lanius (Battle) over Lanius (Explore).

Edited by shadow24

It was supposed to say King* not Kng. appologies if it was my mistake.

When I was checking the shovel knight OST I found that song (dance macabre, Lich yard) and I absolutely loved it. later I had the idea to do a little narration and that episode of adventure time came to my mind . Since they both were "lich" related I thought it was fitting.

here it is the youtube vid of the speech

I altered the words a little and also sorry if the pronunciation is a little weird, English is obviously not my native language

Nutritious, there are two schmup stages. I chose this one http://galaxytrail.bandcamp.com/track/schmup-stage. Correct me if I'm wrong and I'll re-upload it.

That's the right one. Thanks!

I love how 3 out of 4 people are like dissatisfied. I was also bogged down with other work this week too XD

Actually, I'm glad it didn't work out because I think it turned out much better this way. I wanted to do something different this round and my initial idea wasn't really cutting it.

As a matter of fact, all the entries are quite solid this round as well. Forget the self-deprication, this is good stuff guys, well done :).

Received 4/5. No Garpocalypse this round :/ C'est la vie.

I'll organize and package stuff in the AM. Thanks everyone.

Yep sorry about that. Life and working on the album got in the way big time this week. My remix is around 75% complete and I just didn't feel it was listenable enough to debut it right now.

Good luck to the rest of the bravo bracket!


I am sorry but I am going to pull out this round. I've reached the point where I am no longer having fun with my source and don't have the time to transcribe & remix another.

Good luck to the remaining competitors in bracket C!

I am sorry but I am going to pull out this round. I've reached the point where I am no longer having fun with my source and don't have the time to transcribe & remix another.

Good luck to the remaining competitors in bracket C!

Thanks for joining in on the fun and making this competition possible. I seriously appreciate everyone who signed up and was even remotely involved. Making music is very time consuming for sure.


Hey guys, nice round, here´s a quick review

Mystic Shovel: great vibe, kind of like some bard or trobadour song. I really like the instruments, is a great adaptation of a one of the more relaxing songs of the soundtrack. I would love to hear more instruments to make the overall sound more full, maybe a some percussion.

Swingin' with Cats: awesome acoustic guitar, the silence in the intro really trew me away at first, but I think it works nice with the song as a whole. I have to say, that bass is amazing, the song is really good. I would like for the lead guitar sound to be more aggresive, also I love the way that organ sounds.

Intercept: Wow, the production in this is amazing, I am impressed, If you dont mind me asking, could you make a quick run in your mastering process?

Well I love this song, I actually dont like that much the original, but this arrangement is just too good.

I like the guitar tones and the mix. Also the lead synth with the guitar work really well, there is an amazing synergy between the two instruments.

So far this contest has had some really great songs...


So, I've complied all the tracks together in a mini album for my own listening pleasure and it's actually a pretty cool compilation we've got going here. Shadow numbered all the tracks for a track order, so this may have been his intention all along (and if it is and I'm spoiling the surprise, I apologize!).

Intercept: Wow, the production in this is amazing, I am impressed, If you dont mind me asking, could you make a quick run in your mastering process?

Well I love this song, I actually dont like that much the original, but this arrangement is just too good.

I like the guitar tones and the mix. Also the lead synth with the guitar work really well, there is an amazing synergy between the two instruments.

Thank you so much for the kind words. I really appreciate it!

I'm not sure if you're wanting me to reply here with a mastering overview or demonstrate it elsewhere, but I can put a few details here for now.

I think a lot of what you're hearing and wanting to know about actually is more attributable to the mixing process rather than mastering. Before I add any mastering compression or EQ, I'm doing a lot of adjustments to the volume levels and EQ levels of the individual parts within the song. Sometimes I do this as I write (like in this case, where I'm rushing a bit with a deadline) and other times I actually do a full mixdown where I lower all the faders and bring them up one by one to try and get a good balance. A lot of it is just getting a good feel for when two parts aren't meshing well or are clashing in the same frequency range and adjusting them as needed. I feel that the song itself should sound pretty clear and well balanced before moving on to mastering.

For the mastering part, I use T-Racks mastering suite (IIRC I got it for free or really cheap as an add-on for something else I purchase some years back) and I can't recommend it enough. It makes it very easy to setup and adjust the various pieces of the mastering chain and adjust them as needed. I don't do very much EQ work at this point - mainly it's leveling out the peaks and overall volume boosting. I try to keep the RMS (intensity or loudness as it's sometimes called) at a reasonable level as well and leave a tiny bit of headroom to make sure nothing somehow peaks above the 0dB mark.

Hope this helps. I'm by no means a pro at this stuff, but this is what works for me. Feel free to hit me up on PM's or IRC or something with questions.

I had to work all week and now I'm super burnt out, but I'm gonna try to make the song tomorrow morning and record it tomorrow evening.. if it doesn't work out I apologize, but I'm going to remix the song anyway.. would you guys be upset if I submitted something that wasn't 100%?

Pssh, your 80% is probably still great. ;)

So, I've complied all the tracks together in a mini album for my own listening pleasure and it's actually a pretty cool compilation we've got going here. Shadow numbered all the tracks for a track order, so this may have been his intention all along (and if it is and I'm spoiling the surprise, I apologize!).

Oh nothing special. I'm marking all the tracks that are competing as Disk One. The song order is the order I received them from contestants. Disk Two contains song upgrades and bonus tracks in no particular order.

Posted (edited)

I appreciate the reply Nutritious, I always like to read about how other people work.

also, why is no one voting?

just two votes in, and on the last day !

Edited by gercr
Posted (edited)


!!! ALERT !!!


I'm giving bracket C a deadline extension. So they are due Tuesday at midnight (When Tuesday becomes Wednesday) EST. Good luck mixers.

If you see any of the remaining contestants in Bracket C please let them know about the extension and to check here for details.

Jason C, Brandon S, Ghetto Lee Lewis, mushroomSword (and Jonathan! if he has had a change of heart).

Also, please go vote for Bracket Bravo (Only 2 so far).

Edited by shadow24

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