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OCR03059 - Super Mario 64 & Jazz Jackrabbit 2 'Medieval Koopa Jam'


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I'm not familiar with Jazz Jackrabbit, and was primarily interested in this for the N64 aspect. Interest was piqued when it was stated that this would be techno, and I wasn't disappointed. It wasn't progressive, it wasn't a blend of things - it was techno! And the Jazz Jackrabbit song was quite good, I could appreciate it even though it didn't evoke a nostalgia factor for me (not having played it). Well done!

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I know very little of Jazz Jackrabbit, but this mix makes me want to at least check out the soundtrack. The sources really went together well, and being able to pick out Koopa's Road easily makes it easy for me to see why they would work like this. As far as techno goes, this is an awesome example of it being done right. I liked the tempo change myself. All in all, awesome ReMix, man.

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