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^ lolol

In all seriousness I was really hoping he would be the extra character in USFIV that ended up being Decapre.

At least they made Street Fighter x Megaman... wait no they didn't.

Not much else to say that hasn't been said already. It's a matter patience at this point. But hey I'll have fun listening to the remixes in the meantime.

If they are having such problems with the Mega Man fans, and don't want to make a new game, why not just remake him into a Street Fighter character? It seems simple enough. But then again, it IS Capcom

Capcom doesn't have a problem with Mega Man fans. Mega Man fans have a problem with Capcom.

Mega Man fans won't be happy until you give them a Mega Man game. That's the only thing they want. Putting him in Street Fighter won't solve anyone's problem.


I gave up a long time ago. I've been focusing on Inafune and his company's works, especially Mighty Number 9. If Capcom decides to churn out a true Mega Man game, they will have my interest as well, but I'm not holding my breath.

Posted (edited)

Megaman fans are really just experiencing the frustration and purgatory Darkstalkers fans have been going through for about 20 years now.

Capcom doesn't have a problem with Mega Man fans. Mega Man fans have a problem with Capcom.

Capcom do blatantly troll their fans, though. I recall sometime shortly after USFIV was announced, the trailer that revealed Decapre (or one of the trailers anyway) featured sprites from SFAlpha and showcased a bunch of potential candidates for who this new character could be and M.Bison ruled them out and threw them off the screen. One of said candidates was R.Mika - I think that out of most fan requests I saw around the internet, R.Mika was the most popular choice. Instead of just politely not including her in the game,

. They basically acknowledged a popular fan request and said "lol nah. Have a Cammy clone instead."

Marketing tactics like that say a lot about a company in my opinion.

Edited by AngelCityOutlaw

While it's cheeky I disagree that it's trolling. Most game developers shouldn't have to bend to the will of fans on every request -- Bungie is falling into that purgatory right now with the Destiny community, where the fans complain ad nauseum, and since Bungie did stuff that was requested, now it's request central. People are never happy and they don't stop once they get an inch. But on a more major scale, Capcom and its creative developers work on what they are inspired by and want to create.

I haven't followed Street Fighter or Capcom super close but from what I've seen they are very friendly with the fans and participate in a lot of fan stuff. They even collaborated with OCR to make a official MM25 album. I doubt they are bitter towards the fans enough to openly troll or purposely disappoint them...


Capcom USA is what's good with the fans and stuff.

Capcom Japan, however, seems to be quite the opposite and from what I've heard, tends to ignore Capcom USA and kinda let's then do their own thing for the most part. Such as being fan-friendly. That's just what I've heard though.

Posted (edited)
While it's cheeky I disagree that it's trolling. Most game developers shouldn't have to bend to the will of fans on every request -- Bungie is falling into that purgatory right now with the Destiny community, where the fans complain ad nauseum, and since Bungie did stuff that was requested, now it's request central. People are never happy and they don't stop once they get an inch. But on a more major scale, Capcom and its creative developers work on what they are inspired by and want to create.

I haven't followed Street Fighter or Capcom super close but from what I've seen they are very friendly with the fans and participate in a lot of fan stuff. They even collaborated with OCR to make a official MM25 album. I doubt they are bitter towards the fans enough to openly troll or purposely disappoint them...

Whether or not it's "cheeky", "trolling" or any other label you want to stick on it, I still don't see how anyone could put together a trailer like that and not reasonably expect and understand why the fanbase would be a little pissed about it. It's never good when your presentation gives off this vibe of "We listened, but we don't care" regardless of what your intention is. I'm sure you'd agree.

I agree that fans complain waaaaay too much and developers shouldn't have to kneel to every ridiculous fan request. However, there is a difference between that and questionable reasoning.

An example of such reasoning would be, to use my earlier Darkstalkers example, Capcom has said that sales of Darkstalkers Resurrection were unsatisfactory and based on that, Darkstalkers 4 isn't happening. Now, it's one thing that companies don't just want to go ahead and pour money and resources into making a new title if they don't believe it will sell. It's a different story when you use another freakin' re-release of product that people have purchased many many times over the last two decades and use that as a benchmark to make a new installment in the series. It's the logical equivalent of Ford producing a new car or not based on sales of a Model-T re-release. Darkstalkers 3 had its time - there are just as many anthologies and re-releases of Darkstalkers 3 as there are actual entries in the damned series. Fans aren't petitioning for another stupid re-release, they want a new game! So thinking that a new title (the thing that fans want) won't sell because the thing fans didn't want didn't sell is a stupid decision and worthy of criticism.

Edited by AngelCityOutlaw

I gave up on Capcom doing something (worthwhile) with Mega Man a long time ago. At this point I'm just happy that Inafune is honoring him in spirit with his recent projects with Comcept and that Mega Man is a fine fighter in the new Smash Brothers games.

I don't expect more. Personally, I don't think it's the most optimal time for Mega Man. I wouldn't mind a more "mature" or "darker" revamp of perhaps the X series - perhaps there is a place for Mega Man in the limelight but as far as I see it I don't ever see the little fellow making a mainstream comeback. Everything is all dark and gritty now, and even if Capcom went the other route and made more classic-style Mega Man games, many fans and non-fans alike would bitch about the retro-platformer genre being over-done.

I'm just happy that Inafune is doing his best to fill the niche craving that Mega Man fans have, and while Capcom could do amazing things with the little guy and his universe, I am not holding my breathe and my expectations might as well be nothing.

Posted (edited)

I mean, the problem is also that people will use the decisions of any department or division of Capcom to generalize the attitude of the whole company ("corporations are people!") and use that to fuel the hate.

Megaman fans are really just experiencing the frustration and purgatory Darkstalkers fans have been going through for about 20 years now.

Capcom do blatantly troll their fans, though. I recall sometime shortly after USFIV was announced, the trailer that revealed Decapre (or one of the trailers anyway) featured sprites from SFAlpha and showcased a bunch of potential candidates for who this new character could be and M.Bison ruled them out and threw them off the screen. One of said candidates was R.Mika - I think that out of most fan requests I saw around the internet, R.Mika was the most popular choice. Instead of just politely not including her in the game,

. They basically acknowledged a popular fan request and said "lol nah. Have a Cammy clone instead."

Marketing tactics like that say a lot about a company in my opinion.

I think you're reading into it too much, especially considering you're committing blatant fallacy by assuming the fan requests you may have seen may have crowned R. mika as a majority. I mean, could you have made a weaker statement of a statistic by starting it with "I think"?

Edited by Neblix
I mean, the problem is also that people will use the decisions of any department or division of Capcom to generalize the attitude of the whole company ("corporations are people!") and use that to fuel the hate.

I think you're reading into it too much, especially considering you're committing blatant fallacy by assuming the fan requests you may have seen may have crowned R. mika as a majority. I mean, could you have made a weaker statement of a statistic by starting it with "I think"?

She is pretty popular as demonstrated by at least some statistics via Capcom.

Not nearly the level of Chun Li or Ryu, but among the most popular SF characters that didn't make the cut for SFIV in any of its iterations.


I've long since accepted that Mega Man is unlikely to have any more new games. Granted I've missed out on about half of the branching Mega Man series like Battle Network and Zero, so playing those now would be like playing something new for me. In all honesty, as much as I love Mega Man, I'm more upset with Capcom for not localizing Ace Attorney Investigations 2 than I was about them canceling Legends 3 or any other apparent slight towards Mega Man fans.

Posted (edited)

One little idea sparked 16 replies? Holy $#*#!

I see the point of your concepts about Capcom and Mega Man. I thought maybe he could be re-written as a tech-wiz who uses gadgets like C. Viper.

Although fans would probably whine about that too like "AUGH!!! It's not the real Mega Man!"

But hey it WOULD be funny if Mega Man wasn't around, but Proto Man popped his head in a game or two. He's a cool character...no denying that *shrugs*

I understand what you mean. It gives a chance to look at new and obscure games too. But there is something sad when a well made series either abruptly ends or declines in quality. Not just with Mega man but also Casltevania, Final Fantasy, and especially Shining Force.

Oh man, I agree. Final Fantasy isn't as good as it used to be, I haven't seen Castlevania games in a long while, and then Shining Force :-(

Maybe people could just accept reality and move on with their lives? Or try a new franchise or something?

I love Mega Man (it's my fave franchise) but you are right, sometimes you've just got to realize that some things aren't meant to stick around.

At least the Blue Bomber went out with a bang! Congrats on making it into Smash Bros. Rock! (So glad Ryu didn't end up in there; he would've been out of place [kind of like Snake in Brawl])

Capcom USA is what's good with the fans and stuff.

Capcom Japan, however, seems to be quite the opposite and from what I've heard, tends to ignore Capcom USA and kinda let's then do their own thing for the most part. Such as being fan-friendly. That's just what I've heard though.

I have noticed that. There are some really cool things going on with the Capcom website (at least I can get the Mega Buster Flash Drive).

But (in agreement with your statement) Japan did that really cruel April Fools' joke with "Mega Man X""



Edited by Liontamer
quadruple post merge
You can just go back and play the old games the best you can. :tomatoface:

You have a valid point; MY issue with that is that I don't have an NES anymore (My parents sold it to pay off phone bills) and emulators are gone off of the web. I did have Rock Man 2 (the Japanese Import) on my PS3, but my brother took it with him when he went back to his (navy) base.


Zophar actually was down for awhile and decided to come back out of the blue a few years back.

Anyways I just wanted to also gripe and moan that Mega Man games are a thing of the pass...


i'm done now.

While I want to love capcom, they keep churning out resident evil and monster hunter, which I am not to invested in. On the plus side deep down looks good and more Street Fighter is on the way (hoping it's closer to SF3 Third strike this time). Another kudos I want to give is that you can actually buy the megaman Soundtracks.

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