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Zanac 'X-Mix'

Great attempt from Jose Acosta, who brings us a fun, Zanac remix. Not anything particularly new or exciting, but a nice listen. I especially like the bass work, and the less techno-y interlude (which I would have liked to see expanded on).

  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 9 months later...

Wow, those are some authentic dance/trance synths. Too bad the production behind 'em is so poor. Everything's just really flimsy here unfortunately. There's tons of room for expansion and power here; nothing fills the song out or drives it along. Definitely on the low end of what's available here, can't say it any other way.

  • 4 months later...

The halftime with the choir could have been really sweet, but the lack of any builds or climaxes hurts it a ton, as does the seemingly off bass drum in that section. The fact that an ending was added is nice, but the cymbals seem kind of strange there. Overall, it just seems to be gray, washed out quasi- housetrance.

Seriously, the breakdown near the end is the right direction to go in, it just needs a lot more work.

  • 5 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

hey guys , thanks for all the feedback, good and bad is greatly appreciated.. this mix was done back in the days when i had a Korg Triton keyboard , and connected it via the analog Line-in to the PC Sound Card,, so quality wise it wasnt gonna be all the crispy, but NOW in 2008 i have finally let go of the korg Triton, and bought a Edirol PCR-500 Midi Controller Keyboard, got into CUBASE sx3 for sequencing and mixing, and have TONS of VSTi's at my disposal ( software synths), so this time i think...i can dish out some cleaner crispier tracks.... to begin i have already submitted my 2008 version of this song for ZANAC..just awaiting JUDGES to accept.. hope u guys like the new one :), by the way im also going resubmit my updated version of my NINJA GAIDEN " emulated" as well....i personally think both tracks have gotten a GREAT improvement...

EDIT: as a matter of fact..u guys can catch a preview of the NEW Zanac remix here :


its limited to 7 days only or 100 downloads either or..so hope u guys like it ..later

  • 11 months later...

This mix goes places, interesting places, and takes it's time getting there. O.k., so the mix is 2 minutes long, but still, it doesn't rush itself.

I like how the first have is very techno, then changes direction at 0:52, and then changes again at 1:13.

Definitely worth a listen.

  • 1 month later...

everything in this mix works very well together! great choice of synths, and the touch at the very end was unexpected. would have loved to see you use that sound at the end a little more, extend it and explore a little more with that instrument. definitely left me wanting more!

  • 2 months later...

Definately a victim of the passage of time. For every mix that grows better with age, or at least stays tolerable, there is a mix like this one that just performs as a mere husk of its former glory. I dare say I'm over-dramatising a tad. I'll turn it down a notch.

This mix sounds empty, and like it is stumbling its way from point A to B. The source is quite pleasant, but it's presented rather undercooked and unseasoned.

It's not something I hate; after all, it's pretty harmless. But it's not a mix I'll ever get the urge to cycle through my OCR playlist trying to find. I suppose that's why they invented playlist shuffles.

  • 6 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Again, not too familiar with the source, so I guess all I can do is just listen.

Considering the sounds ended up coming out from a keyboard's soundbank (something that I admit that I used to do often x_X), it doesn't actually sound too bad, and it was indeed noted with some good expression on the bass synth. Outside from that, it seemed to feel rather quiet and minimalist; layering instruments would've easily helped give this one some added life, as well as doing any added processing on the sounds themselves.

As it was for its time, it sounds fun and cute, but in regards to production technique it ended up suffering from the rising age moreso than some of the others from that era. It's still decent enough for fans of the game to check out, though that may be just about it.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00571 - Zanac "X-Mix"

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