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Some parts of this I really dig (the kick ducking is tasty, the bird FX, the bass line as a whole, ) but others I didn't (the delayed reverb on the centered hand percussion, ambient intro, the scratchy shuffling starting at 3:13 (meant to be rustling leaves?), and the breathy woodwind-like (flute?) sustain that is layered onto the tail of the solo piano notes).  It kinda leaves me in limbo on the track as a whole.  Yeah.  I feel like I get the vibe as a whole, but it just doesn't firmly place me there.


I thought the drums were just fine and not too thin, actually. I tend to find rimshots a good choice for an ambient percussive snare-like hit. Alternatively, the splash of a regular electronic snare could have replaced the rimshot later on for percussive variation, but that wasn't necessary for this IMO. Or, a soft tambourine could have worked as well, as an alternate "snare" in addition to the rimshot.


As for the arrangement, I agree; melodically things didn't vary too much on the repeat, but texturally they did, along with some subtle differences in background notes. I found it just bordering on a good length, and it looks like you had a lot of fun with the reverb. Could have used a touch less, but it's not a huge deal IMO. Great job!

  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know enough about production to offer any critiques; as a listener and fan of this mellow chillstep-like genre, all I can say is that I really enjoyed this track and downloaded it for future repeated listening (including on my driving mix).  Very nice work!  I hope to hear more from you.

  • 1 month later...

A nice take on this classic tune. Love the atmosphere you created with the pads and the bird FX (a fine addition!). The percussion fits perfectly the track and its source -- it gets a little ethnic vibe in consequence, which fits Donkey Kong Country 2. It's maybe a little long, but I found those 6 minutes were very relaxing. Nice job. :)

  • 2 years later...

Ah, yes, breathtaking. This is a beautiful arrangement of Stickerbush Symphony, very relaxing and soothing, really would be nice for meditating or just resting in general. Loved the bird sounds and the general ambiance of this mix, and I think having that break in the middle helped keep this track interesting with it's subtle changes for the whole six minutes, which was about as far as I think this ReMix could go in this state, so I agree with DJP on that. I thought the reverb was a little much at times, but that's just a personal taste thing on my end, nothing against the mix's writing. Regardless, it was not enough to turn me from the song, and I'm glad to have heard another mix of this tune that keeps things chill.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR03220 - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Forest Glade"
  • 1 year later...

Coming back to OCR during coronavirus is like finding a really cosy corner of the internet to curl up in and listen to beautiful pieces of music like this. Great job with this remix, it's always hard to stray from such recognisable sources, so to keep it fairly conservative whilst still putting your own spin on it is really nice work. Didn't even notice it was 6 minutes, it felt shorter.

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