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I do not consider long load times as superior technology. Then again, I don't see the wiimote as superior technology either. It strikes me as a gimmick for kids. Was I the only one who viewed rumble "technology" as overated?

The only system that interests me is the PS3 because it represents a substantial improvement in technology via graphics (more objects on a screen, etc...). I'm interested in the end product. The price tag, however, forces me to take a wait-and-see approach.

It appears that all three consoles may choose to nickel and dime us. In the old days, you might receive this ending:

"Congratulations. To see a graphic ending, complete the game on hard difficulty."

Soon we will see this:

"Congratulations. To see the real ending, lost levels, and use new ships, please upgrade your game at the estore! Now you're playing with power!"

I do not consider long load times as superior technology. Then again, I don't see the wiimote as superior technology either. It strikes me as a gimmick for kids. Was I the only one who viewed rumble "technology" as overated?

The only system that interests me is the PS3 because it represents a substantial improvement in technology via graphics (more objects on a screen, etc...). I'm interested in the end product. The price tag, however, forces me to take a wait-and-see approach.

It appears that all three consoles may choose to nickel and dime us. In the old days, you might receive this ending:

"Congratulations. To see a graphic ending, complete the game on hard difficulty."

Soon we will see this:

"Congratulations. To see the real ending, lost levels, and use new ships, please upgrade your game at the estore! Now you're playing with power!"

If you think about it gaming is really kind of childish itself anyways, it's only now becoming a bit more mainstream because we're all now growing up. :wink:

I don't know about rumble being over-rated, it does add a nice 'feel' to games when used properly (ie: it's not rumbling all the damn time) - and it can even be used to further the gameplay as well.

15 seconds of load time isn't all that long to me, it's longer than I'd like though so I'm glad they have the HD install option there. You're right however, they do seem to have taken a step backwards in some regards,

The XBox had it right because it would load data onto the HD automatically, in the background, for faster loading. Of course MS screwed up and made the HD nonstandard for the 360 so we can't really bet on developers using that as much anymore. The PS3, while having a standard a HD, it's the BLU-Ray's pathetic read speed that's limiting it more.


Taken from Engadget:

Facts about the PS3:

* After plenty of gameplay the console is cool -- or at worst warm -- to the touch on every surface. In a side by side test with the Xbox 360, the console is comparably virtually silent, and the Blu-ray drive is significantly quieter than the 360's DVD drive.

* USB keyboards and mice will be plug-n-play, no fuss at all. Who really wants to browse the web with a PlayStation controller anyway?

* Bluetooth mice and keyboards will not work with the system at launch.

* Any (A2DP) Bluetooth headset should theoretically work with the system, though Sony will have a recommended hardware list.

* The EyeToy is the only USB webcam that will work with the system. The original PS2 EyeToy should still work with the PS3.

* There are currently no plans for VGA out on the PlayStation3.

* The system will not support more than seven controllers.

* There are currently no plans for a cheaper, wired version of the SIXAXIS.

* With its media playback software one can have in-game custom soundtracks, as with the Xbox 360, Wii, etc.

* Despite rumor, Sony insists the US is still officially targeted for a 400k unit launch; Japan is still set for a mere 80k. Sony execs are actually expecting an upturn in unit production before launch, so those numbers may actually go up.

* Some titles have an option to install some amount of game data (in addition to saved data) to the drive. Genji can install 4GB worth of data to decrease load times (quoted to drop from 12-15 seconds down to 3-4); this game data can be removed at any time without affecting your saved games.

* The drive can be upgraded, although not on any official basis (read: YMMV, do so at your own risk, you may void warranty, etc.).

* You cannot leave voice or picture messages for other users on the PlayStation Network, only text.


Good info there. The only think that is irking me about the PS3 is the fact that I probably won't be able to get one for a while, especially with the miniscule launch in Japan. It's alright because I'll just get one down the line when there is a bigger library, but I still want one right away... Oh well, I have plenty of other games to keep me busy in the mean time.


So if we replace our drive the warranty is voided? sounds like bull to me.

On another note I hope Resistance doesn't set a trend with regards to Mouse/Keyboard support in FPS game. Being able to use a M/K was a big deal for me when the PS3 announced it, and now Insomniac are saying they won't even support it for singleplayer because they're lazy asses and don't want to add in a higher difficulty for M/K users. :evil:

So if we replace our drive the warranty is voided? sounds like bull to me.

That's pretty much how it's done... you replace something in your console (or really do any sort of user modification or repair) and your warranty is kaput.

So if we replace our drive the warranty is voided? sounds like bull to me.

On another note I hope Resistance doesn't set a trend with regards to Mouse/Keyboard support in FPS game. Being able to use a M/K was a big deal for me when the PS3 announced it, and now Insomniac are saying they won't even support it for singleplayer because they're lazy asses and don't want to add in a higher difficulty for M/K users. :evil:

Keyboard & mouse is overrated.


Newest PS3 commercial. They replaced the baby with a Rubik's Cube.

I guess it's better than the baby at least. They still need to show what the hell the thing can do(games).

So if we replace our drive the warranty is voided? sounds like bull to me.

On another note I hope Resistance doesn't set a trend with regards to Mouse/Keyboard support in FPS game. Being able to use a M/K was a big deal for me when the PS3 announced it, and now Insomniac are saying they won't even support it for singleplayer because they're lazy asses and don't want to add in a higher difficulty for M/K users. :evil:

Keyboard & mouse is so awesome.

Newest PS3 commercial. They replaced the baby with a Rubik's Cube.

I guess it's better than the baby at least. They still need to show what the hell the thing can do(games).

Didn't they show some airplanes? That looked like gameplay.

Newest PS3 commercial. They replaced the baby with a Rubik's Cube.

I guess it's better than the baby at least. They still need to show what the hell the thing can do(games).

Didn't they show some airplanes? That looked like gameplay.

That's totally different. This is 30 seconds long :P

So if we replace our drive the warranty is voided? sounds like bull to me.

On another note I hope Resistance doesn't set a trend with regards to Mouse/Keyboard support in FPS game. Being able to use a M/K was a big deal for me when the PS3 announced it, and now Insomniac are saying they won't even support it for singleplayer because they're lazy asses and don't want to add in a higher difficulty for M/K users. :evil:

Keyboard & mouse is overrated.

Nay sir, for FPS there is no greater thing.

Why do you think the Resistance developers don't want it in their game? Because people who used it would wipe the floor with the other players, even if they had the same turning restrictions placed upon them.

So if we replace our drive the warranty is voided? sounds like bull to me.

That's pretty much how it's done... you replace something in your console (or really do any sort of user modification or repair) and your warranty is kaput.

For most consoles yes, But I read a lot about Sony saying the HD could be easily accessed, removed and replaced by the user with any standard 2.5in HD. I don't think they would support any issues cropping up with using bew drives, but I seriously doubt the warranty would be voided. They are after all touting it more as a computer than just a gamemachine.

I'll see if I can get any links to verify this.

Newest PS3 commercial. They replaced the baby with a Rubik's Cube.

I guess it's better than the baby at least. They still need to show what the hell the thing can do(games).

Didn't they show some airplanes? That looked like gameplay.

That's totally different. This is 30 seconds long :P

Oh right.

Carry on then.


Keyboard and mouse... I play console fps's to get away from that. There is a certain thrill in using a controller.

Not to mention if your in a room full of your friends playing something like Goldeneye or Halo, I wouldn't be surprised if the guy next to you stole your keyboard and beat you over the head with it.

So if we replace our drive the warranty is voided? sounds like bull to me.

On another note I hope Resistance doesn't set a trend with regards to Mouse/Keyboard support in FPS game. Being able to use a M/K was a big deal for me when the PS3 announced it, and now Insomniac are saying they won't even support it for singleplayer because they're lazy asses and don't want to add in a higher difficulty for M/K users. :evil:

Keyboard & mouse is overrated.

Nay sir, for FPS there is no greater thing.

Why do you think the Resistance developers don't want it in their game? Because people who used it would wipe the floor with the other players, even if they had the same turning restrictions placed upon them.

It's called not developing something like carpal tunnel syndrome. Keyboard & mouse far more easily facilitate problems with the awkward hand positions encouraged by fast games like FPS. I like to play my games comfortably, thank-you-very-much.


If you think about it, it'd be weird if say you wanted to play at your friend's house with a bunch of people, so you'd have a room full of keyboards and mice..

The option to USE Keyboard and Mouse should be there just to have it at least. Some people use the controller over the keyboard/mouse so much that they're are better using the controller.

So if we replace our drive the warranty is voided? sounds like bull to me.

On another note I hope Resistance doesn't set a trend with regards to Mouse/Keyboard support in FPS game. Being able to use a M/K was a big deal for me when the PS3 announced it, and now Insomniac are saying they won't even support it for singleplayer because they're lazy asses and don't want to add in a higher difficulty for M/K users. :evil:

Keyboard & mouse is overrated.

Nay sir, for FPS there is no greater thing.

Why do you think the Resistance developers don't want it in their game? Because people who used it would wipe the floor with the other players, even if they had the same turning restrictions placed upon them.

It's called not developing something like carpal tunnel syndrome. Keyboard & mouse far more easily facilitate problems with the awkward hand positions encouraged by fast games like FPS. I like to play my games comfortably, thank-you-very-much.

You can get carpal tunnel syndrome just as easily from a gamepad as you can a mouse. Moot point.

As for 'awkward hand positions' You do know you can move more than just your wrist?

If you think about it, it'd be weird if say you wanted to play at your friend's house with a bunch of people, so you'd have a room full of keyboards and mice..

It wouldn't be weird at all, I can totally see companies making loads of money off of mice/keyboard sets designed specifically for gaming on your couch.

The option to USE Keyboard and Mouse should be there just to have it at least. Some people use the controller over the keyboard/mouse so much that they're are better using the controller.

They may be better at using the gamepad, but they'll still never be able to match the precision and ease of using a keyboard and mouse.

So if we replace our drive the warranty is voided? sounds like bull to me.

On another note I hope Resistance doesn't set a trend with regards to Mouse/Keyboard support in FPS game. Being able to use a M/K was a big deal for me when the PS3 announced it, and now Insomniac are saying they won't even support it for singleplayer because they're lazy asses and don't want to add in a higher difficulty for M/K users. :evil:

Keyboard & mouse is overrated.

Nay sir, for FPS there is no greater thing.

Why do you think the Resistance developers don't want it in their game? Because people who used it would wipe the floor with the other players, even if they had the same turning restrictions placed upon them.

It's called not developing something like carpal tunnel syndrome. Keyboard & mouse far more easily facilitate problems with the awkward hand positions encouraged by fast games like FPS. I like to play my games comfortably, thank-you-very-much.

You can get carpal tunnel syndrome just as easily from a gamepad as you can a mouse. Moot point.

As for 'awkward hand positions' You do know you can move more than just your wrist?

I call bullshit. Point me proof. Modern gamepads are designed with ergonomics in mind (i.e. the XBox 360 controller), so I highly doubt that that statement holds any water.


Getting way off topic here, but I agree that mouse/keyboard is the way to play FPSs. Controllers are doable, but if you can use your mouse well there is no comparison. You just point where you want to shoot. Analog sticks are just way less accurate, although you can get used to them to the point where you can play well. In the end though, it's just a preference. A friend of mine only uses controllers since he's no good with a mouse. I could go either way. Some PC gamers probably can't use a controller at all.

For most consoles yes, But I read a lot about Sony saying the HD could be easily accessed, removed and replaced by the user with any standard 2.5in HD. I don't think they would support any issues cropping up with using bew drives, but I seriously doubt the warranty would be voided. They are after all touting it more as a computer than just a gamemachine.

I'll see if I can get any links to verify this.

It might be a simple task to replace the drive but there are lot of morons out there. How does Sony know if you spilled your Dr Pepper in there wile you were swapping the thing out? Basically if you open your machine for mods you are on your own if it breaks. Most of the time the warranty is pretty short anyway.

Getting way off topic here, but I agree that mouse/keyboard is the way to play FPSs. Controllers are doable, but if you can use your mouse well there is no comparison. You just point where you want to shoot. Analog sticks are just way less accurate, although you can get used to them to the point where you can play well. In the end though, it's just a preference. A friend of mine only uses controllers since he's no good with a mouse. I could go either way. Some PC gamers probably can't use a controller at all.

Well, something along the lines of the Wiimote would be far more better for FPS IMO - you have even more freedom and you're not doing something as ridiculous as moving your mouse superfast to do something highly uncharacteristic of a supposedly human-controlled character.

Anyway, look at how Best Buy drops the ball again: http://www.gametab.com/news/731358/

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