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I could easily see Siren being on a disc.

Funny you should say that, as Japan and Europe as of now have the game on disc, though no known US launch if ever. (bring Siren 2 NTSC god damn it! I shouldn't have to get a friend to import and mod his ps2!)

  • 1 month later...

Hey, long time, no post, was gonna make a new thread completely but thought I would go here first.

BASICALLY, I'm looking for 2-4 player games ranging all the way back to archaic PS1, to the shiny, misslekickalicious PS3, I mean I'm looking for adventure games, racing games (serious and comical, ya know, like kart-esque) anything that is easy to get into, something I can play with the girlfriend and she will actually play. She loves most adventure games from the ps1 era, but ps2 and beyond, Don't know. So im asking for recommendations of the most epic sort.

Any ideas ladies and gents?


Crash Team Racing, is a pretty fun cart racer. I remember as a kid a lot of the time we only had one controller and just switched off playing Crash Bandicoot every time you died or completed a level. That was fun.

  • 2 weeks later...

CTR is awesome, Better than Mario Kart 64 in some ways, more skill IMO with the drifting/boosting combination, I ordered that, Crash Bandicoot 1 and 2, Rayman, Gex, Croc, and Spyro the Dragon off Ebay.

Noone else has any other suggestions?

Has there been any good games that came out recently or will come out soon for the PS3?

Not too much.


Little Big Planet

Resistance 2

Valkyria Chronicles

and every multi-platform title worth owning from the last few months.


So I played a little Resistance 2...and is it just me, or is the AI retarded? Their aim is either pretty ridiculous or pretty crappy in normal mode, and have a pretty generous recognition of people far away from them. The graphics is also pretty underwhelming for a PS3 title this long after launch.

Lastly, I hate those Chameleons :sad: .


Worth getting a PS3 yet? I got a fat paycheck this month and I'm thinking about it. Since I've got a 360 already (and I'll buy most multi-platform titles to that one for the achievements >:P) I'm not really interested in anything but exclusives and downloadable games.

enlighten me


Many users here have wii numbers and xbox usernames listed on the side but almost no one has listed thier psn id's. I still play warhawk once or twice a week, feel free to add me if any of you own or still play that game.

Never been a fan of MGS, more into JRPGs (yeah.. i know..)

what's this Valkyria Chronicles I've been hearing about btw?

If you are a fan of JRPG's you will love this game for it's storytelling. Plus, even if you take out the story from the game is still good as a third person shooter. Don't devoid yourself of the experience in playing this game.

One thing that sort of confuses me is why Valkyria Chronicles was released as a PS3 exclusive. Sega doesn't really do a lot of exclusives. Oh well, glad I have a PS3!

It'll be hitting the 360 eventually. This IS Sega we're talking about. In fact it was originally slated to be on the 360. When questioned, Sega responded with "we don't want to close any doors".

And you can't trust a damned word out of Kojima's mouth ever since he said MGS2 would be his final game, so this'll be hitting the 360 one day or another. If Konami says we wants moar munny, then it'll happen.

It'll be hitting the 360 eventually. This IS Sega we're talking about. In fact it was originally slated to be on the 360. When questioned, Sega responded with "we don't want to close any doors".

And you can't trust a damned word out of Kojima's mouth ever since he said MGS2 would be his final game, so this'll be hitting the 360 one day or another. If Konami says we wants moar munny, then it'll happen.

In other words, I'll stick to 360 for a while. Damn, FFXIII on 360 really killed PS3 for me :D

In other words, I'll stick to 360 for a while. Damn, FFXIII on 360 really killed PS3 for me :D

That, Star Ocean 4, and Tales of Vesperia are what effectively killed the prospect of a PS3 to me. If those games on the 360, then there's nothing to say anything else won't be either.

Of course that isn't to say we won't see a lot of 360 games on the PS3. Bioshock is there, and I'm pretty sure Star Ocean 4 and Last Remnant are at least getting Japanese releases eventually.

Also mark my words, FFVersusXIII WILL be heading to the 360.

That, Star Ocean 4, and Tales of Vesperia are what effectively killed the prospect of a PS3 to me. If those games on the 360, then there's nothing to say anything else won't be either.

Of course that isn't to say we won't see a lot of 360 games on the PS3. Bioshock is there, and I'm pretty sure Star Ocean 4 and Last Remnant are at least getting Japanese releases eventually.

Also mark my words, FFVersusXIII WILL be heading to the 360.

Agree'd with pretty much everything there. too bad Vesperia and SO4 ain't out in PAL-country yet.

"We can't stop here, this is PAL-country!"

Little Big Planet still looks freaking awesome but one game isn't enough.


If I'm not mistaken, both original models of the PS3(the 20 gig and the 60 gig models I think) both have actual hardware emulation, as in the original PS2 components are actually built into the PS3. You'd wanna look around for anything that says that it's a 2006 model or so.

As for eBay, not so sure. Hope you find one.

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