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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, we're a bit over a month away from the due date of Dec. 11. Thus far, I've gotten one song, so we're off to a bit of a slow start.

This evening I'll be sending PMs to those who expressed interest in doing something for the album to see if they're still up for it. So for those who've posted in here, keep an eye on your inbox. And no, that's not a euphemism.

  • 3 weeks later...

We are now just 12 days away from the due date of Dec. 11.

Let that soak in folks. Less than two weeks to go before the project wraps up. Having just finished my remix's final touches, there are now three completed tracks for the album, with a good half dozen (roughly) being actively worked on by other people. As Dyne has said, for the people who REALLY want to get a song on the album but need a few extra days, the absolute cut off date is December 14 at 11:59 P.M. EST. But ideally, all songs should be done and submitted to both Dyne and myself by December 11 at 11:59 P.M. EST, that way we have enough time to put everything together without having to rush.

So for those who have gotten back to me and let me know what's going on with your remixes, thanks for the updates and keep up the good work thus far. And to the few who have stayed silent, I'm getting drones ready to play a constant, blaring loop of "Friday" outside your homes as I type.

Here's my email for those with finished tracks...



Just got reminded at discord, so I need to throw in. I failed last year and don't want it to happen again. I want to get this great concept I have out of the way for the holiday. Time is already short, so not cool, but please bug me all you want about this. I'm serious: I'm always swamped with stuff, but very little of it is immediately consequential. I'm following discord reasonably well, so hit me up whenever.

4 hours ago, José the Bronx Rican said:

Just got reminded at discord, so I need to throw in. I failed last year and don't want it to happen again. I want to get this great concept I have out of the way for the holiday. Time is already short, so not cool, but please bug me all you want about this. I'm serious: I'm always swamped with stuff, but very little of it is immediately consequential. I'm following discord reasonably well, so hit me up whenever.

If you're really interested, feel free to work on something. As I said in my previous post, if you absolutely need the time, you can submit it by 11:59 P.M. EST on December 14. It may only be three additional days, but a lot can be accomplished in three days :)


Messages sent to everyone who hasn't had to back out, or vanished from sight. Also, I got this message from the OverClocked Podcast crew a few days ago. I thought I would put it here in case someone wanted to act on it...

On 11/29/2016 at 7:06 PM, OverClocked PodCast said:

Hey there! If the Christmas album is up and running in time, would you or anyone else involved in the project be interested in joining us for an interview on the OverClocked PodCast? :) We're planning our Christmas Special (which will go up on December 24th) so just let me know, and thanks!

- Stephen



On 12/4/2016 at 10:23 PM, The Coop said:

Messages sent to everyone who hasn't had to back out, or vanished from sight. Also, I got this message from the OverClocked Podcast crew a few days ago. I thought I would put it here in case someone wanted to act on it...




I'm still alive, don't worry. I'll be working on the website tonight and have been seeing some emails from musicians in my Gmail, so I will be going through everything. I've been incredibly busy with work and just don't have the time during the week. So I will do my best to get the majority of the work done that I can do tonight and tomorrow.

I would also be incredibly happy to hear our musicians involved in this year's as well as the last nine years of AOCC interviewed if at all possible. I would do the interview, but I don't have much interesting stuff to say.

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