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Hello Everyone,

is anyone following the newest Dragonball Super series? if yes, what do you guys think about it?

I think the show needs a better feel and animation. Dragonball Kai did good deleting the the fillers from Dragonball Z but still, the feel and development was there. The story progresses way to fast then it should be there.

On 26.4.2016 at 3:36 AM, Brandon Strader said:

Is it in Englais yet?

Not sure, but you can find English subtitles pretty easily with Google.

I do agree with Ivan that the series sucks though. Story is uninteresting, everything seems like a gigantic cameo instead of a new story and the animation is so bad in some of the episodes that it hurts. I really wanted to like it. I lived DBZ when I was a child. But this feels like a slap in the face.


I like it, but not as much as DB / DBZ. It's different as DBZ, in which it takes something like 80 episodes to defeat Majin Buu. Everything is faster here (as Omega85 said), a fight only takes a handful episodes. The story also isn't very strong till now. But I like to watch the episodes.

There are enough sites where you can watch the episodes (with subtitles), every week a new episode is available.


I'm not up to date on it but I like it. I like the return to funnier characters. The western version of DBZ took itself way too seriously.

DBS is comfort food. Not particularly great but evokes enough nostalgia for me.

Don't like that they're cutting corners on the animation though. Maybe Blurays will see improvements.


You know what's really confusing me? That they decided to re-tell both of the recent movies within the series instead of just recapping them or just continue where they left off. The movies don't go anywhere - people can still watch them. Or maybe just ignore them and write a new story that directly comes after DBZ and not use stuff that already existed.

I'm not even sure if they movies are canon now. The series is such a strange alternate retelling of those that the whole structure of the universe is all over the place now.


It is getting somewhere now. The king of Everything wants a tournament held between all 12 universes. This means that we might see more Saiyans, Nameks, new races and many more. 

Also, I read that Arale from Dr. Slump will appear in Episode 43. She also appeared in Dragonball when Goku was a kid.


Yeah, I already read the Manga and the story seems to be the same now. The anime is only up to the beginning of the tournament? In the Manga there have already been a couple of fights. And they all end very, very quickly.


I absolutely love it. It's everything I wanted in a new Dragon Ball series. It's MOST of what was good about Dragon Ball, and drops everything that was bad about Dragon Ball Z. 3 seasons, each resolved in under 20 episodes. No ridiculous charging up. No 30 minuting sequences of the same punch loop used over and over. A damn good amount of humor, and a quick, definitive resolution. I could not have asked for more. Is it a ground breaking anime experience? Of course not. Is it super fun an satisfying? Absolutely.



On 5/5/2016 at 1:03 AM, MES Records said:

Yeah, I already read the Manga and the story seems to be the same now. The anime is only up to the beginning of the tournament? In the Manga there have already been a couple of fights. And they all end very, very quickly.

No, the anime and manga are running pretty close to concurrently. (actually I think the manga might be a tiny bit behind the anime)  The anime just finished the universe 6 vs. 7 tournament arc, but in the final episode of it, the king of all universes pops up to propose a similar tournament but with all 12 universes involved.


I was mildly annoyed with them deciding to make Frost evil(he wasn't in the manga), but other than that it's pretty nice so far. The actual art is crisp and clean, but the animation itself could use some work. It's no big deal though.

2 hours ago, Arrow said:

No, the anime and manga are running pretty close to concurrently. (actually I think the manga might be a tiny bit behind the anime)  The anime just finished the universe 6 vs. 7 tournament arc, but in the final episode of it, the king of all universes pops up to propose a similar tournament but with all 12 universes involved.

Didn't know that, my bad. Doesn't sound too exciting though. But at least it doesn't seem to have as much padding as DBZ.


I am not against Frost but, Frieza's return and massive boost in power was kinda a joke. Goku trains for years and achieves SSJ Blue form. Same goes for Vegeta. Then Frieza shows up and says that 4 months of training was enough to become so strong. Goku and Vegeta trained together as SSJ Blue for 3 years in the time chamber after. We still don't know how strong they got there. So let's say that if Frieza returns for the second time, all he has to do is train a few months and become as strong as them..

You can even imagine Perfect Cell's return. He has saiyan cells. He gets stronger when close to death and defeat. He has Frieza's cells too. So imagine him using both saiyan and frieza's cells. Now, imagine his power boost. All he needs to do is train a few months and become as strong as Goku and the others there.


I don't follow it too much (just watched the movies, really), but from what I gather, Freeza never, EVER trained, and yet he was as strong as Goku (SS) in Z. With that in mind, look at what happened to Gohan, who used to be competitive with Majin Boo, now that he's merely been out of training for a few years - turns out if you don't train you become a pathetic shell of who you could be.

To be honest, I thought that was very clever, how they wrote it off - basically, the difference between Gohan never training and SS2/Mystic is the implied difference between Freeza and Golden Freeza. Yeah, four months is a stretch, but y'know the power scaling of Dragonball has been messed up ever since after the Cell games. I liked that part.

Now, a tournament arc RIGHT AFTER a tournament arc... That's stupid.

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