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8 hours ago, Ronald Poe said:

Is Leliana (Dragon Age: Origins) a total badass and/or antihero (could you explain what you mean)? I've never played said game but I'm sure it's a good RPG. Xehanort is a master manipulator and you're probably just playing into his hands.

In all seriousness, good luck (I've also sent my entry) and may the better man win.

Well I don't want to spoil too much of the series, but in short, to answer your question, yes, sort of both.  Some of the situations Leliana overcomes are outright horrific, yet the outcomes only make her stronger.  She's a complex character who continually evolves throughout the Dragon Age series (part of her character development also has to do with the actions you take during the course of the games).  Also, good luck trying to manipulate Leliana.  (small spoiler) part of the backstory she's involved in espionage, so she's very familiar with manipulation tactics.


My last post was actually referencing a quote from Doom 4.  I've been thoroughly enjoying this masterpiece of a game the last few days, which definitely inspired my mix this round.  =)


There's a Doom 4? Do you mean the Doom reboot? Anyway I heard your entry and ... it's flat out amazing. Sounds better than a lot of registered mixes on the site and quite a few professional RPGs too. I love how you gently weaved the three pieces into something great. I don't think I stand a chance but at least I made it to the finals. Afterwards, you should submit it to the judges (I'd love to see this masterpiece on the main site). 

I'm not giving up on my music yet and will drive to make it even better. Also have you heard my entry? What do you think. I personally think  Leliana would be a good match for Xehanort. He's a master strategist, swordsman, and manipulator with the power of darkness mastered as well.


Your song sounded like a 10 second loop, and I couldn't distinguish the sources very well.  Maybe there's something I'm missing in the bass-line since I don't have a sub plugged in.

And by Doom 4 yes I meant the reboot.  I'm glad you enjoyed my song, but I probably wouldn't submit it as-is.  I'd probably narrow it down to one or two themes, clean it up a bit and flesh out the arrangement more.


I thought it was too repetitive as well (to be fair, "Xehanort Theme" is very repetitive and loopy) and the bassline was entirely original. I'm fine with you fleshing it out but the way the three were blended perfectly. It was a near-masterpiece of remixing and deserves to be on the site. Please just be conservative with what you have (it's more than good enough). 

I still have a lot to learn and would like some pointers. 




Just a friendly reminder to check out and vote on our final mixes of the compo. I'm going to be out of town for the bulk of the day on Monday which is why I have the voting deadline so late. I'll be posting the epilogue and final results first thing in the morning on Tuesday. 

23 hours ago, Ronald Poe said:

I thought it was too repetitive as well (to be fair, "Xehanort Theme" is very repetitive and loopy) and the bassline was entirely original. I'm fine with you fleshing it out but the way the three were blended perfectly. It was a near-masterpiece of remixing and deserves to be on the site. Please just be conservative with what you have (it's more than good enough). 

I still have a lot to learn and would like some pointers. 



To be fair I'd rather wait until after the compo is over.  Since arranging and mixing is such a complex process feel free to ask me specific questions or even just get general feedback on another mix and I'll try my best to help.


Epilogue: Dawn of a New Day


After a long and grueling battle against Leliana and Xehanort, Porky’s mechanical carrier broke down and collapsed. Trapped inside the immobile machine, Porky began to panic. Even though he had become immortal, he could still feel pain. Despite all the power at his disposal, he was at the mercy of his enemies and that terrified him. He frantically racked his mind for a place where his enemies could never reach him.

From within the wreckage of his carrier, Porky began to laugh. A crimson sphere appeared above the carrier, tendrils of light emanated from the orb and washed over Porky and his machine. The Divinity Orb, the indestructible source of Porky’s godly state, would once again prove to be his salvation, for inside there, no one would be able to harm him ever again. Porky’s laugh grew quieter and quieter as his form shrank and was pulled within the floating orb. And Master Porky was gone.


The Divinity Orb hung suspended in the air for a few moments before unceremoniously dropping to the floor. The orb rolled over the cracked stone floor and came to a rest at Leliana’s feet. Cautiously, she picked up the orb and examined it, the image of Porky still laughing at how he outwitted his enemies was quickly wiped away by the swirl of pure blue light. The light radiated from the orb at Leliana’s command and cast out the denizens of darkness that had plagued the land. The Kingdom of Dawn had finally been liberated and would soon rise to even greater glory than it had ever known before.


The dawning of a new era.


And thus, the ReMix Role-Playing Competition 2016 has come to an end. Congratulations to our winner, Ghetto Lee Lewis, and to our runner-up, Ronald Poe! It has been quite a journey and I hope you’ve enjoyed it.

I want to take some time to thank everyone who made this compo possible. I want to thank Darkesword for the feedback he gave me for this compo. Also thank you to DragonAvenger and OA for offering various suggestions and just listening to me go on and on about the compo long before it was even ready to launch. I want to give a special thank you to Odai for making all of the signature images for the compo, they certainly exceeded my expectations. And of course, I want to thank everyone who signed up and took part in the rRPC 2016. I know it didn’t go exactly as I had originally planned, but I hope it was still an enjoyable event for you all.

Much like the first rRPC, this was a learning experience for me. In future compos, I will be sure to put greater thought into back up formats in the event of lower turnout. I’ll also try to dial back the complexity in some regards. If there are other things about the compo you think I could have done better, feel free to share your thoughts here or via PM if you prefer to keep it private. I appreciate any feedback I receive, whatever it takes to make the next compo I host better than it would be otherwise.

It will probably be a while before I run another rRPC. I’m considering something new for my next compo. Something a bit simpler and more accessible to a larger number of ReMixers. That’s still on the drawing board and isn’t happening any time soon.

That said, thanks again to everyone who took part in this compo in any way, whether you entered, voted, or just followed along. Thank you!


As I expected, I lost but at least I gave it my best. Congratulations Ghetto Lee Lewis, I feel you deserve the win and are a truly great remixer. You should remaster "Poke And Tear" and maybe extend it (it should have all 3 sources though). I feel it's a near-masterpiece and better than about 45% of the remixes that made it on the site. 

9 hours ago, Ronald Poe said:

As I expected, I lost but at least I gave it my best. Congratulations Ghetto Lee Lewis, I feel you deserve the win and are a truly great remixer. You should remaster "Poke And Tear" and maybe extend it (it should have all 3 sources though). I feel it's a near-masterpiece and better than about 45% of the remixes that made it on the site. 

only 45%?  I thought you said it was better than most :P


I meant at least 45% of the the remixes on the site (there are plenty of great mixes on the site already). It really is exceptional and high quality. I'd actually like some pointers on how to incorporate 3 themes so seamlessly and in such an epic way. Keep up the good work Ghetto Lee Lweis. 

I'm going to continue remixing and writing original music. I'm currently in a Terranigma project and remixing "Dr. Beruga". 

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