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rRPC 2016 - The ReMix Role-Playing Competition 2016


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The deadline for the Hero side of Round Three has arrived. Both Touchstone and Ghetto Lee Lewis submitted tracks so the result of their match up will decide which hero will go up against the main villain. Xenonetix and Garpocalypse will still have their tracks voted on to determine third place on the hero side.

The tracks for Hero Round Three can be downloaded now. You can vote on your favorite tracks here. Thank you everyone for submitting your music.

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We're drawing closer to the deadline for the villains. How are you guys faring on your mixes? We've also had four votes for the hero round so far so if you haven't checked out the submissions yet, please do so soon. The polls are very close right now.

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15 hours ago, FenixDown said:

We're drawing closer to the deadline for the villains. How are you guys faring on your mixes? We've also had four votes for the hero round so far so if you haven't checked out the submissions yet, please do so soon. The polls are very close right now.

What happens if they stay as there are? ;)

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10 hours ago, Xenonetix said:

What happens if they stay as there are? ;)

Well, the hero that wins won't have to do anything until voting closes on the villain round 3 and the finals begin, so I'll probably leave voting open a bit longer until the tie is broken. If that doesn't seem likely to happen, then I'll just have to make the tough call and cast the final vote myself. Also, if anyone would like to do so, please feel free to offer critiques of the round's entries (or previous rounds, feedback has been pretty sparse this compo, even on my part).

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I've only received one submission for villain round 3. Since this round is determining the finalist for the villain side, I would prefer to have a vote so if you have a track in the works, please send it in as soon as possible. Or at least let me know here or via PM that you do not intend to send one in. 

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Our Hero has been decided. Ghetto Lee Lewis (Leliana) will be going up against one of the villains in the final round of the rRPC 2016. Congratulations! And well done, Touchstone, for submitting a worthy track.

Xenonetix and Garpocalypse's match ended on a draw. You both did a great job and I thoroughly enjoyed both entries so I honestly don't want to split the vote. I hope you find this conclusion satisfying. Thank you very much!

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You were the only one to send in a track before the deadline, Ronald Poe, and I'm trying to determine if anyone has music to send in to allow for a vote to determine the villain finalist. I sent out messages to the other villains to see if anyone has something ready to submit or not. I received one response so far that says no and if I don't hear back from the rest by tomorrow morning, I'm going to declare Xehanort as the villain finalist character and jump into getting the finals started. I will be sure to release Ronald Poe's track in a link in the opening post so people can still give it a listen (and Ronald, you are still welcome to post a link to your soundcloud for your round 2 entry I wasn't able to convert into an MP3).

It's how it goes sometimes. Life happens, people get busy with important stuff. I don't want anyone feeling bad about not making this or any other deadlines, sometimes things can't be helped and I understand. 

Edit: Here is Ronald Poe's mix from round three:  Villain Round Three

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Final Round: The True Mastermind Revealed



In a dreary, dark place far removed from the fighting at Castle Dawn, a figure observed the events transpiring there with great interest. In fact, he had been watching all along as his minions combined their forces to topple the kingdom, and then he proceeded to entertain himself as he watched his followers bicker and squabble amongst themselves. It was all fun and games until a group of outsiders took advantage of the situation and tipped the scales back in favor of the citizens of Dawn. It was unacceptable and he knew that the only way to rectify the situation was to take matters into his own hands and clean up the mess his minions had made. A mechanical spider-like appendage reached out to touch the glowing red orb he used to watch the events unfold, and willed himself there.

Meanwhile, at that exact moment, Leliana bust open the door to the throne room of Castle Dawn and found herself face to face with Xehanort. The villain sneered at her and began to speak of his plans for the Realm of Dusk, a long-winded and unnecessarily elaborate scheme that was cut short when a brilliant flash of red light enveloped the room. Leliana blinked as the light subsided and then stared in stunned awe at the sight of a large mechanical carrier with spider-like legs. Xehanort also stared in awe, though his gaze was fixed on the immobile child-like figure lying prone inside the carrier.


Xehanort began to bow before his master when the carrier suddenly fired off a spray of multi-colored beams that Leliana and Xehanort barely managed to avoid. The two combatants exchanged a brief glance, uncertain at that moment who their enemy really was. The cackling of the childish figure as his carrier readied another attack laid that uncertainty to rest. Master Porky Minch has arrived. And he means business!

It’s been a long journey, but at long last, the final showdown has arrived! Ghetto Lee Lewis and Ronald Poe are the finalists of their respective sides. And Master Porky (Pokey from Earthbound) has returned as the reigning champion of the first rRPC to defend his title. The match up for the finals is:

Ghetto Lee Lewis (Leliana) and Ronald Poe (Xehanort) : Master Porky’s Theme (Mother 3)

Both finalists must use the character they signed up with and Porky’s theme for this match. Each finalist does have the option of also using their opponent’s theme as a third source, but that is not required. The party system is not available during the finals so Mara and Nara/Meena and Maya and Neclord cannot be used in your mixes.

If you use all three sources for your ReMix, list them in this order: [Your Character] & [Opponent’s Character] & Master Porky.

The finals will be open until noon EDT on Monday August 1st. Best of luck finalists, the fate of the kingdom rests in your hands.

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As for everyone else, your role in the ReMix Role-Playing Competition 2016 has concluded, but that does not mean you have to stop participating. While the finals are underway, there is an optional bonus round for everyone else. Participants of the rRPC 2016 may combine your character or party member theme (or both!) with any other source used in the compo excluding those used in the finals (Leliana, Xehanort, and Porky’s themes). This means you may use any character a participant signed up as, any party member theme, or any theme from the hero rounds, with no restrictions on the number of sources used. Collaborations are also allowed regardless of whether or not they signed up for the compo.

In fact, this bonus round is open to everyone, regardless of whether or not you signed up for the rRPC 2016. If you did not sign up, all you need to do is pick an RPG hero or villain that is not already in use and combine that theme with at least one source involved in the compo. Please refrain from picking anyone that might reveal major spoilers to their games. Here’s a link to the spreadsheet with all the featured sources.

Please send all entries to me (FenixDown) via PM on the forums with a link to a trustworthy hosting client (like Dropbox or Soundcloud) and I will download your mixes from there. I will only accept submissions sent in WAV format. Please do not send MP3s, I will encode the MP3s myself.

All file names must be in the following formats:

ReMixer - Mix Title (Your Character Name & Round Source/Other Character Name).wav  

Example: FenixDown - Tonedeaf Terra (Terra & Tone of the Town).wav

Example: DarkeSword - Kefka Beckons (Kefka & Lavos).wav

You may list up to three sources in the file itself, separating each character name or source title with an ‘&’. If you use more, list the most prominent sources in the file name and share the full list in the PM you send me to submit the track. If you collaborate with someone in your mix, include (feat. [Collabing ReMixer]) after ReMixer.

Any bonus round submissions I receive before the finals close will be included in the download for the finals tracks. I do not intend to create a poll for bonus mixes, it’s purely just for fun. No one is obligated to participate in this bonus round, but if you’re interested and have the time, you are more than welcome to join in.

The bonus round ends at the same time as the finals, presently scheduled at noon EDT on Monday, August 1st.

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I'm so happy to be a finalist and even if I lose, I'll have no regrets. I will still compose electronic music and remix with all the effort and heart I can muster. I'll put up a good fight and hope you do the same, Ghetto Lee Lewis. 

Here's a sample of my style. 


Have a great day.

Edit: I love the twist involving Porky (Earthbound/Mother 3). It's hilarious to imagine Xehanort working for him.

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9 hours ago, Xenonetix said:

Just in case people might be interested, I decided to remaster my most recent remix. I may have overdone it, but I still think it's an improvement:

You should post that in the workshop forums and get some feedback from the mods there. I'd love to see this track posted as an official OCR mixpost someday.

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Xenonetix, you totally should bring that to the workshop forum and keep at remixing (you're good at it). I'd love to see it as an official remix on the site. It needs some work though.

To Yami, thanks for the encouragement. I really appreciate it and will do my absolute best. Even if I lose, I'm glad to have made it to the finals.

Anyone got any critiques on my music? After all of this, I'm probably doing a remix of "Suspicion" (Final Fantasy IV/FF4) ...

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On 7/20/2016 at 7:31 AM, Ronald Poe said:

I'm so happy to be a finalist and even if I lose, I'll have no regrets. I will still compose electronic music and remix with all the effort and heart I can muster. I'll put up a good fight and hope you do the same, Ghetto Lee Lewis. 

Here's a sample of my style. 


Have a great day.

Edit: I love the twist involving Porky (Earthbound/Mother 3). It's hilarious to imagine Xehanort working for him.

That's a fun little remix you got.  Here, I'll post one of mine from last year's RRPC that isn't representive of my style at all :D

Good luck and may the funk be with you.

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You're pretty good, Ghetto Lee Lewis. "Fransokoyo" isn't a remix though (I wrote it myself) but was an original tribute to Kingdom Hearts (I often write tributes to characters and KH) and Big Hero 6. I also checked out "Requiem For the Beerless" and like what you did. You'll definitely be a worthy opponent and I hope to be one for you as well. 

Good luck.

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