herman9000 Posted July 19, 2002 Posted July 19, 2002 awwww, i cant beat mike tyson, he is one-hit K.O. Quote
Meiguoren Posted July 19, 2002 Posted July 19, 2002 You have to just sit and dodge his dynamite punch for about the first minute of the match. After that he breaks into different things, things that won't put you down with one punch. Then and only then can you get a hit in. If you're lucky. Play well, ready your nerves of steel, take a deep breath and go to it. Just memorize his signs and you shouldn't have a real problem. Best of luck to you. Quote
Native Jovian Posted July 19, 2002 Posted July 19, 2002 You want hard? Try and beat Radius! In the very beginning in the training session! Sure he whoops you, and it's the first game right?So we jump in there with the game/continue+ option. He still crushes us. He'll take more turns if necessary to rapidly cast enough blue spells to kill you. Then we discover the wonders of the color plates After going through the game twice (being roughly * level 96) and armed with blue plate. Finally, we can take him down, and he can't stop us. Does he lose? Nooooooo.....he only comments that he must have trained you well! Dude, I whooped the tar out of that little geezer on my first time through New Game +... He wasn't all that hard. Hell, I'm pretty sure I've gotten him to critical status on the FIRST time though. Tablets = Good. Quote
Mina Posted July 19, 2002 Posted July 19, 2002 Hardest final boss if you're clueless: Terranigma. That is, if you have no idea how to block. Probably wouldn't be possible to kill him anyway, but it's sometimes funny to watch people scream in panic over it. ; Hardest bosses I've run across so far.. The Four Abyss Gate Guardians in Romancing SaGa 3, but the second time around. (Before you fight the last boss.) Aunas and anything associated with him are permanently set in my mind as 'PURE EVIL.' It took me a while to get to the Fairy Village, and it took me DAYS to get to the Fire Palace. (I followed the Black Butterflies, as best as I could, for a day or so. Then, I just resorted to walking in and out randomly of exits. Heh.) Anyway, as far as the second Aunas battle..I cannot begin to tell you people how many savestate loads I did. I cannot imagine trying to beat him fairly on a SFC. The others were pretty much as much of a pain as he was, but not QUITE as much. Though, I must say that Byuunei was particularly harsh. -.-; Quote
Krav Posted July 19, 2002 Posted July 19, 2002 i can't think of the hardest boss ever, but I can think of a pretty damn hard one. I'm talkin about Prince Amrius in ogrebattle64. unless yew had like, godly weapons and high level paladins and wizards and stuff, yew were cooked. he had that pedra of bane-like spell that could totally take down yer entire front row of soldiers, man. it was tough. The kingpin fer spiderman (on genesis) was pretty tough too because if yew didn't beat him in time Mary Jane would be dipped into that vat of...whatever that stuff was and then GAME OVER. tough stuff. Final dracula in castlevania64 when he was in that dragon form was both tiggety looking and harder to beat than changing the lightbulb at the top of a stadium. he was just like...wow. tough. I thought the Original mother brain from metroid was pretty tough too. all those freaking guns shooting at yew at the same time and then if yew fell in the lava between MB and that column thing yew were pretty much screwed because yew couldn't jump back out. bah. final mizar isn't so bad if yew have a friend playing as floyd shooting at those freaking meteors he threw at yew. but bob the goldfish....whenever I open my eyes at night...I still see his unblinking little goldfish eyes... staring at me...staring into my soul... Quote
Mina Posted July 19, 2002 Posted July 19, 2002 18 pages and you guys are still typing about hard bosses? This has to be a world forum record. Though I'm new to these forums, I've been with a couple of other forums for a long time. I haven't read ALL 18 pages of this yet, but perhaps I will soon. And, the only thing I have to say is: It's more of a miracle (for any board) that after 18 pages, people are still STAYING ON TOPIC. Quote
Krav Posted July 19, 2002 Posted July 19, 2002 oh yeah, and Giga bowser in SSBM on very hard mode. getting through very hard without continuing and actually being able to face Giga bowser is a feat in itself, but very hard giga bowser? jesus christ, man! yew could blast him with god-knows how many charge shots and he would barely budge! I only tried him once because it took me so many tries to get through adventure mode without continuing, it's just frustrating. especially that damned pokemon level! damn yew pikachu! damn yew to hell!! Andross from Starfox (NES) was a pretty big bad-arse too. mainly because the ol' SNES could barely handle that many polygons and it made the game slow down a lot. ~_~;; Quote
Zeromus Posted July 19, 2002 Posted July 19, 2002 Some of the end bosses in Radiant Silvergun are HARD!!! Like the Phoenix, once he lights up - geez! That game is so fun, it makes me want to marry my friend that owns it, just so I'll have access to it always. Not that it's a guarantee, but better than nothing! (Sorry, Steve, just kidding) Z Quote
omegaslade Posted July 19, 2002 Posted July 19, 2002 Ok how about r-type 3 final boss second mission with the first force weapon. you wanna talk abotu insanity. i barly made it throguh it( its not immpossible but really really really hard) you've got a guy that only lets you do so much damage to him cause he opens his misshappen mouth and lets roaches every where that are liek minature bosses them self plus he has big balls of light jsut hovering every where. then if that isn;t enough after you beat him you have to fly liek mad to avoid his arms then when you think your done he sticks his ugly head back out of his dimension and spews little light balls that not only hom ein on you while going out but make a u turn after they are off screen and come back towards you . sound liek fun well it was (^)_(^) Quote
herman9000 Posted July 19, 2002 Posted July 19, 2002 i still cant beat him, hey, is mike the last person to fight? Quote
ddjk Posted July 19, 2002 Posted July 19, 2002 Yes... he is the last one. How far are you getting? He will try to one shot knockdown you for the first 1:30 of the first round. Dodge each one and give him 2 shots to the head. ONly 2! Next he'll go into the blink and hook routine. Dodge the hook and hit him in the head some more. Its either 2 or 3 shots per punch ( i think 3). If you do this right you should be able to knock him down sometime in the 1st round. 2nd round gets a little tougher. Lets see. If he blinks both his eyes a bunch of times, prepare to block like you've never blocked before. Dont try to dodge them. He will still flicker before every big uppercut he throws. He might string together more than one in quick succession. Otherwise, he'll just mix in a combination of the punches i've explained. So just dodge and hit, dodge and hit. Take deep breaths. Sit on the edge of your seat. Get those reflexes workin, cause without quick reflexes youre down on the mat. In all reality, if you get knocked down twice in the first round, just start over. Hope this helps. Good luck. Quote
herman9000 Posted July 19, 2002 Posted July 19, 2002 awww i almost beat him!! but it went to the next round and i lost Quote
Native Jovian Posted July 19, 2002 Posted July 19, 2002 yew Do you really HAVE to do that? I mean, seriously. It's spelled Y-O-U. Hooked on Phonics is not your friend. Quote
RPD Posted July 20, 2002 Posted July 20, 2002 00 Agent on the Aztec level was HARD. . for some reason i rule multiplayer but not single player.. also i never got to play starfox for snes and super metroid.. i wish they will come for gameboy adv.. or some link to emulate at least.. Quote
{BloodStar} Posted July 20, 2002 Posted July 20, 2002 I notice people on the board and in real life mentioning that the conclusion of Xenogears was the hardest fighting ever, or at least the hardest RPG fighting. This will probably spoil just a little, but I'll keep it to a minimum. I know the secret. It's magic. And expensive. But maybe it can help people. First of all, get 3 GNR500's for Fei, each of which give you 50% increase in engine output . Second, get Fei the Omega 100 engine, which gives him only 1000 fuel, but an insane amount of output, therefore giving him insane damage. For armor, I recommend the Z alloy 800/30... It's 800 normal AR and 300 ether AR. Yes, 300. Equip it and see for yourself. It doesn't SAY 300, but the stat will increase by 300 all the same. These items can be bought in the lighthouse from the merchant, for a lot of money. And now, give Fei's character (not gear) speed shoes if you have them. They give his gear the haste effect when he wears them while piloting. You cannot buy them anywhere. That way, you can ignore booster. Now, grasshopper, you are ready. Get to the end battles. Easier said than done, but www.gamefaqs.com has excellent strategy guides. One of them may have done my trick already. If so, know that I did this on my own, and do not mean to steal from anyone. Anyway, go straight to the fight with [insert boss name here], and ignore his four "supports." Make damn sure Fei is ready. Then waste the sucker. Just hit him repeatedly with Fei and he goes down like a sack of potatoes. No need to heal. Fei kills him too quickly. Then, just let Fei attack constantly for any further battles you may or may not have to fight. Hope that helps anyone having trouble, didn't ruin the game for anyone, and didn't take too long. Quote
ella guro Posted July 20, 2002 Posted July 20, 2002 I haven't read the whole huge thread, so I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but the second time you fight Mizar in the underrated n64 game "Jet Force Gemini", is one of the toughest boss battles of all time, imo.... Quote
luminaire23 Posted July 20, 2002 Posted July 20, 2002 Some of the bosses that annoyed me include: FinalHazard(Sonic Adventure 2), Criosphinx(Chrono Cross), Sigma(MMX5), and Deadbeard(Golden Sun). Quote
Foxhack Posted July 20, 2002 Posted July 20, 2002 Since I don't have time to read through eighteen pages of posts, I'll just say the name of the single boss I have never beaten: Gill, from Street Fighter III: Third Strike. He was beatable in Second Impact. I can't even beat him one round in Third Strike. There. *poof* Quote
The Coop Posted July 20, 2002 Author Posted July 20, 2002 Since I don't have time to read through eighteen pages of posts, I'll just say the name of the single boss I have never beaten: Gill, from Street Fighter III: Third Strike. He was beatable in Second Impact. I can't even beat him one round in Third Strike. He's beatable, but he's cheaper in tactics than he was in Double Impact. To beat him, you have to use either upper cuts or round houses to knock him out of the air (Dragon punched and the like only get you hit as your landing), trip him (this works a good 50% of the time for me) after which you throw a well timed fireball to nail him as he gets back up, and occasional jump kicks (followed up with a "trip and fireball" attack). Going nuts with supers on him is useless. Ya gotta stick with the basics. Again, he still isn't easy, but he's beatable. Quote
{BloodStar} Posted July 21, 2002 Posted July 21, 2002 Some of the bosses that annoyed me include: ...Criosphinx(Chrono Cross)... Hey, I don't know about the rest, but I think I can help you out on this one. You have to steal from the yellow dragon earlier in the game, and get his yellow armor. It absorbs earth attacks. If you play through more than once, steal every time from every dragons for more armor. Equip as many characters as possible with yellow armor before fighting Criosphinx, and every other turn, his earth attack will fully heal you. Makes him quite the pushover. Quote
SiKrAiKeN Posted July 21, 2002 Posted July 21, 2002 Dude, ever beat MS3? That game has some f--king hard bosses! especially the one where the alien head is connected to the room and shoots these huge balls one after another, and you can't dodge them all unless you are like one foot tall, which your not. Over at MARP, they have recordings for both Metal Slug 3 and Metal Slug X, finished on one credit. http://marp.retrogames.com http://marp.retrogames.com/index.cgi?mode=search&short=^mslug3n$&table=y&per_game=1000&tourn=0 Quote
Nex Posted July 21, 2002 Posted July 21, 2002 For me, the hardest boss I had to fight was the first boss, on Dr. Wiley's first stage of Mega Man. (the first one.) I coudln't beat him. I never used the "select cheat" either. -J sorry dude...beat him when i was 4...no cheats... ~nex Quote
Nex Posted July 21, 2002 Posted July 21, 2002 Hardest boss of all time would HAVE to be the computer 2nd player on MONOPOLY!!!! I have never beat him....within 20 turns he ALWAYS has Boardwalk and parkplace with atleast 3 houses on each...ITS INSANE!!!! If anybody knows a weak point(s)...please tell me. I need it!!!! ~nex Quote
Bahamut Posted July 21, 2002 Posted July 21, 2002 Let's see, all time hardest...how about Lavos in CT the first time you fight him at the Ocean Palace (and no new game +)? Quote
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