Psychonaut Posted May 22, 2004 Posted May 22, 2004 DDR. MAXX UNLIMITED. HARDEST.BOSS.EVAR.if you count it as a boss of course ^^ You haven't played Blur. Quote
bajan Posted May 22, 2004 Posted May 22, 2004 I always found Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts to be hard. After a while I was able to fight him and when, then I found out he had another phase in battle. The "run around and annihilate you with quick blows and omnislash" phase. He always wiped the floor with my @$$ at that point. And yet, I still fought him about 20-30 times before I realized how futile it was. hehe, beating sephiroth is hard, but far from impossible. Personally, this was the most rewarding thing i've ever done in a video game. It took me around 15-20 goes, but when i finally did it, i was so overcome with joy that i ran and hugged my little brother (who had been cheeering me on) and proceeded to run out of the house and roll around in the grass laughing. It makes me smile evan thinking about it. Sephoroth maybe hard, but try beating camp on extreme in Metal Gear Solid 2. That my friend takes dedication and co-ordination. btw, i think kingdom hearts is fantastic, flame me if you must, but you're not changing my mind Agreed. It only took me about 10 tries though. it would have taken me less, but I didn't know where to get curaga. ...I beat Sephiroth on the first try, with level 43 Sora, 42 Donald and 44 Goofy. You newbs. Get out of my sight. King you take us ALL for fools? tho, i will admit that there's a remote chance of beating seph when you're level 43...there's no way you did it on the first don't even come with that load of crap Quote
soccerook16 Posted May 23, 2004 Posted May 23, 2004 The stupid machine at the end of southpark 64, I just couldnt beat him, even with cheats he still came back to life. BASTARD Quote
Julio Jose Posted May 23, 2004 Posted May 23, 2004 Gill from street fighter 3 2nd impact and 3rd strike. more so on 3rd strike. Damn resurrection. BLAST IT. Igniz on KOF 2oo1, freaking insta supermove which takes of 3/4 ur health. No warning to it and he has infinite of it. Let alone all of his attacks take of the same as one of ur DOA thrasher moves. Quote
Julio Jose Posted May 23, 2004 Posted May 23, 2004 Sephiroth from Kingdom Hearts? Please. It's called superglide. Superglide over to him as soon as he teleports to do Sin Harvest, hit him, and he won't do it.Once you get it down, kinda easy, IMO. Hardest boss as of late? Ozma from FFIX was a pain. But hardest boss of all time? I dunno. Never really got to the hard bosses (Tyson, Death, etc.) from old games. ur priorities are screwed. Sephiroth is harder, ozma i beat, it felt like instantly. Ozma was a sad excuse for a 'weapon' like idea. Ruby weapon was hard. Quote
Julio Jose Posted May 23, 2004 Posted May 23, 2004 I have found a new hatred... one which I thought I couldn't actually possess.Ever played a lovely game called Guilty Gear X? No? Don't. Unless you want to be filled with rage, don't play this game. The final three bosses are absolutely THE cheapest sonsabitches you will ever have the misfortune of coming across. Some ass named Testament, some dude with his eyes wrapped up, and an S&M demon chick named Dizzy await you for fights 8, 9 and 10, and they use the cheapest tactics. Three hit combos that will take two-thirds of your bar off. Ground attacks that knock you out of the air. Attacks that constantly get used and keep you at least half a screen away from your opponent 90% of the time. Special attacks that they seem to be able to pull off while they're in THE MIDDLE OF DOING A DIFFERENT MOVE!!!!!! You can't jump in, cuz you get hit. You can't stop blocking, because you get hit. You can't just stand and block, because their hits still do noticable damage even when blocked. Shoa Kahn wasn't as big a shit as these three characters. Rugal in the KoF series could learn a few things from GGX's cheap pricks it calls bosses. Maybe if you suck. I can pwn all of them with Sol on the hardest difficulty. Maybe because im a God at this game.. Wait, thats prolly why. KOF is way harder imo. The fast paced fighting in GGX really helps you out in evading enemy attack while the riggid yet excellent control in KOF make it alot harder. Not to mention infinite super moves for zero and the crew in KOF. Quote
bajan Posted May 23, 2004 Posted May 23, 2004 Sephiroth from Kingdom Hearts? Please. It's called superglide. Superglide over to him as soon as he teleports to do Sin Harvest, hit him, and he won't do it.Once you get it down, kinda easy, IMO. Hardest boss as of late? Ozma from FFIX was a pain. But hardest boss of all time? I dunno. Never really got to the hard bosses (Tyson, Death, etc.) from old games. ur priorities are screwed. Sephiroth is harder, ozma i beat, it felt like instantly. Ozma was a sad excuse for a 'weapon' like idea. Ruby weapon was hard. as long as you had final attack/pheonix paired and you started the battle with only one alive character, ruby weapon was a piece of cake. oh, it helps to have a mastered mime as well...good to go! but yeh, in general i agree that ruby was difficult Ozma was truely a sad excuse too...good call Quote
ColorPhilosophy Posted May 23, 2004 Posted May 23, 2004 I still think Yunalesca is a bitch. she wasn't too hard.. But annoying as hell. Quote
Thalzon Posted May 23, 2004 Posted May 23, 2004 I still think Yunalesca is a bitch. she wasn't too hard.. But annoying as hell. Tried fighting Neslug? (monster arena) He'll do about 40000 with each attack, and when you've done enough damage, he hunkers down into his shell and starts healing between 10000 and 500000 (yes, five hundred thousand) health points for every turn a character acts. Basically you have to kill off two thirds of your party, cast auto-life on the remaining member, and 99999 his ass until the shell vanishes. TOTAL. PAIN. Quote
Khendros Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Smithers and Mr. Burns from the Simpsons Arcade Game? Last I remember was pumping a helluva a lotta quarters into that machine to beat those two. Quote
Chris McGee Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Smithers and Mr. Burns from the Simpsons Arcade Game? Last I remember was pumping a helluva a lotta quarters into that machine to beat those two. Holy fuck I used to love that game. Quote
Antifreeze23 Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Man, I've read up to around page 25. Here are some of my characters. Almost any boss I've fought in Devil May Cry. The Weapons in FFVII (I only actually attempted Ruby once, and that was years ago, and I didn't even prepare for it, nor do I really care to beat them.) Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts - The problem with me and him is when he starts casting Sin Harvest, and I mis-time my attack, and instantly sends me down to critical. One of the creatures from FFX's battle arena - he's the guy who has the attack convergance. He's one of the creatures that seriously annoyed me, besides the Jumbo Flan. That battle took awhile since I had to contantly switch people and heal and prepare for its attack. Some Bosses that were mentioned but I beat/wasn't to happy with. FFIX - This is going to sound odd, but I found Ozma to be a dissapointment. The thing is, after losing to him twice (without really preparing), I decided to go out of my way to prepare for him (lv to 99 and such). At around 70, I decided to see where I stand with him. I had Zidaine with Thievery at around 8000, Freya with a decent Dragon Lance, Aramant, and Vivi. I beat him in 10 minutes, if that. He didn't cast curse once, and he used Meteor once (killed my party, but had auto live with auto-regan) FFVIII - Omega Weapon. However, I did the Gllgamesh trick and used Squall, Zell, and Irvin. Here's the thing, I beat him at LEVEL 7 (Which means no Lionheart for me). (I beat the entire game without leveling up). FFX - Nemesis/Omega God. After the struggle just to make it to him, he's a completely joke. Skies of Arcadia - Rameriz final battle. ...It's a shame that he wasn't all that strong. There are others, but till next time... Quote
Impassioned Havoc Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 The last two battles of Shining Force III, Scenario 1. They are fought in direct succession. If the golem doesn't kill you, Arrawant will. I spent a good 8 hours leveling up my characters high enough to barely survive both battles. And I didn't even try shorting out the golem. I'll note that Arrawant had 600 HP, and the Golem has somewhere close to 3000. And you maybe deal him 1 damage a hit. Now that's a boss. NOTE: This is when I did not know about those punk mercenaries in the bar in Malorie. I wasn't supposed to be able to beat Arrawant, but I did, god damn it. Quote
Doctor Device Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 maybe it's just that I suck, but I can't beat the last boss of Rez at all... ..a loser is me! Quote
Silvite Gafgar Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 I think I've said it here before, but I can't remember.....anyway, Luca Blight from Suikoden II. #### HE IS HARD. Unless you use the Matilda Trick near the beginning of the game to pump up your characters a whole lot, you will be having a very hard time getting rid him. You have to fight Luca a total of five times - once in a Fire Emblem-esque battle between your army and his (which is automatically set for you to lose, BTW), THREE times in regular battle with three entirely different six-man parties, and then in a one-on-one duel between him and your main character. Ouchies. Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 i think Bowser in SMB1 , level 8-4 ...nah just kidding ...of the modern games out there its probably Metriod Prime the final boss (the core) took me about 8 or 9 tries to beat the son of a gun.. *note that it was on hard diff* Quote
Dr Mario Kart Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 I would think that would be the item god in Disgaea, who as I understand it, is set to level 9316, with over a million hp. Quote
Thalzon Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Last Boss in Arc the Lad: Spirit of Twilight That's "Twilight of the Spirits" and yes, he's a bastard if you're below level 40. Otherwise, just use Tension Up skills and team attack him to death. Quote
KevinHideo Posted May 28, 2004 Posted May 28, 2004 I would think that would be the item god in Disgaea, who as I understand it, is set to level 9316, with over a million hp. haa.. that makes me laugh.. i can take those guys out with laharl in a few moves.. try fighting prinny baal with enemy difficulty raised to the max.. DOOD, HE HAS 13000000 FREAKIN HEALTH not to mention that he kills my lv 8000 (with 20000 levels stored) laharl in one god dam move.. wtf were the programmers thinking.. lol.. but then again, it makes me want to beat him more.. Quote
KevinHideo Posted May 28, 2004 Posted May 28, 2004 the last form of starman in earthbound. hes pretty easy.. i dont ever remember having trouble with him and ive beat that game like 5 times.. lol, i used to think gigas was impossible, and he actually is unless u pray.. haha.. i fought him for over 2 hours b4 i tried to pray.. lol.. and my brother to this day hasnt figured it out yet and freaks out every time he tries cause he can never kill him.. or beat that game.. Quote
Big J Posted May 28, 2004 Posted May 28, 2004 I've done everything I can, and I still cannot beat the secret boss of Illusion of Gaia (he's like the firstboss of Soulblazer, only hard). I've gotten to him with the max amount of herbs/leveling/HP possible, and I still cannot beat him... Although, that just makes me assume that (like most bosses in action games) there's some sort of secret tactic that makes him exploitably easy... Damn hidden tactics! Quote
CopycattVII Posted May 28, 2004 Posted May 28, 2004 You boss is rally impossible. They can be difficult or challanging, but it also depends on your skill at the game or type of games you are playing. I have a friend that coulndn't beat the last boss in Drakengard, he could get to the last 20 seconds then he would die. Well after a few trys i beat the game for him. And I know that this guy is really talaented so I know it wasn't the game. And lastly look for all the options in a game that you can use to your advantage. I bet there is something that you can do to glitch the game or squezze by that one last attack. Heh, make the hard ones easy. Like Emerald and Ruby from Final Fantasy VII, or Bahumet from VIII. Quote
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