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aplogies if its been said but hardest boss of all time...

Omega Weapon of FF5

What a pain in the @$$

i had level 70 characters and all skillz / classes for everybody but

he could still pummel me time after time.

he had like 2 attacks to my 1. AND i had 4 people on team...


Im not gonna read all 34 pages right now so if this one was mentioned then I'm sorry for saying it again lol.

I don't remember his name but how about that boss character you could fight in Mario RPG that hid behind that door in Monstro Town. I haven't played the game too much but I fought him for at least an 1 or 2 before I gave up and died. From what I've heard hes SUPPOSED to be that ridiculously hard hehe.


Here's the post Haruspex is referring to:

  Blue Assasin said:
I hate to break this to you, but I beat Sephiroth(KH) on my first try, at level 60. No, I'm not insane. No, I'm not lying. I used strategy. When he dove at me, I rolled under him. When he used a normal attack, I Guarded and countered. When he Sin Harvested, I used Strike Raid. By the way, even if you're too late to block Sin Harvest, still hit him with 1 Strike Raid toss. that gives you time to heal yourself because he'll burn the area around himself.
  Spram said:
Uh. The last boss in Snake Rattle N' Roll. It's a foot that jumps around the summit of a mountain.. Yes, a foot. No matter how much you lick it, it will not die. I never finished the game.

Yes, that game was wierd. (and had kwel music).

As soon as I saw this topic I thought of Snake Rattle N' Roll, and I thought of how I never did beat it because it was so hard to follow that damned foot around in a square as it took no damage from you unless you hit it an ungodly amout of time in a row... then I saw someone already said that. I'm glad I'm not the only one who remember's the game.

EDIT: Picture in the quote didn't work anyway, so its gone now.

  Omega said:
Harry Potter and philosopher's stone. That stupid bald guy with face on neck really burnded my lil sis down. :lol:

WOW, This was my 400th message

He was kindof hard.

Well, hard for a Harry Potter game, anyway.


I know one of the most FRUSTRATING bosses I've ever fought against. The boss in Underground Zone Act 3 in Sonic 2 for Game Gear. If you've never played it, do it to understand, but I"ll describe any way.

You're on a slope. It's half on a slightly more than 45 degree angle and half 70 degrees. And on that small of a screen that's not a lot, especially since at the bottom, taking up space , is your boss. An ant-lion looking thing that you can't touch, ever. The 70 slope is the lower one, so if you go on that and aren't running away, you'll slip into the boss. How he dies is random balls (I'm not joking) bounce down the hill at various heights and speeds. Most go too high for the screen to show. So it's difficult to tell when they'll come down. Also, since you're on a slope, it's difficult to start moving in the up direction, and down leads to doom. So you stand in one spot and hope you can jump out of the way in time, and it usually will bounce right up into you. Then IF you survive all the balls (6 or 7, I think 6) Robotnik comes down REAL fast. And you gotta avoid him too.

Now this game comes with a stage select code, but if you skip stages you start with no emeralds, and each emerald is in act 2 of each zone. No special stages. SO you gotta go through the whole game to get the good ending...

This was long, but I've hated that boss since I got my Game Gear when I turned 8.

  HyperZell said:
The big bird thingy in EVO for SNES...if you evolved the wrong way, the damn thing was just too hard to beat...and it wasn't even the final boss!

I can't beat the final boss for EVO. The crystal that turns into a fish/eel/? (can't remember) kicks my ass every time. I gave up last summer but the saved state should still be good....


It's easy. All you have to do is keep evolving. Every time you evolve, your life is refilled. So, if you stock up on evolution points, you can just keep changing your mane or something.... Yeah, I know it's cheap.


How many remember the Genesis game Battletech? Anyone remember the final stage? How about the little shit that calls that place home?

Yeah, him. The stage is hard enough on its own merits, but throw in the mech that you're supposed to make it to so you can destroy him and win... and then make him a nasty little bastard to boot... well, you got a hard boss right there. Eventually, I beat the game, but not before seeing that ending screen with your mech laying on its side and your pilot hanging dead out the cockpit window WAY too many times :wink:

  DjGoyim said:
I'll Go with Deus in Xenogears if you didnt kill all his little parts beforehand.

I only beat him once, on my first try, and now i cant even kil his friggin sub parts anymore. that pissed me off to no end.

No shit!! I cannot beat Deus, I have tried like five thousand times. And I ran outta cash and stuff to sell, just to upgrade my main party's Gears, so I can't really use the other characters to do away with those orbs... The foul thought of employing the use of a gameshark has crossed my mind more than once lately.

  The Infernal Storm said:
  DjGoyim said:
I'll Go with Deus in Xenogears if you didnt kill all his little parts beforehand.

I only beat him once, on my first try, and now i cant even kil his friggin sub parts anymore. that pissed me off to no end.

No shit!! I cannot beat Deus, I have tried like five thousand times. And I ran outta cash and stuff to sell, just to upgrade my main party's Gears, so I can't really use the other characters to do away with those orbs... The foul thought of employing the use of a gameshark has crossed my mind more than once lately.

What are you? an RPG newbie?

If you want a hint, keep fighting in the lighthouse before Deus... Easy cash, easy upgrades, east level ups... Just make sure you don't die though... some critters can knock down a Xenogear with a few hits.... which is pretty scarier than Deus considering that those things are NORMAL enemies...

I leveled up for about 4 hours in the lighthouse, so I beat Deus in about the 3rd try.... It ain't that bad...

  reelmojo said:
  Spram said:
Uh. The last boss in Snake Rattle N' Roll. It's a foot that jumps around the summit of a mountain.. Yes, a foot. No matter how much you lick it, it will not die. I never finished the game.

Yes, that game was wierd. (and had kwel music).

As soon as I saw this topic I thought of Snake Rattle N' Roll, and I thought of how I never did beat it because it was so hard to follow that damned foot around in a square as it took no damage from you unless you hit it an ungodly amout of time in a row... then I saw someone already said that. I'm glad I'm not the only one who remember's the game.

EDIT: Picture in the quote didn't work anyway, so its gone now.

i remember that...i think i remember reading something that said you're supposed to jump on the foot instead of using the tounge...but i could never stay on long enough (stupid game that couldn't be finished)...at least the rest of the game wasn't a total bust

  Sigma said:
  reelmojo said:
  Spram said:
Uh. The last boss in Snake Rattle N' Roll. It's a foot that jumps around the summit of a mountain.. Yes, a foot. No matter how much you lick it, it will not die. I never finished the game.

Yes, that game was wierd. (and had kwel music).

As soon as I saw this topic I thought of Snake Rattle N' Roll, and I thought of how I never did beat it because it was so hard to follow that damned foot around in a square as it took no damage from you unless you hit it an ungodly amout of time in a row... then I saw someone already said that. I'm glad I'm not the only one who remember's the game.

EDIT: Picture in the quote didn't work anyway, so its gone now.

Yeah I know... I remember killing that damn foot about two or three times total. That boss was bitchin' tough man... I mean.. if you stave off your attack even for a second, the damn foot stomps on you...

i remember that...i think i remember reading something that said you're supposed to jump on the foot instead of using the tounge...but i could never stay on long enough (stupid game that couldn't be finished)...at least the rest of the game wasn't a total bust

Yeah I know... I remember killing that damn foot about two or three times total. That boss was bitchin' tough man... I mean.. if you stave off your attack even for a second, the damn foot stomps on you...


Wow, I thought this thread died! Well, here's my two cents. The last boss in Persona. Not really hard, just long. And if you weren't built up, then it was Hard.


the Mertorid Prime...especially the core essence...the floor strike alone can take half an energy tank...and even more on hard mode...not easy but beatable...it may take a few tries though...just to get the pattern down...plus u definitly have to be quick on ure feet...



I just a second ago died fighting metroid prime. That bastard. I didn't go into the battle with full energy though because I didn't know that's where it was gonna be. I'll go back a little later and kick his ass now that I know what his pattern is. That hyper beam kicks all ass btw 8)

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