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This isn't exactly a difficult boss (not even a boss, actually), but the most fun battle I've EVER seen HAD to be in Zelda 64. At some point, when you're adult Link, in the first dungeon (forgot the name... it's the forest one) you have to fight two Stalfos. I think that was the greatest swordfight I've ever seen!

While I'm on the subject, I never fished the darn game. I'm stuck in the aforementionned temple at this point where you have to assemble 4 blocks together to make a ghost's picture or something. For some odd reason, when I slap 'em together, sometimes they don't move, sometimes they actually turn out right, but nothing happens. I know I'm supposed to fit the blocks so they do that face on the wall, but is there a special way I have to do this? This thing's kept me stuck in the same place for way too long now -_- And while it might not be a boss, it's hard. Or rather, cheap...

While I'm on the subject, I never fished the darn game. I'm stuck in the aforementionned temple at this point where you have to assemble 4 blocks together to make a ghost's picture or something. For some odd reason, when I slap 'em together, sometimes they don't move, sometimes they actually turn out right, but nothing happens. I know I'm supposed to fit the blocks so they do that face on the wall, but is there a special way I have to do this? This thing's kept me stuck in the same place for way too long now -_- And while it might not be a boss, it's hard. Or rather, cheap...

For that 'green' ghost to come out, you just need to shove the blocks together and the blocks on TOP has to be the picture on the wall. After 1 min or so the blocks turn and you'll have to start over again. Then the 'green' ghost comes out. You'll just have to be FAST :D

This isn't exactly a difficult boss (not even a boss, actually), but the most fun battle I've EVER seen HAD to be in Zelda 64. At some point, when you're adult Link, in the first dungeon (forgot the name... it's the forest one) you have to fight two Stalfos. I think that was the greatest swordfight I've ever seen!

Yeah, Stalfos(es?) rock. I remember at one point in the Shadow Temple you have to fight three of the things while on a ghostly-phantom ship thingie, which passes if part you have to get off at and sinks if you take too long with the Stalfos, and don't see it. The funny thing is, if you just ignore them and jump off to that other ledge, they'll sink with the ship. It does the little whispy-balls-of-light-to-say-that-somethings-about-to-happen, then dissapears. The Stalfos go "WEEEE!", down into the abyss. Most amusing.

Oh yeah. Except for the first three, the dungeons are called <Whatever> Temple. The forest dungeon is the Forest Temple, the fire dungeon is the Fire Temple, etc...


The hardest boss I've ever faced, is FF9 the last boss in that is a royal pain :x . He has a million attacks, all of them wipe out at least one party member or will kill them the next time round. I've yet to beat him, any suggestions?


Final Fantasy Legend II had very hard bosses at the end. It took me 9 straight summers to go from Venus through Arsenal.

I thought Earthbound's final boss was really really hard until I bought a players' guide. I would never have tried praying, and even if I did, I wouldn't have done it consecutively enought to accumulate the emmense damage.


Alright, I know some of you have N64s, and though the system and most of the game sucked, there's one game that had the HARDEST boss I have ever played. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (yeah yeah I know, only the snow level was any fun). You could save every single weapon you ever got and only use the laser on any of the other enimies, never miss when you shot him...AND HE STILL LIVED!! Then you shot him with the laser three times and he fell over... Not to mention the really sucky controls in that game....gods, I'm glad I only borrowed a friends copy and didn't actually buy that Game.

Oh also, on Mime+Limits for FF7, you can't do that on the original version, only the cheap $20 green edged version...why I don't know, but I didn't make it.


anybody remember koolex (?) from Mario RPG? you know the missplaced FFish looking boss in the monster village?

that guy gave me lots of problems; kept being uncooperative and killing somebody important...

well i guess i demanded that all my characters survive the fight to get experience so...


I remember a japanese game that was like Super R-Type. The game was near impossible and the last boss was so huge the screen had to pan so that you could see his face. He was so powerful that the game wasn't supposed to be beatable without cheats I think.

anybody remember koolex (?) from Mario RPG? you know the missplaced FFish looking boss in the monster village?

that guy gave me lots of problems; kept being uncooperative and killing somebody important...

well i guess i demanded that all my characters survive the fight to get experience so...

yeah i remeber him he was really hard to beat i mean he had all the crystals and stuff. and being able to only get to level 30 didn;t help( since that was max level)


Oh also, on Mime+Limits for FF7, you can't do that on the original version, only the cheap $20 green edged version...why I don't know, but I didn't make it.

thats not true, it works on mine (which is an original), infact thats how i beat the boss battle in the battle arena. I used cloud and did omnislash, and then mimed it for every round after the first time i used it. your not talking about one character miming anothers limit are you, cause i know i couldnt do that.

Yeah, that's what I mean, multiple people doing the same limit....you should see Vincent, Red, and Cait Sith do Onmislash....it's friggin hilarious.

My good man, it's simply not possible. The frames aren't programmed for those characters, and using a gameshark to force them to do it simply locks up the game.

Nice try...

You guys have it all wrong. The hardest boss ever, bar none, was the friggin aircraft carrier in Top Gun for the nes. Go up? Go down? left? right? faster? slower? It really didn't matter, that bastard would take you down every time. I think maybe if you hit up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-b-a-start and then did a little jig sometimes it would let you land, but mainly that thing was just out to get you.

Holy crap, you are SO right!!! 8O That was so insane, it used to freak me out as a little kid, it's like, "THE AIRCRAFT CARRIER IS COMING, THE AIRCRAFT CARRIER IS COMING!" and you're barreling towards it... ahhh!!! Yeah, that's the true hardest boss ever... lol! :mrgreen:

Ok, the aircraft carrier was hard as hell, but it was also kinda comical. Can I land? D'oh, crashed again.

Heh heh... yes, it's hilarious... in retrospect. :mrgreen: It freaked me out as a kid. :P


hmm. id have to say Mother Brains second phase in Super Metroid. you know, when you discover she isnt just a brain, but shes a dinosaur, and shes all big and scary.


really tho, in my experience, a lot of the Megaman X's had some tough final bosses in a row and you couldnt fill your health back up. but maybe thats my perception because i havent played megaman X-X3 since i was 11


The Ghost of the Divine Dragon in Legend of the Dragoon. Optional fight, I refuse to continue on with the game because I'm like that.

All the bosses of Chrono Cross were mainly easy (yet I loved the game)......still disappointed that Kid didn't have a Level 7 Element Special (or did she?)

On another note....Mike Tyson from MTPO (someone mentioned it earlier) wow, what a fight. Those one-hit wonds did a number on me.

Anyone remember Rad Racer for NES? The last level? Talk about a pain in the butt.


Dragon Warrior 2 Last Boss.

Man it took hours to get levels at that point in that game. And when you did, all you had was HP+2 Strenght+1 MP+2 Speed+1.

And the last boss (Malroth I think was his name) always friggin' healed himself.

But, We Defeated Him!



  • 2 weeks later...
...still disappointed that Kid didn't have a Level 7 Element Special (or did she?)

Yes she did. You had to get it in the burning house scene thing. I won't bore you with detail, but check it out at www.gamefaqs.com.

As for a boss... I'll have to say the Soul Reaver 2 boss fights. Yes, you are witnessing extreme sarcasm now. Do not worry, your vision will return in time. But seriously... it would have to be a boss fight from a fighting game. I think we can all agree that fighting game bosses result in more broken controllers than any other genre.

  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if anyone's said this yet because I haven't read the entire 11 pages of this thing the answer is simple. For anyone who was dumb enough to try their shot at it the Guardian in FF3 (6) could not be beaten. It was, indeed, impossible.

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