glaximus Posted July 15, 2002 Posted July 15, 2002 8-bit bosses were generally the most bad-assest of them all in terms of sheer frustrility- but I invite you to bring your tender, unwhipped asses into a little arena we call Devil May Cry. Not normal mode, and not hard mode, but the super-masochistic Dante Must Die mode. Oh dear god, the bosses in that mode are CRAZY. Nelo Angelo, from the FIRST TIME YOU FIGHT HIM in DMD, has stremfed out to insane proportions. That bastard must eat his cereal with diesel fuel. Naturally, you have to beat him three times throughout the course of the game, with the last confrontation being THE most unbalanced, unfair, pain-and-suffering, weeping and gnashing of teeth--- GRAH! Oh, how my rage boils. He simply demands a perfect battle- should he hit you once, the stun is more than likely enough for him to follow up with a Dante-mashing combo, which killed you in the first hit anyway. Or, he'll use his 1-hit life emptying uppercut - A FUGGIN UPPERCUT!! He's a got a sword bigger than Jesus, and he demolishes you with a goddamn uppercut... oaghagajhgrahg!! I don't mean any disrespect to the guys who list RPG bosses as the most fierce- and I've cut my teeth against all types and flavors of Weapons, but guys, turn-based will never be as intense as hard core, OG action-based combat. I've been tempted more than once to crush my copy of DMD into a fine powder and sprinkle it over my cereal and eat it with a hearty smile, just to prove to Nelo Angelo who the true king of Stremf is. But I know that even after being consumed, he will wrack my innards, shredding my precious colon with hard-coded binary malice. One day, his ass is going down. Of course, the celebration will be limited, because the next step is to run head-long into Nightmare Revenge, who I fathom will be so cheap, invincible and uber that he makes Nelo Angelo look like Glass Fuggin Joe. Glaximus Quote
AnotherOneBitesTheDust Posted July 15, 2002 Posted July 15, 2002 HAHAHAHA, oh man, I couldn't face myself to beating DMC until Dante must Die mode. I stopped after I beat it the first time. My hands would break if I went that far. That game has got to have the best bosses ever created. Quote
omegaslade Posted July 15, 2002 Posted July 15, 2002 I woulf have to agree with all of you. neoanglo may be a hard boss but hes nothin compared to thoses damn nightmares expescailly the last one because yoru in a tight confined space and you got miss bitch over there zappiong you. but hey thats what yoru suposed to save your incincibles and holy water for lol. but heres another idea...... all the games of today usually have gay bosses case in point ffx i mean thoses bosses every the nemisis( omega gold) was hella sorry soul reaver 2 was sorry also. but as for hardest dude i thnk you shoudl have steped up one and just said teh final nightmare was cause you shoudl knwo by now that he will be. Quote
Solanalos Posted July 15, 2002 Posted July 15, 2002 Cyber Akuma from Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (level 8 difficulty) He was almost unstoppable, not too hard to get to, but once I was there, it took rematch after rematch. I had to fight his cheapness with my own regular Akuma (dash dash, hurricane kick into air super hadoken) Shin Akuma from Capcom vs. SNK 2 level 8 difficulty. Not quite as tough as the MSHvSF cyber incarnation, but I couldn't kill him. My brother finally killed him in a super close match, he used Haohmaru, appropriate demon killer. Blaster Master anyone? The last boss was fairly tough, but the fact that you couldn't save progress, there was no passwords, there were limited continues...insane. Back to the Future! timing in that game was insane, I don't think I ever got past the block kisses with your book level. I thought Yunalesca from FFX was pretty hard until I figured out how the zombie stuff worked in the game. Chrono Cross stuff... Criosphinx is easy if you stole the yellow plate from the Earth Dragon. Put it on Glenn, and let him house on the Sphinx You want hard? Try and beat Radius! In the very beginning in the training session! Sure he whoops you, and it's the first game right? So we jump in there with the game/continue+ option. He still crushes us. He'll take more turns if necessary to rapidly cast enough blue spells to kill you. Then we discover the wonders of the color plates After going through the game twice (being roughly * level 96) and armed with blue plate. Finally, we can take him down, and he can't stop us. Does he lose? Nooooooo.....he only comments that he must have trained you well! Quote
Teknobunny Posted July 15, 2002 Posted July 15, 2002 232 replies 8040 views jesus christ, the has to be the most popular post in OCremix history! ... ... ... and Red Falcon (on hard mode) from Contra 3 was the most difficult boss ever... but i enjoyed every minute of his ass whupin... cant wait for Contra: Shattered Soldier to see what they throw at me next Quote
Teknobunny Posted July 15, 2002 Posted July 15, 2002 Try and beat Radius! In the very beginning in the training session! Sure he whoops you, and it's the first game right?So we jump in there with the game/continue+ option. He still crushes us. He'll take more turns if necessary to rapidly cast enough blue spells to kill you. Then we discover the wonders of the color plates After going through the game twice (being roughly * level 96) and armed with blue plate. Finally, we can take him down, and he can't stop us. Does he lose? Nooooooo.....he only comments that he must have trained you well! LOL!!! ill hafta try that one Quote
The Coop Posted July 16, 2002 Author Posted July 16, 2002 Who is this Herman 9000 and why is he so interested in those smiley faces? Hmm.... Anyway, here's a new boss for ya. For those who have ventured into the game Soul Fighters on the Dreamcast, who's beaten the half man/half owl-like creature? I actually gave up on the prick and cheated my ass of. It's bad enough he's cheap, too powerful, can hit you from anywhere on the screen, and takes little damage from your hardest hit, but if you loss, you have to go back to the very beginning on the level and play for another few hours to get back to him. Yes, there is a save feature at the beginning of each level... and only at the beginning of each level. Which makes it all even cheaper. Quote
herman9000 Posted July 16, 2002 Posted July 16, 2002 you dont know who herman9000 is?!!! it's me herman. 9000 sounds cool, so its herman9000 Quote
pr_stealth Posted July 16, 2002 Posted July 16, 2002 Glaximus, your description of the Dante Must Die mode bosses reflects my own feelings perfectly, and perhaps in even better words than I could have mustered. Thank you, you have warmed this jaded gamer's heart. Quote
Falcon2001 Posted July 16, 2002 Posted July 16, 2002 Chaos, from Final Fantasy. You've just descended through a huge dungeon involving all of the other fiends and impossibly tough enemies, and then you get this bad motherfucker with unheard of attack power, damn near infinite hit points, and the ability to cast Cure 4 on himself. In short, the ultimate boss. Seriously, if he joined your party, I could take over the world in nothing flat. This guy is INSANE. Coolest bad guy though, would be Odio from Live a Live, especially when YOU ARE ODIO! It's great, go back and beat up the good guys! Quote
herman9000 Posted July 17, 2002 Posted July 17, 2002 yeah, he is hard, but only my bro beat him Quote
Xplo Posted July 17, 2002 Posted July 17, 2002 Hardest RPG boss ever: Malroth from Dragon Warrior 2. He didn't have any cheap one-hit kill attacks like some bosses, but he did enough damage to keep your healer occupied (or worse), had enough HP to withstand several rounds of fighting, and.. CAST HEALALL LIKE IT WAS GOING OUT OF STYLE! Even at maximum level, you stood a fairly good chance of not being able to kill him (so much for the "all you have to do is level up" theory). On that note, I'd like to nominate the entire game as exceptionally cruel. Runners up: Chaos (FF1) and Lavos (Chrono Trigger) were hard if you fought them at the level where you would normally reach them, without doing any level-building on the side.. more so than many RPG bosses, I'd say. Honorable mention: The Dragonlord, Dragon Warrior 1.. at level 16. One level before you get Healmore. Yes, that means you're fighting him with HERBS. Can you do it? I never could, but I'm convinced it's possible. Anyone who has trouble with bosses in FF games from the second half of the series is a pussy. I'm sorry, the truth may hurt but it had to be said. Hardest action boss: Who the hell knows? There are literally thousands of these games and many of them have insanely hard end bosses, especially when they started in the arcade ("insert one credit to continue.. 10.. 9.. 8..."). With that said... The Grim Reaper from Castlevania was the horror of my young gaming days. In my mind, I will always imagine his room as containing great heaps of rotting Belmonts in the background, even if I did finally beat him sometime last year. Nearly anything on higher difficulty levels of Devil May Cry. If you haven't played this game, or you only rented it and played it on Easy, give the real thing a shot. It will scar your soft, pink flesh with cruel metal whips and fire and send you home, broken and crying for God and Mommy. The ultimate end boss in Demon's Crest is hard, certainly, but not insanely hard; once you get a feel for how he fights (it's a very simple pattern) you should be able to spank him handily if you're smart enough to use the right items at the right times. I forget how the ending goes, though.. Doesn't Firebrand get the Super Übercrest of Infinite Hurting and go on to conquer the world, or something? Dammit, the world needs another game like that.. good gameplay, awesome dark pseudogothic atmosphere. Quote
The Coop Posted July 17, 2002 Author Posted July 17, 2002 The Grim Reaper from Castlevania was the horror of my young gaming days. In my mind, I will always imagine his room as containing great heaps of rotting Belmonts in the background, even if I did finally beat him sometime last year. Whew! I was starting to think I was the only one who had a bitch of a time with Death in Castlevania. I had a friend who wrecked his NES because he was so frustrated with that boss. You basically have no hope of winning unless you make it to him without dying, a "III" icon and the cross. Anything else, and you'll need an act of God to win (I did beat him once with just holy water... wasn't easy though). I haven't gotten to the FINAL final boss of Demon's Crest yet. Now I'm looking forward to it . Quote
ddjk Posted July 17, 2002 Posted July 17, 2002 Well I have to say that none of the bosses these days compare to the old school NES bosses of yesteryear. Of course when I was playing games like Castlevania I was only about 6 years old, but those bosses were hard as hell. I just cant think of any boss in recent years that has put my patience and persistence to the test more than these guys. Maybe its because I'm in my twenties now and have been around the block. But anyway here they are in no particular order: Grim Reaper - Castlevania For the life of me I couldnt beat him as a kid. Came back to the game when I was in my teens and finally beat him. Of course the next couple levels proved incredibly frustrating too, so I never completed it. Father/Jaquio/Demon Combo - Ninja Gaiden The BS surrounding this boss was thick. Remember if you died anywhere else during the stage 6 levels you started on that level. But if your life count hit zero when fighting the final boss you got shot all the way back to 6-1! I could never get passed that flying Jaquio. About 6 months ago I picked it up again and finally gave Jaquio what for and beat that game. Very satisfying. Shadow Link - Zelda II Adventure of Link Tried to beat this cat hundreds of times, and never could. Most people said it was because I never owned a controller with a turbo button. I couldnt move my little fingers fast enough back then. I would go back now and try it, but then I'd have to figure out the maze that is the last dungeon, and I really dont think its worth it. Mike Tyson - Mike Tyson's Punchout When youre 6years old and fighting Mike Tyson there aint no way youre gonna win. Your reflexes are still developing. With that said, I could never beat Iron Mike until I was about 12 years old. The best I did when I was 6 was knock him down once or twice. Quote
herman9000 Posted July 17, 2002 Posted July 17, 2002 i cant find iron mike, is he in the harder levels, i left off when i beat the bald bull 2 times Quote
Xplo Posted July 18, 2002 Posted July 18, 2002 You basically have no hope of winning unless you make it to him without dying, a "III" icon and the cross. Anything else, and you'll need an act of God to win (I did beat him once with just holy water... wasn't easy though). Yeah, holy water works, but the cross works better. But everyone knew that, right? I don't remember how I finally beat him but I'm sure I used one of those. Well I have to say that none of the bosses these days compare to the old school NES bosses of yesteryear. If you have a PS2, give Devil May Cry a shot. This game is HARD. Especially toward the end. Father/Jaquio/Demon Combo - Ninja Gaiden If you could get to Jaquio with the Jump and Slash - which meant that you had to play through most of the end of the game without dying, but isn't it all about perfection? - he was a complete wuss, like pretty much anyone when you used the J&S on them. Second best thing was to get that attack that shot fireballs up at an angle (or something like that?) which took him down pretty quick. If you had any other special attack, or none, then GOD HELP YOU. I probably tried taking him down with the sword a couple dozen times and I never quite managed to do him in. Shadow Link - Zelda II Adventure of LinkTried to beat this cat hundreds of times, and never could. Really? Ouch. He certainly wasn't easy - you needed speed and maybe a little luck - but I could *usually* beat him. With that said, I could never beat Iron Mike until I was about 12 years old. Congratulations, man. I don't think I ever beat him at all. Fighting him took nerves of steel and the reflexes of a god. Quote
ddjk Posted July 18, 2002 Posted July 18, 2002 If you have a PS2, give Devil May Cry a shot. This game is HARD. Especially toward the end. Yea... I did play it recently. Completed it about a month ago. Great game. And yes, it was pretty hard. The best bosses I've played against in maybe two gaming generations. The thing is, I went through it on NORMAL... not the infamous DANTE MUST DIE. On normal it took me a handful of tries to defeat that damn blob ( i hate that blob), actually a handfull to beat pretty much everybody. Except the griffon (1st and 3rd iterations werent too bad). I can only imagine the difficulty level at higher levels. When I saw the "Now try it on HARD" after I finished the game I laughed, and thought to myself "no friggin way". So I can understand that the pain that DMC would cause a person. Cant vouch for it though, but I definitely know where youre comin from. On another note... did DMC just destroy your hands? Holding down R1 while rapid firing the fire button with Ebony & Ivory left me reaching for an ice bag after a couple of boss fights ( i always used E&B on griffon). for HERMAN9000: it goes Bald Bull(#2), Flamenco(#2), Sandman, Macho Man, then Tyson. So youre almost there. If you had any other special attack, or none, then GOD HELP YOU. I probably tried taking him down with the sword a couple dozen times and I never quite managed to do him in. Yep thats why i cried. But at least I finally did it. Really? Ouch. He certainly wasn't easy - you needed speed and maybe a little luck - but I could *usually* beat him. One of those games I regret never beating. Kind of a lame boss if you think about it. Just a button masher where victory depends on some luck. But I never could do it for some reason. You can see I'm bitter. Oh well. Great job on beatin him! Quote
ddjk Posted July 18, 2002 Posted July 18, 2002 A present for HERMAN9000 007-373-5963 the password for Tyson. Crazy I remember it after all these years. I guess its like the Konami (UUDDLRLRBA,Select Start) thang, the kid icarus "ICARUS FIGHTS MEDUSA ANGELS", or metroids "JUSTIN BAILEY"... you never forget. Quote
herman9000 Posted July 18, 2002 Posted July 18, 2002 thanks man, you've been so nice these days, you rock. Quote
Xplo Posted July 19, 2002 Posted July 19, 2002 The thing is, I went through it on NORMAL... not the infamous DANTE MUST DIE. Same here, to be perfectly honest. Just thinking about DMD mode makes me twitch. On another note... did DMC just destroy your hands? Holding down R1 while rapid firing the fire button with Ebony & Ivory left me reaching for an ice bag after a couple of boss fights ( i always used E&B on griffon). Definitely.. holding down R1 all the time like that is just brutal. I rented Soul Reaver 2 the other day and even though it's a lot easier, it gave me the same problem. I'm not really sure the human hand was supposed to work that way Quote
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