The Coop Posted June 3, 2002 Author Posted June 3, 2002 All RPG bosses aren't necessarily easy, but they become easy once you figure out a good strategy, which is the fun part. with most action/shooter/fps/whatever games, you just have to recognize a pattern, which is boring. But don't all game bosses have a pattern? This attack, followed by this attack, followed by this attack, and so on and so on. If it's not a flat out pattern, then it's clues that let you know the attack about to come... which lets you prepare for it and prepare to heal afterwards/avoid it/counter it/ whatever it. Some patterns are longer, some are shorter, but all bosses have a pattern (RPGs included). Whether they're recognized quickly or not at all, is another mater entirely. Quote
Teknobunny Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 The Coop Some patterns are longer, some are shorter, but all bosses have a pattern (RPGs included). Whether they're recognized quickly or not at all, is another mater entirely. yeah but some bosses make their patterns hard as hell, even if you know it they make it near impossible to evade it... remember the red falcon boss at the end of contra 3 on hard mode? BULLSHIT! Quote
RuneLancer Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 yeah but some bosses make their patterns hard as hell, even if you know it they make it near impossible to evade it... remember the red falcon boss at the end of contra 3 on hard mode? BULLSHIT! Oiii.. that was evil... just evil... The eyes kept coming. Then the spikey balls. The brains... agh... That boss wasn't a challenge, it was just... hell! x.x Quote
m68030 Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 I've been stuck on the final boss of Windows 95 for like two years now.. I've gotten all the secret items in IE, and unlocked all the Registry features. I even did the side mission where you rename the folders to get the easter egg, hoping to get an upgrade or something, but the Kernal keeps kicking my ass. Hell, I can't even get close to it yet. Does anyone have a save state or like cheat codes or something? I'd like to finally see the ending after wasting so many hours on it, because I admit defeat. Quote
crimsonzeal Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 I've been stuck on the final boss of Windows 95 for like two years now..I've gotten all the secret items in IE, and unlocked all the Registry features. I even did the side mission where you rename the folders to get the easter egg, hoping to get an upgrade or something, but the Kernal keeps kicking my ass. Hell, I can't even get close to it yet. Does anyone have a save state or like cheat codes or something? I'd like to finally see the ending after wasting so many hours on it, because I admit defeat. Cheat codes? format c: Then you can see the secret "Non System Disk" ending. Bwah ha ha! Disclaimer: This was intended as a joke. If you are actually stupid enough to attempt this, Psychrophyte will hold no responsiblity to the damage done to your files and will reserve the right to laugh coldly ae your expense. Quote
crimsonzeal Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 Yes you can mime YOUR OWN LIMIT if and only if the other two characters don't act. If you skip their turns and come back to Clouds, you can mime your own limit break. It's dope stuff! Wow, you learn something new everyday. Were Square going out of their way to make this game that unbalanced? Yeesh. Quote
RuneLancer Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 Were Square going out of their way to make this game that unbalanced? Yeesh. While I won't comment on the materia system (I still think that's unbalancing, but it's been covered already...) I have to say that FF7 was truly unbalanced. As was 8, but that's not important. Four words: "Knights of the Round". ;P Ok, what thread is this again...? Oh yeah! I'd like to add a boss to the 'hard boss list'. An obscure little Squaresoft game, Rudora no Hihou, happened to be amazingly fun. I beat it, then tried to get through it with the lowest level possible. I don't remember what I had but beleive me, the last boss was hard. H-A-R-D. As in, "please make it so that his next attack will leave me with a bit of hp" hard. But it was fun Quote
His Divine Shadow Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 I've been stuck on the final boss of Windows 95 for like two years now..I've gotten all the secret items in IE, and unlocked all the Registry features. I even did the side mission where you rename the folders to get the easter egg, hoping to get an upgrade or something, but the Kernal keeps kicking my ass. Hell, I can't even get close to it yet. Does anyone have a save state or like cheat codes or something? I'd like to finally see the ending after wasting so many hours on it, because I admit defeat. There's a screenshot of the ending here - HDS Quote
omegaslade Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 how abotu the ffx special bosses( i already beat them all but they were still hard) liek the guy in the water. Quote
Merid Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 I've done everything in FFX and probably the hardest of the special bosses turns out to be the easiest. Ne-slug. He's a bitch if you don't do it right cuz he can rejuvinate. So here's what I did. Have Tidus w/ Quick Hit and the Calabrog attack the dude 8 times for 99999 damage each. Then have Wakka with the World Champion (so he can deal 99999 damage) do Attack Reels with all 3 slots at 2 hits. He'll do 12 hits at 99999 and cause the shell to break. Then he's easy pickins. If you don't break the shell, you're screwed. Shinryu wasn't that hard if you have high Mag Def. That Shining attack only did like less than 100 damage to me. If you need magic def spheres, fight One Eye in the arena (species conquest, all the floaty eyes captured) He also drops Triple AP weapons, so you should have no problem leveling up your guys. And That final dude, Omega Gold, only used Quick Hits. He counters everything else. But yeah, the hardest boss in the arena is that Gel thing that does giant press or wahtever. It kept killing me. I managed to scrape a win ONCE! Quote
crimsonzeal Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 Oh yeah, I almost forgot: The last boss of SaGa Frontier 2. I mean, geez, the rest of the game was a breeze and then all of the sudden you have this really tough last boss. Also, this isn't a boss but the Battle of South Moundtop was INSANE. Quote
WildTaco Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 You guys have it all wrong. The hardest boss ever, bar none, was the friggin aircraft carrier in Top Gun for the nes. Go up? Go down? left? right? faster? slower? It really didn't matter, that bastard would take you down every time. I think maybe if you hit up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-b-a-start and then did a little jig sometimes it would let you land, but mainly that thing was just out to get you. Quote
Veritas Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 hahahahahaha yeah i remember that game...i never did figure out how to land i just gave up and smashed right into it... same goes for lots of airplane games...i have my entire crew bail out first before i attempt a "landing" or, more percisely, a slightly-less-than-semi-controlled fall; its safer for them that way =p Quote
Johannes Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 Well ultimecia wasnt that hard really... not Ultima weapon (the one with eden) either.. BUT.. one of the Weapons in Ultimecias castle cast lvl 5 death ... not so fun when all characters has lvl 100... ruby weapon in ff7 was pretty hard too... =/ Quote
omegaslade Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 Greater shpere was his name. and yeah i had a lot of problems wiht him too. i haven't gotten all the celestial weapons but i basically made wakkas and lulu's. any how omega gold was a wuss though i did go throught almost all of my aeons trying to beat him. but all the credit for helping me beat all of the bosses has to go to one person. DON TONBERRY. if it haddn;t been for him i would have never gotten any thing well actually some of the credit goes to one eye also for giving me my weapons to i could fight done tonberry but he gets the most credit. and as far as omega of ff8 he was a wuss in fact both of them were pretty much simple.but then again there aren;t any bosses as hard as the ones in ff 10 i mean come on 5 mil when you can only do 99999( which i like) that alwasy took a while. Quote
Bad Enough Dude Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 Dude, you all forgot those stupid monsters in Cobra Triangle. Well, the first 2 aren't that bad but after that... Not to mention that to even get to the 3rd or 4th monster in that game is freaking impossible because of the icebergs. The reach the finish iceberg level is death. Quote
StriderYoko Posted June 4, 2002 Posted June 4, 2002 last boss in 7th saga, if you ran out of magic you were screwd, and you can carry only 10 of each item, making mp recovery limited, even after strength increasingf spells mele attacks only shave off 1 melee point per hit, and it doesnt make it any easier that you only have 2 people per party Mr Big, Narc, The only way you have a remote chance of beating this guy is if you get to him with a full stock of rocket bombs, this means you cant really use any the entire game and you spend alot of time trying to collet tehm b4 you get to the boss. and if you run out of bombs when you get to him you are completely screwed El toro, Wrath of the black manta. When i was young this boss was near impossible, i battled him for over 2 hours and that result in a loss. later on i found out how to beat him. Quote
Btr'dSqrl Posted June 4, 2002 Posted June 4, 2002 Dude, you all forgot those stupid monsters in Cobra Triangle. Well, the first 2 aren't that bad but after that... Not to mention that to even get to the 3rd or 4th monster in that game is freaking impossible because of the icebergs. The reach the finish iceberg level is death. Cobra Triangle is so freakin' hard. The one boss has one-hit kills for goodness sakes, and the shark boss you have to get multiple, good, solid hits EVERY time he pops up, which in itself is a miracle, because you will run out of time if you don't. So hard. Btr'dSqrl Quote
DragonFyre Posted June 4, 2002 Posted June 4, 2002 This thread is really long, and I don't feel like reading one all of the replies, so I'm fairly sure someone might have already said this. Who I think one of the hardest bosses is from Lufia II. I think it's the first time you fight Gades. IE, at the not end of the game. IE, in the middle. IE, when you're on level 20. IE when you beat on level 50 and he's semi-hardish. So, yeah, he's really hard. I haven't done it. But, you don't HAVE to beat him. If you lose, the game continues. If you win, you get a sword, the next few dialogue boxes are different, and you get knocked out anyway. (Or so I hear.) (Note, dying and still continueing only works the first time you fight him. If you fight him after you've gone up the three towers, and such, you have to win, otherwise you lose. I don't want to confuse anyone.) Quote
omegaslade Posted June 4, 2002 Posted June 4, 2002 hmm i have never played 7th saga what system is it on. and btw strider are you the same strider that did all thoses songs for if you are thoses songs were cool i have most of them. Quote
last chancer Posted June 4, 2002 Posted June 4, 2002 7th Saga was for the SNES. As for hardest boss, I play mostly RPGs, so I don't have that much knowledge of stuff outside of em. So I'm gonna have to say either the Dragon Lord from Dragon Quest (Warrior) 1, or Gahleon (sp?) from Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete. Gahleon isn't that bad, I suppose, but try beating him at a low level without that stupid energy reducing ring . . . 1 and a half hours and I think he was still at full life because of that @(*@ drain life from all party members / Recover life spell . . . Quote
Maagic Posted June 4, 2002 Posted June 4, 2002 The hardest boss ever was definately the Lavos hybrid thing from chrono cross for PSX!! Trying to get all those notes to play without him messing them up drove me NUTS.. Quote
Veritas Posted June 4, 2002 Posted June 4, 2002 chrono cross was stupid...a massive disappointment to my chrono trigger roots...too many dumb characters who did nothing...and it hardly had anything to do with CT... it had some great music though hell the game itself wasnt so bad...controls, battle system, events and plot twists, (some) character relations...lot of them were some of the best i've seen... but gosh the story telling was SO bad....and that last boss playing-the-notes-to-beat-him idea was so was frustrating and would have been better if you got a supercool spell instead...the music was the only reason i played through it...that and karsh...karsh was cool... Quote
Eccles Posted June 4, 2002 Posted June 4, 2002 I think one of the hardest bosses ever is the sorceresses in FF VIII, you know the one, where the scenery melted and you ended up fighting queen slug-for-a-butt off earthworm Jim. Quote
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