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Maybe this was already mentioned before ( I haven't had the chance to read all 80-somethin pages ) but my hardest boss of all time was Maya from ParasiteEve in the Chrysler Building.


Also, the DarkSims from Perfect Dark, while not bosses, are harder than almost any AI controlled first person shooter enemy ever.

I thought the perfect Sims were pretty tough, as well. If you played flawlessly, you could kill them, but that was the only way. The Darksims, if I remember corectly, they cheated. They seemed to be able to run faster than me and do other things I could not. Perhaps I am not remembering this perfectly, though.

No, you're right. The DarkSims were able to do things that a normal player couldn't. The game even goes on to say that in the little scrolling description under the window where you pick the sims. Hard, so hard.

I remember now that I had a heck of time fighting Velius in Final Fantasy Tactics. The first Lucavi was pretty easy and wasn't meant to be too difficult, however, they must have expected you to be on some super high level when you got to Velius. He was a huge jump above anything else. Even the later bosses after him weren't anywhere near as much of a leap as he was.


I remember now that I had a heck of time fighting Velius in Final Fantasy Tactics. The first Lucavi was pretty easy and wasn't meant to be too difficult, however, they must have expected you to be on some super high level when you got to Velius. He was a huge jump above anything else. Even the later bosses after him weren't anywhere near as much of a leap as he was.

Jason, Friday the 13th on nes. did anyone evey beat him without game genie?

Nobody can. its impossible.

either way, i would go with that final boss from shinobi (PS2 version) whats his name? the dude who looks like a kid but is insanely tough to beat.

or maybe emerald weapon from FF7- not as much difficult as long. VERY long. hmm. well, i think the toughest one is that yetti from skifree. never got past him yet. hehe


FFT is one of those games that I play over and over again. The first time I fought Velius, my ass was kicked. He was insanely hard. In fact, my friend's first run through FFT was halted at that point because his party couldn't take him. Now, unfortunately, he dies within a couple moves. *sniff* But yeah, he just comes out of nowhere. FFT isn't all too hard of a game and Velius seems a bit out of place.

EDIT: Thunderforce IV, take your pick really. It's a game you play with gauss and vaseline on hand...to help afterwards.


Someone mentioned the Biolizard from Sonic Adventure 2. The first time I fought that beast, I beat him without a problem. Everytime after that, he stomps poor shadow. I think it's because the game is a little glitchy, but I never use that as an excuse.

I think the hardest boss is the last guy on Teleroboxer for the Virtual Boy. Man, it was a hard fight getting there, and he was relentless.


Ahhh! Thank you for this thread! For years I have never had the chance to say this.

The last boss of The 7th Saga is the hardest boss I have ever fought!!!

I could not beat him with Game Genie codes and strategy guides. I absolutely HATED getting to him every time I died, because you had to travel LONG plains, facing monsters that could kill you in one hit and abominable music. Maybe the music wasn't so bad, but it got annoying while travelling so far every time to get to the boss, only to get slaughtered in a possible one hit. If anyone knows how to kill this guy, pleeeeeease tell me.

Jason, Friday the 13th on nes. did anyone evey beat him without game genie?

Well, you can kinda kill him, as in make him disappear from whatever cabin you find him in. But since he isn't the real 'boss' of the game, you just sort of play with him for a while until you get to his mother.


First off, if it hasn't been mentioned yet, SA-X from Metroid Fusion.

1) You have to charge up to do any damage. This is the only way to damage it.

2) When you fire at it, you do a tiny bit of damage. When it runs into you normally, it does 1 e-tank of damae. Firing it does two. And woe betide you if you get hit in the air, then it does three and a half.

3) Almost everything you have is useless. Screw attack and space jump suck because if you screw attack so does it. You run into it and do a tiny bit of damage, losing waaaaaaay too much energy in the process. Missiles freeze it for just short enough for it to shoot you before you manage to charge up. The only useful thing you have is the varia suit, which protects you from getting frozen. How fun it is to try to take on yourself when it can freeze you and shoot super missiles at you. Bye-bye e-tanks.

4) Jeebus it has a lot of health. The worst part is that when you finally kill it, it changes form instead of actually dying. I beat it the first time with about 80 energy left, and found out it had a second form when it landed on me.

I did eventually manage to beat it by getting it into an action loop allowing me to shoot it endlessly.

The other boss on Fusion that pissed me off was Nightmare. Let's see, one of it's abilities is to set the place to heavy gravity, meaning your missiles, your main sourse of damage, make it a whole two millimetres before they fall to the ground. Second, it makes you insanely slow and you can't jump worth crap, so it's nearly impossible to avoid it's shots, and worse, when it flies at you. Third, when I finally got to it's third stage, it was so ugly that it made me want to gouge my eyes out, which was detracting from my ability to dodge.

Next up is Omega Pirate from Metroid Prime. The main problem with this guy is that most of the time you can't damage him. Instead, you have to blow off four parts of his armour so that you can get into the sequence that allows you to do damage to him. This requires actually hitting him, which is a problem because 90% of the time he sucks your shots in and they disappear. So, to actually hit him, you need to either fire at the right time or fire at point-blank range. Trying to fire at him only at the right time is beyond annoying, because the right time is when he's doing another attack and you have to concentrate on dodging as well. Eventually, I opted for the second method. Apart from losing 3 e-tanks in short order from not retreating fast enough, it worked. Then the problems came. Two of them. In fact, they were two power troopers, which I wasn't expecting. So, I kill them after a brief battle, and what do I find? Omega Pirate's already most of the way through recharging his armour, and I only get one super missile off at him. So, I go through the prosess again. This time I think it was wave and ice troopers that showed up, which nearly killed me before I took them down. Then I find that, once again, Omega's regenerated his armour. At this point I died.

I came back three more times. Died twice, started getting pissed at him. Third time, I got lucky - plasma troopers came in on the first round, which were easy to dispose of. I hit Omega with two super missiles. Second round, I got power and wave troopers. Figured that it was more worth it to nuke Omega, ignored them, and killed Omega with a whole 27 energy remaining. I would like to point out that at this point my maximum energy was about 1200. So, now comes the fun part - getting to a save point with my astounding 27 energy. Fortunately the troopers disappeared after Omega went down or I would have had to beat him again. Made it to a save point with 13 energy by sparing nothing.

Apart from Metroid, there are a few other bosses that pissed me off. First, in EVO, I don't think that you should do 3 damage to a boss when it does 19 to you in volleys of three. When your max health is 55 if you upgraded everything. In Tales oh Phantasia, Gnome was annoying. Bosses should not be able to spend that much time invincible. Another one was the true final boss of Bubble Bobble. I had to beat that one with a turbo controller.

Wow, this turned out to be a long post.


And, as a quick folowup, I present some of the more disappointing bosses/parts in video games.

First and foremost: the first boss in Metroid prime, in the colony. Was this supposed to actually do damage? It was pathetic even before discovering the rapid-fire missile launcher.

Second: Meta ridley in Metroid Prime. I heard he was hard, so when I went to fight him, I was going to be ready for anything. After all, this is the game with Omega. I'm finally fighting him for the first time, and guess what? He's damn easy. Although I did eventually run out of super missiles, charged plasma turned out to work very well. I beat him without even needing the wavebuster, with 4 e-tanks left. (No offence intended, altough I'm sure it will still be taken, but it is really hard to die on Ridley on normal.)

Third: one of the times I was fighting the vine god-beast in SD3. I was playing as Carlie, at high level. I discovered that if I used great demon against him, doing 500-600 damage, he would automatically counter with Counter Magic, using his action. This was not a major problem, seeing as great demon dealt physical damage. I think you can imagine how that fight went.

A lot of the megaman bosses were just crap. Toad man for example - you wait for him to do his rain dance and shoot him, causing him to break out of it. Repeat. The megaman 1 bosses were pathetic if you found their weakness, because then they took about half their health per hit. In megaman x2, flame stag eventually got hilarious to fight, because you could beat him with 3 steps: 1) fire bubbles at him, 2) dash away, 3) jump back towards him and repeat.

Maybe we should try another thread: most pathetic moments in game history...

Maybe we should try another thread: most pathetic moments in game history...

Sounds good.... Most people here could name alot.

Alot of RPG's usually have the "hardest boss" count because of how to beat them. Who would get my vote?????


1.Shadow Link from Legend of Zelda2: Links quest was pretty fricken vicious. I thought the blue armored knights are bad and now comes this guy after I went all the way through the temple and fight the thunderbird just to get killed.....

2. Coolex from SMRPG was murder without the that special armor. I think they designed him that way...

3. The forth boss in the Wily castle in MM2. Lose one crash bullet and your screwed. Not to mention that you had to plan how to do things. It was annoying is all...

4. Angel-X from MegaMan Zerowas pretty intense. That is of course, I used no cyber-elves. Man, he is the only guy that makes me rush and scream.

5. King Blue from Viewtiful Joe without Voomerangs on Ultra V-rated. BLEW MY BRAINS OUT. Talk about never-ending fight without mercy....

6. Overall difficult- The last boss in Abadox. I still dunno how you are supposed to beat him without any tricks or cheats....

Second: Meta ridley in Metroid Prime. I heard he was hard, so when I went to fight him, I was going to be ready for anything. After all, this is the game with Omega. I'm finally fighting him for the first time, and guess what? He's damn easy. Although I did eventually run out of super missiles, charged plasma turned out to work very well. I beat him without even needing the wavebuster, with 4 e-tanks left. (No offence intended, altough I'm sure it will still be taken, but it is really hard to die on Ridley on normal.)

What the hell? Meta Ridley is the devil himself! I tried about 6 times to kill the bastard with no luck(and each fight taking about an agonizing hour of pain and evil). I'm not offended, just amazed you found him so easy.

The really annoying thing was both our healths went down at about the same rate, one time, his health was so low one hit would kill him, but so was mine. I had just charged the plasma beam but he lept at me, I tried to jump but he killed me. I still hear Samus' screams at night.


Okay. I read up to page 32, and I had so many in my mind that I didn't want to forget them, so forgive me if they've already been beaten to death.

Paranoia Survivor on Heavy springs to mind, but I won't count that.

Technically not a boss, but at some point during Serious Sam 1, in one of the later city levels, you're running down this road between two walls of buildings, and literally HUNDREDS of skeletons come galloping toward you. Abso-fricken-lutely ridiculous.

Lessee...Indalecio (Star Ocean 2) was hard, if you fought the archangel version. If you've beaten it, you probably know what I'm talking about.

Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) gave me a hell of a lot of trouble the first few times I took him on. As did the wolf-thing at the end.

Ah! I seriously doubt anyone'll remember this, but Mr. Schneobelen (Pandemonium 2) has got to be one of the the HARDEST SoBs ever.

I'll probably be laughed at and mocked for this, but Duriel (Diablo 2) always, always, ALWAYS kills me several times.

One more. Level 5.10, The Gathering, on Hardcore mode. (Crimsonland) Is it physically possible to beat this?

And, as a quick folowup, I present some of the more disappointing bosses/parts in video games.

First and foremost: the first boss in Metroid prime, in the colony. Was this supposed to actually do damage? It was pathetic even before discovering the rapid-fire missile launcher.

Second: Meta ridley in Metroid Prime. I heard he was hard, so when I went to fight him, I was going to be ready for anything. After all, this is the game with Omega. I'm finally fighting him for the first time, and guess what? He's damn easy. Although I did eventually run out of super missiles, charged plasma turned out to work very well. I beat him without even needing the wavebuster, with 4 e-tanks left. (No offence intended, altough I'm sure it will still be taken, but it is really hard to die on Ridley on normal.)

Third: one of the times I was fighting the vine god-beast in SD3. I was playing as Carlie, at high level. I discovered that if I used great demon against him, doing 500-600 damage, he would automatically counter with Counter Magic, using his action. This was not a major problem, seeing as great demon dealt physical damage. I think you can imagine how that fight went.

A lot of the megaman bosses were just crap. Toad man for example - you wait for him to do his rain dance and shoot him, causing him to break out of it. Repeat. The megaman 1 bosses were pathetic if you found their weakness, because then they took about half their health per hit. In megaman x2, flame stag eventually got hilarious to fight, because you could beat him with 3 steps: 1) fire bubbles at him, 2) dash away, 3) jump back towards him and repeat.

Maybe we should try another thread: most pathetic moments in game history...

i dont know if you read the faq or not so ill save you the trouble and just quote it:

...dont be an asshole...

so there you have it. now go make an i'm new thread or something.


1.Shadow Link from Legend of Zelda2: Links quest was pretty fricken vicious. I thought the blue armored knights are bad and now comes this guy after I went all the way through the temple and fight the thunderbird just to get killed.....

What, it's hard to duck in the lower left corner and smash the B button over and over again? Heheh.

But yeah, I tried beating this guy "normally" at first too, and got my ass totally handed to me.


1.Shadow Link from Legend of Zelda2: Links quest was pretty fricken vicious. I thought the blue armored knights are bad and now comes this guy after I went all the way through the temple and fight the thunderbird just to get killed.....

What, it's hard to duck in the lower left corner and smash the B button over and over again? Heheh.

But yeah, I tried beating this guy "normally" at first too, and got my ass totally handed to me.

That works? Seems like he always blocked my low shots.


And how, may I ask, is that being an asshole? I would call being an asshole deliberately flaming someone specific.

In an attempt to not be an asshole to you, I won't argue any further.

Zelda 2 had shadow link as well? I need to play that game more. :D

As for Meta Ridley, I found out how to dodge his annoying lunge after losing a few e-tanks to it. Side dashing is wonderful.

I need to play more games ... I'm running out of hard bosses to list.


There are a couple of them to me. But two stand out right now. Ultima Weapon from FF 7 and Lavos. Now some of you might say that Lavos was easy. That's true if you saved him for last. What I mean by the hardest is when you try to get one of the ending when you have the first opportunity to beat him. Oh and without beating the game first.


Saga frontier 2 the final boss...i dunno he had over 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 HP i swear without healing i tell you...

And uuhmm FF8 i beated that witch with LV 99 (cheats ofcourse) and it still was hard............

and a few nes game bosses with inhuman powers

And uuhmm FF8 i beated that witch with LV 99 (cheats ofcourse) and it still was hard............

I thought the final boss of FF8 was damn hard! I've completed most of the FF's, never with cheats, but I found a demo cheat disc with FF8 on it and I used it!

And uuhmm FF8 i beated that witch with LV 99 (cheats ofcourse) and it still was hard............

I thought the final boss of FF8 was damn hard! I've completed most of the FF's, never with cheats, but I found a demo cheat disc with FF8 on it and I used it!

You poor saps that can't junction. I had all status and doom protection (Ultima) Then I had Life as a defense, and some other spell as an attack....

Then you use Cerberus, Aura*3, then you use the Holy war item.

Once the 3 first forms are dead, you reuse anlother holy war, or you just pummel the boss.

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