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Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album

The Nikanoru

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1 minute ago, The Nikanoru said:

This is fine, but keep in mind you are going to have to choose one version to build on at some point. Complete WIPs are due in July!

... and thanks, @classic_gamer_76, I'm still keeping your offer in mind. :)

I'll decide.

Trust me.

I also might get a copy of Super Audio Cart on the 20th.


Well, I become legal to vote on that day.

I also can play bingo, which I do NOT want to do, but my mom insists that I have to play at least once...oh well.

I also want to pre-order Yooka-Laylee and Breath of the Wild+ the game guide on that date too. Have enough money. 320 bucks.

Here's wishing I get all of it. 

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My first "post to the panel remix" was just DR'd.

That's okay.

Didn't even make it to the panel, but Gario reviewed it.

And he noted that I could do better.

And, yes, I have gotten better, but I'd still like to get even better.

Still hoping for Super Audio Cart...can't wait to use SFX and mix systems! \

Might even post a "remake"- just a cover- of a few songs using all 8 systems...Think I'll do that...

As to my Corneria track, I'm working on it, but really waiting until next Friday before I really do anything.

Still waiting on feed back for SCRAMBLE and Cornerian Hall of Fame....

Well, just in general what we're going to do...

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I might do a "for fun" "cover" of "Meteor" to show-case this.

Will post a "cover" of Gangplank Galleon using the DKC 1+2+3 samples! 

Not in this topic but in the "Post your ReMixes!"

Stay tuned...

But, yeah...just waiting...

Nika, Pichu, Gamer, DS, Are we done on the other two tracks for now?

No one's really saying much...

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22 hours ago, TheChargingRhino said:

Still waiting on feed back for SCRAMBLE and Cornerian Hall of Fame....

There won't be any feedback on SCRAMBLE until we get a new WIP together. I'm hoping to build the new WIP with the 'new' parts this weekend, but we'll have to see. I'm still behind and have quite a few things to do.

You have feedback on Cornerian Hall of Fame. I think the only one you don't have feedback on now is the Boss Roll.

Oh, and don't take the quiet as inactivity. I'm sure everyone is just working REALLY HARD on their tracks instead of posting, that's all. :)


Yeah, sorry I've been a bit absent lately. Life has been complicated for me recently, but I'm getting my stuff straightened out and should be back on track next week.

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50 minutes ago, The Nikanoru said:

There won't be any feedback on SCRAMBLE until we get a new WIP together. I'm hoping to build the new WIP with the 'new' parts this weekend, but we'll have to see. I'm still behind and have quite a few things to do.

You have feedback on Cornerian Hall of Fame. I think the only one you don't have feedback on now is the Boss Roll.

Oh, and don't take the quiet as inactivity. I'm sure everyone is just working REALLY HARD on their tracks instead of posting, that's all. :)


Yeah, sorry I've been a bit absent lately. Life has been complicated for me recently, but I'm getting my stuff straightened out and should be back on track next week.


As I had posted in all caps, I figured out how to pitchbend in FL. So...expect pitchbends from now on. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, all! Just a few quick updates:

  • Sorry again for the delay on reviews. Life is still complicated these days but I'm working on it! I have been in touch with @DaMonz and he tells me he'll get to the reviews when he can, but he's even busier than I am these days. He's hoping to get started ASAP, but he figures it may be a while.
  • Prominion has sent me a WIP! He's asked that I not post it yet, as he has lots of stuff he knows he can do better. He'll send me something I can post once he's more confident with what he has. No word yet on when he'll join the forum... :<
  • I've also been in touch with @Trev regarding his claims and we've worked out an arrangement for his track progress moving forward.

My own WIP has, admittedly, received little attention this month. I'll be prioritizing this on Thursday through the weekend, so regardless of what I actually get finished, I'll have something on Tuesday. Just a reminder, it will be the very first rough WIP of an un-posted remixer, so it certainly won't be stellar, but any advice would be appreciated - so long as it's constructive and not just heckling. :) 

Just because we haven't reviewed a track doesn't mean it can't be worked on in the meantime! Since I'm taking so long to get the reviews out, if anyone has an update to submit, go ahead and we'll review that. I certainly hope that everyone is continuing to work on their WIPs anyway; we have a goal of having 16 complete WIPs by April 1st, and I now have 5 with the addition of Cornerian Hall of Fame, so 11 more to go! 

We still have some claims left to be had! Check the front page of the thread for the unclaimed area themes - most boss themes and character themes are also open!

Thanks to everyone for being patient with me. I am still available if anyone has any questions, concerns, or just want to chat a bit. Looking forward to more amazing music as the year goes on!

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No problem Nikanoru. Think we all understand life can get really busy. :P

I'm hoping to get to having a complete WIP of the Boss B track in the coming weeks. Right now my priorities are working on my SoM track for the other album project, and finishing up a personal project. Once Boss B is done I'll probably go over Cyber Warfare again. I'm not really satisfied with that track.

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Apparently my priorities were not life's priorities this weekend. I'm going to extend myself some extra time (given that I'm in touch with the project director ;)) so I'll be working on my WIP along with the last of the reviews this week.

Thank you for the new Boss B WIP, @Starphoenix! I'll post this momentarily. I hope @Gario is paying attention... still looking forward to some chiptune awesomeness in this track!


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Long story short- parents + bad grades = no internet for...I don't know how long.

Anyway, DS, can I have a midi of the SCRAMBLE intro?

No SFX, 2nd version- I want to add a bassline and some drums...thanks in advance.

Nika- I actually dropped the boss roll some time ago...?

Just doing solo Corneria (Clipped Wings) and the two collabs.

Also, hey Mr Neil! 


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18 hours ago, TheChargingRhino said:


I was wondering where you went. It's been so quiet on the thread lately! :D

18 hours ago, TheChargingRhino said:

Nika- I actually dropped the boss roll some time ago...?

This is probably just confusion on my part. In SF SNES, the Boll Roll plays while the ending cycles through boss stats and the Staff Roll plays during the credits - originally, you claimed the Staff Roll which I thought you were working with @classic_gamer_76 on; the WIP you submitted was for the Boss Roll, so I obviously assumed you were doing both when you dropped the Staff Roll. This was obviously not the case.

No problem, I'll take off your claim and WIP. :(

On ‎31‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 8:20 PM, Siolfor the Jackal said:

I'll have something more substantial soon, just waiting for it to cool down a bit around here so I get less noise and feedback from my ceiling fan and a/c when recording :P

Just to amuse everyone, I did a double-take on this post. Then I remembered that Australia doesn't have reindeer... :D

Good luck on finding a cool day, Siolfor. ;)

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SHAMELESS double-post, I know, but I wanted to say that I'm finally done with the first set of formal reviews. Looking back, it seems reviewing 20+ tracks in the space of two weeks didn't work out so well with everything life threw at me over the holidays, so we'll probably just review the tracks as we get updates moving forward.

Great work everyone, and I hope some of what was said was helpful. Let us know if you need any help!

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Yeah good to hear from everyone again. Been super busy with holiday stuff and now getting back to work and other projects has been eating up most of my time but I'm back to a somewhat normal schedule and will begin submitting WIPs more consistently. Thanks for the patience! 

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Hey, everyone.

I need a good website that has bomb SFX/Explosions/hanger door stuff/hangar turn-tables/lights turning on/sirens/whatnot.

Also, DS, I realize that life might be getting in your way, so trying to not sound rude or anything, but I have asked for the midi of the 2nd version of the SCRAMBLE intro twice (this will be the third time, now), once on here, a few posts up, and a PM. Please send the file via Drive, as I would like to tie both SCRAMBLE and Clipped Wings together with different variants of the intro (tom drums, snare, bassline, cut out a bit near the end and do other stuff.). 

Yes, Nika, I am ONCE AGAIN redoing Clipped Wings. 

Going to include "the SF theme that started in 64", go into the "2nd variation" of the SCRAMBLE intro, and then go from there.

However, in order to make this work- I need the midi.

So, I am requesting your help, everyone. 

Thank you all in advance.

I would like the midi by 8:50 tonight, if it's at all possible. 

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8 minutes ago, TheChargingRhino said:

I need a good website that has bomb SFX/Explosions/hanger door stuff/hangar turn-tables/lights turning on/sirens/whatnot.

I see that @Jorito suggested freesound.org - if you didn't find anything there, I'll have a look around and see what I can find.

9 minutes ago, TheChargingRhino said:

I have asked for the midi of the 2nd version of the SCRAMBLE intro twice (this will be the third time, now)

@DS394 could you please get in touch with Rhino with this MIDI? If you don't have this or are having difficulties accessing it, I'll see if I can do something about this - but let us know what you can find.

10 minutes ago, TheChargingRhino said:

Yes, Nika, I am ONCE AGAIN redoing Clipped Wings. 

LOL Can't wait to hear it!

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Yeah, I've gotten good door opening SFX from there. 


EDIT EDIT: I am literally just downloading air raid SFX, jet stuff, found a cool "practice sample" one, but it's 8 minutes long, so. Need to find hangar stuff and good explosions -what the heck did DS use and where did he get his AWESOME SFX?

I must know. 

TRIPLE EDIT: I found one that's called "alien invasion ambiance"...

QUADRUPLE EDIT: I will go ahead and make the first part, will link here, I guess. 

I can't go any further than the first part until I get DS's midi, SO HELP ME, PEOPLE! 

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51 minutes ago, TSori said:

Hey all.  

Just wanted to jump in here and offer my services as a trumpet player.  Ive been playing for 20 years and have high quality setup.  Id be glad to lay down some tracks for anyone who can use them.

Awesome! Thanks, @TSori - I'll put you down as a performer!

I'm REALLY HOPING someone can pull all these awesome performers we have together for a jazz remix... HINT HINT.... ;)

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Hi everyone. I was wondering if it wasn't too late to hop on this and claim a track? I made a pretty cool take on the title music from SF https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1665268/music/lylat system - theme audition.mp3

This is me messing around with it and brainstorming ideas, no mixing or anything. Thinking of keeping it short since the source is very sparse anyways.

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