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@Starphoenix @Gario @The Nikanoru I mean, if you want me to play an instrument or add in a little bit of an orchestral or trance or EDM or hardstyle or dubstep or whatever, I could pitch in a little bit, but I don't want to be involved enough to be counted as an artist on the track (as I have 4 tracks on the album as it is already). Maybe if I contribute something, you could just put "ft. DS" on the end of the title or something (kind of like how Zomboy - "Survivors (ft. Must Die)"  is a Zomboy track with some Must Die wubz put in there [even though most of it sounds like it was made by Must Die XD]).

2 minutes ago, DS394 said:

Oh and then there's also the fact that I've already "remixed" a remix of Boss B: https://youtu.be/fOd77maxAKI

And did that stop @TheChargingRhino:D

Okay, I'll stop picking on you. I do appreciate you taking a step back to allow other Remixers to participate, DS, but you CAN contribute if you wish. We can worry about who gets credit for what once the track is finished.

Speaking of TheChargingRhino, would she be allowed to participate in the Boss B track you're doing, @Starphoenix? She's looking for someone to collab with.

1 minute ago, The Nikanoru said:

And did that stop @TheChargingRhino:D

Okay, I'll stop picking on you. I do appreciate you taking a step back to allow other Remixers to participate, DS, but you CAN contribute if you wish. We can worry about who gets credit for what once the track is finished.

Speaking of TheChargingRhino, would she be allowed to participate in the Boss B track you're doing, @Starphoenix? She's looking for someone to collab with.

I'm going to be in the school music talent show in April (Live from GRAFF), so I CAN record piano.

I'm up to it.

Nika- Put me on the live instrument thing. 

4 hours ago, The Nikanoru said:

@Starphoenix has given me permission to post his complete (not finished) version of Cyber Warfare to the Remixer WIP spreadsheet!

Take a listen and let him know what you think. :)

Just did and I like what I hear. It's a good foundation and the chosen sound effects remind of space and lasers, so they fit well. When though it's electronic, I'd prefer a bit more variety in the drums/beat fills, especially when the second verse repeats. I feel like a simple changes there would give it a bit more life. Listening on phone speakers, the bass drum also sounds quite weak when it should be carrying the rhythm but that may just be my speakers. I'll give it another listen later today and edit my response.


Thanks for the early feedback! Funny thing about the drums. I actually had more variations in earlier versions but stripped them down due to some issues, so I may sprinkle them back into the mix around the second repitition (which I wanted to change the melody there to make it a tad more unique anyways.)

Also, @M_Blacki it's not just you, the drum kick is a little weak. that's already on my list of next wave of revisions. :P

16 minutes ago, Starphoenix said:

Thanks for the early feedback! Funny thing about the drums. I actually had more variations in earlier versions but stripped them down due to some issues, so I may sprinkle them back into the mix around the second repitition (which I wanted to change the melody there to make it a tad more unique anyways.)

Also, @M_Blacki it's not just you, the drum kick is a little weak. that's already on my list of next wave of revisions. :P

Perfect. In that case, I keep my recommendations but also add that I really like the bass line that's more isolated at the end of the track, but I didn't notice it throughout. Boost that a db or two, or fiddle with eqing the leads a bit lower in volume. The highest highs are a bit piercing I'm guessing around the 2 khz -5 khz range and that overwhelms the rest of the track. I like to listen to my music loud and I'm not able in this case. It's mostly a case of variation and balancing issues right now so it seems close to being done.

1 hour ago, Starphoenix said:

Thanks for the early feedback! Funny thing about the drums. I actually had more variations in earlier versions but stripped them down due to some issues, so I may sprinkle them back into the mix around the second repitition (which I wanted to change the melody there to make it a tad more unique anyways.)

Also, @M_Blacki it's not just you, the drum kick is a little weak. that's already on my list of next wave of revisions. :P

I would also fix the drums, just don't let them "overpower" the other instruments, like I've been prone to do...


Just wondering if anyone had an specific feedback on the Intro track I made? Since it's like the first track on the album (and probably the second track that a person would listen to after Corneria :P), I want to make sure it sounds good enough to do the rest of the album justice. BTW thanks for your "Sounds like Mass Effect" comment @TheChargingRhino, that was definitely of the feel I was going for :D 

1 hour ago, DS394 said:

Just wondering if anyone had an specific feedback on the Intro track I made?

I guess you should probably make the synth sounds a bit quieter -- you want the orchestra to be the main focus here, so the synths should only be there to enhance it, not steal the show (if you know want I mean). For consistency, I'd also reintroduce some of those latter in the track -- like very discreetly during the beginning of the 2:55-3:52 bridge -- but that's just my opinion ^^'

The rest seems pretty solid. Since I don't know much about orchestra, I can't really help more. It's definitely a great way to open up the album though.

May I ask what was/will be Jay Thomas' role in this remix?

8 hours ago, DS394 said:

Just wondering if anyone had an specific feedback on the Intro track I made? Since it's like the first track on the album (and probably the second track that a person would listen to after Corneria :P), I want to make sure it sounds good enough to do the rest of the album justice. BTW thanks for your "Sounds like Mass Effect" comment @TheChargingRhino, that was definitely of the feel I was going for :D 

So, I listened to the track. First off, very, very well done! Only thing I want to mention, and maybe it's just my crappy earbuds, but the orchestra parts sound really... Shallow. I don't get the feeling of depth to the sounds right now (1:50-2:25 in particular comes to mind). The brass should sound lusher, and the drums carry a little more power. Right now everything sounds like it is on the same level. I'm sure this is something you're working on.



Well, it would have helped if I had posted it yesterday after you gave me permission to...

Oh, and I have PMed you the link to the sheet. :)


Anyway - @HankTheSpankTankJankerson's Meteo WIP has now been posted to the WIP spreadsheet! Please feel free to give some feedback.

Thanks to everyone who gave some points on Lylat Legacy by @DS394 and Cyber Warfare by @Starphoenix!


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