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MEETUP: New York City, NY Meetup '06 - Pics on Pages 30 And 32-34!

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How about a trip to a Virgin Megastore people? I'm sure everyone would love the opportunity to see what is possibly the biggest CD collection you can choose from in a brick & mortar store.

The place is like giant and huge at the SAME TIME!


Anywhere that has like instruments would be nice to perform as long as it doesn't really get in the way of the customers buying stuff. I remember the last time I performed almost an entire score from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde with a friend. We were in a Sam's Club. Good times... I don't know about Grand Central Station though. I think there's a reason why normal street musicians don't play there, maybe a security thing... Also there's a whole street musician code and everything. They usually trade places so as to keep the pedestrians happy that are on routine schedules and not to step on each other's turf so music doesn't collide.

Or we could not do acapella and have everyone do impromptu rap. I was in an improv rap type thing about the multiples of 5... it rocked beyond belief. I'd tell you the words, but it was so awesome I forgot them.


I wanted to accomodate the museum suggestion by trying for one close to where we'd be (there're a couple around the late 40's streets), although I actually also think a museum visit would be a bit of a squeeze. I'm also thinking, after checking the Met web site, these museums would not let us in with any luggage - certainly not my duffle - and along with time constraints and possible admission would mean we'd likely cross them off our list.

An accapella sounds cool - at least at Nintendo World. One way to prepare would be to study an accurate MIDI of whatever tune we do. From that MIDI I could either export mp3's or sheet music of each part for study.

No need for a collection... everyone brings whatever cash they can manage, and I'll cover the extra costs. I can spare it for us, just like last year. Since there'll be a max of two or three subway trips for each of us (maybe 20 people), Fun Passes aren't needed. Each of us contributes about four bucks, and we get five ten-ride Metrocards; that's more than enough.

Sam Ash and Manny's are together because they're on the same block, so no sweat: actually about six or seven Sam Ash stores on that street, depending on the instrument, surrounding the one Manny's store. If we had to pick one, we go with Manny's, because it's strictly New York flavor, with autographed celebrity musician photos covering the walls, and because they let you go to town on their instruments, especially the guitars, Tauce.

I haven't been to Virgin in a while, but I think their selection comes in second to J&R. I gauge selection by the amount of rare stuff they carry that no one cares about except me. No store gets great marks in my system. I was, however, sad to see Tower go because that would be a #3 on my list. Virgin sounds good for the meetup, because it's in the same area we're headed.

I'll be casing the areas for eateries this week.


Well, looking at J&R's online music catalog, it seems to show a somewhat weaker selection than Virgin - Virgin just seems to have some rare stuff that is hard to find here in the US (i. e. J&R only carries Rhapsody's newest CD).

So, how many people going to the meetup have DSs btw? Bring them if you have them.


I gots a DS. Currently I only have Phoenix Wright which I'm borrowing from a friend and Brain Age. I don't think I have any other multiplayer games though either for GBA or DS. But if anything, you should bring your DS to the meet up since we're going to Nintendo World. You can try demos via wi-fi. In related news, I bought some Hori screen protectors and a case for my DS from there. Portable gaming is going to be a reality instead of me playing it in my room all the time. I can now probably bring it to school and play it when I'm by myself or bored.

Virgin is big. I like it there, but I could never really get myself to buy stuff. I don't know why though, maybe it's because I'm stingy or indecisive... most likely the latter. I bought a tiny cd case from there... always wanted to buy Mozart's Requiem but there are so many versions. I don't know which one to get.

As for acapella, I would also need sheet music or an mp3 or something like that to listen to and study a bit.


Jeez, thats it? I have


Mario Kart

Advance Wars

Metroid Prime: Hunters

Mario 64DS


and some others, which for some reason I can't remember... Oh, well

Thing is, my DS is broken. The L and R buttons are unresponsive, besides the fact that I took it apart after my top screen wasn't showing anything. I have all the parts, and I've put it back together about 3 times so far. I didn't really care enough to bother with the warranty, and I'm gonna get a lite anyway soon enough...


Hey, can I go ahead and ask who exactly will be staying over at my place? I'll need to plan ahead a bit for lodging arrangements. Ideally if you plan on staying over you should bring a sleeping bag. I'll have some spare stuff - definitely sheets, blankets, and pillows - but I don't think I have more than one or two sleeping bags.

So far, there's me, pixietricks, and GeoffreyTaucer for sure.


Yes, that is a good idea.

Speaking of which, can I assume that an overnight only applies to either people that care enough to stay, or people that don't want to catch a ride out of the city early Friday morning? I wouldn't want to miss out on anything just to get home...

Which brings up another question. Is there any limit on the leaving/staying time? Should everyone not sleeping over leave by a certain time?


yoyo wassup jive turkeys D:

You can put me down as an overnight, I'll try to remember to bring my sleeping bag. Anyone else coming up from around Philly or DC? I'm gonna try to catch the Chinatown bus, it goes from Chinatown DC through Chinatown Philly and Chinatown NYC for only like $10.

yoyo wassup jive turkeys D:

You can put me down as an overnight, I'll try to remember to bring my sleeping bag. Anyone else coming up from around Philly or DC? I'm gonna try to catch the Chinatown bus, it goes from Chinatown DC through Chinatown Philly and Chinatown NYC for only like $10.

I like how your only posts are posts related to meetups :lol: . In any case, I was ahead of you :P .


It approaches! 8O (as do finals... :? )

I don't think we actually have a good handle on the overnight plans yet. To me, it sounds like zircon will definitely have over 6 other people. As for anyone else who has already confirmed going, they haven't really said anything about staying over or not. (It's only polite to let zircon know ahead of time.)

Crashing at zircon's:




Bahamut(and friend(s)?)

Pi_R_[]ed(and friend?)



Not too sure about Jose, but he did mention that he was bringing luggage or at least a dufflebag, so to me, this implies intention.

Maybe zircon should mention what activities are in store to help people decide... or maybe people just haven't been checking this topic as often as they should be... Other than Bahamut's Wii and DS lites, I don't know what else there is to do. I guess we could like.. talk and bond and stuff. Then again, there might not be too much time to play around unless we stay up all night... but sleep is important! Too many variables... needs more equations... :?


Actually, Athair has a Wii too :P . I think he wants to stay over too, but I forget. He'd actually offer his place but he said it's too small (he lives in White Plains).

I'll edit the first page with the list of people interested in crashing overnight at zircon's after I come back from this FINAL BOSS.

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