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MEETUP: New York City, NY Meetup '06 - Pics on Pages 30 And 32-34!

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I'm only waiting to get back downtown before I give another reply; I'm at work right now (shhh)...

I will say if Rockefeller on the 28th is even a fraction of the 1mpfw (mile per five weeks) slog through the crowd it was the other week while everyone was tree-watching, skating would probably be impossible with the time we have. I wasn't able to locate Nintendo World that day.

Chinatown Fair looked like a fine hangout for the 20+ of us... on a Sunday afternoon. I would like, but doubt, that it'd be the same on a Thursday afternoon.

Again, stay tuned.

I'm only waiting to get back downtown before I give another reply; I'm at work right now (shhh)...

I will say if Rockefeller on the 28th is even a fraction of the 1mpfw (mile per five weeks) slog through the crowd it was the other week while everyone was tree-watching, skating would probably be impossible with the time we have. I wasn't able to locate Nintendo World that day.

Chinatown Fair looked like a fine hangout for the 20+ of us... on a Sunday afternoon. I would like, but doubt, that it'd be the same on a Thursday afternoon.

Again, stay tuned.

Chinatown fair is far from packed on a Thursday afternoon. Well, then again, I go there Tuesday afternoons, but it can't be much different.


That is true. I really didn't consider that. Usually the busy days are Fridays and Saturdays of course. Sundays are also busy, not not quite as busy as the other two. Generally, the influx of people on Sunday is more my speed since there's a nice flow of people coming and going and you don't have to wait too long to play a game. Thursdays though, it should be more or less dead. But then again, it would be vacation for a lot of students, so they could be around.

As for the address of Nintendo World, I believe it is on 48th St between 6th and 5th Ave., approximately 1.5 blocks south of the Christmas Tree. It's actually on the corner of Rockefeller Plaza. I don't know if that helps you any, Jose, since you're probably not going to go again before the meet up. Hopefully, now, people will have a better idea of where to go and what to look for when we go to Nintendo World.

Whatever reason people have for not woohoo-ing. I'll just assume it's because of finals, preparing for the holidays, preparing for MAGfest, or because deep down inside pixie hates me. ;_;

Sweet taucer is going. I am going to give you all a call and say hi while you all are together. :D

And we will pretend we are not there by staying silent. :wink:

Anyway, I just finished finals and am free. This is one of the things I'm looking foward to doing. I found a picture as my sig right now... but I think I can do better than that.

As Simon and Garfunkel once said, "where are all the people?" 8O


Page 2? Not on my watch!

I'm not sure about a homebase...anyone has a place that can be used for temporarily leaving their stuff? So far it seems like we don't have anyone from Manhattan itself here.

Oh, and do we need an XBox 360 for the overnight? I'll have one by the end of the week, so it's your call people.


I've cased enough, so here's a gameplan I've come up with (assuming we don't have a dropoff spot)):

1. We subway to Times Square. The area around 9th Ave. includes, along with many other kinds of restaurants, two very tempting pizza options. First, that 99 cent slice is for real! The spot is just a counter, so there's no place to sit, but those that wanna spend as little as possible can grab a bite there and just munch while we head to the other option: a place whose name escapes me, but has plenty of seats with no waiting. Slices are, well, closer to three bucks than one, but they are tremendous. What I'd like to do personally is try a .99 slice, then sit down and have the other slice at the second spot.

2. Down one block to the Virgin Megastore, check out CDs, DVDs, books, etc.

3. A little further down we visit Manny's (and perhaps Sam Ash); go nuts.

4. Just a little further (this is what I'd hoped for... a minimum of walking), through the 6th Ave. crowds, Nintendo World. As long as we're at the Plaza, we may as well check out the tree, take some pics.

5. Half a block to 5th Ave., relax at Barnes and Noble. I purchase "I Am 8-Bit," and possibly the large-volume collection of Thimble Theater comics featuring Popeye the Sailor.

6. We subway to Canal Street. We walk a bit, because there are no closer stops and buses are pointless here. We avoid the ridiculous crowds as much as we can, and hit Mott St.'s Chinatown Fair, depending on how packed it may be. Show us your bemani prowess.

7. Short jaunt up to Mulberry St., and we have our pick of restaurants. Surely one of them can handle all of us hooligans. :P

8. We're done! Some of us are off to zircon's to chill overnight, some may head back home or do whatever they like. We'll leave Metrocards for them.

9. Next morning... up to you.


I say we play it by ear. It'd be nice if we could stop by Multimedia 1.0 or whatever it's called now or Kim's Video. It's more of time constraint if anything. Or a group decision. Some people need to leave earlier than others is my guess and some don't like showing up at some random store they don't know about. In any case, it'd be good to find out the store's hours on that day as well, hopefully it's the same as any other Thursday. It's okay if only 10 people can fit in there. The others can be outside doing improv rap. So we can decide after or before dinner or something.

But I also worry about all of our stuff. Maybe the people at Nintendo World will be kind enough to store it for us? This will be the case for any place we go to really. Any storage service usually requires a lot more money since it's on a monthly type basis. If we can be as so charming as to persuade a good hotel to store our luggage for us, I think that's our best bet. But no guarantees. =(


I have made this walk many a time before. It is long and treacherous, besdies the Mogu Mogu on Elizabeth St. is gone. The walk is no longer fun any more. They sold pillows, giant, colorful pillows. It was awesome I tell you. Awesome. 8O

I'm simply saying it could be a time constraint because I don't know what people's plans are after eating or when they would like to go back home or something like that. I'm cool with it. It's near school and if anyone is still hungry, we can get an order of takoyaki. =0

Delicious takoyaki. ^_^


Just to finalize some stuff, I think that I'm bringing my friend and perhaps another one too. He said he's up for coming, but he usually sleeps in. Considering how early I have to leave from my place to get there at noon, he might not be coming. I am bringing one definite person and will not be able to sleep over zircon's.

See you guys then! 8)

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