prophetik music Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 i haven't seen cerrax in months, unfortunately.
POCKETMAN Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 POCKETMAN said: i'm trying to update mine right now, but the forum is giving me beef again. as in I can't get there... I got it to work.
chrono26 Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 ok so i lied about the 3 wips. i tried out about 4 arrangements and they were all pretty bad. but i finally got one that sounds good so expect a wip by tonight. and expect an update on my other track soon.
prophetik music Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 bump. chrono, post what you've got of your cave mix - it's pretty good.
chrono26 Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 posted. everyone go check it out when you get a chance.
ChaosofRuin Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 Someone told me to come here to request something... (see Can I request a remix on Ruins of Alph (the place where Unowns appear in gold/silver
LynnyM Posted March 14, 2007 Posted March 14, 2007 This late in the process, this may be a moot point, but has anyone on the project heard Bouche's piano arrangment of Verdanturf? It's very beautiful, in my opinion, and I've always wanted to hear it done up professionally. Of course I do not know the artist, so I'm inclined to ask around here. The file is up at
prophetik music Posted March 15, 2007 Posted March 15, 2007 ChaosofRuin said: Someone told me to come here to request something...(see Can I request a remix on Ruins of Alph (the place where Unowns appear in gold/silver any sort of specific style that you want? EDIT - if you want a piano mix, there are a few pianists on the project. talk with them specifically.
chrono26 Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 finished olivine/violet city mix in the private wip forum. check it out and leave some comments so i can make any final adjustments. thank you.
chrono26 Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 DragonAvenger said: It says the thead doesn't exist yeah we should expect that by now huh? i guess damned or maybe prophet will take care of it
The Damned Posted March 17, 2007 Author Posted March 17, 2007 I did take care of it... but now I see two "Private WIPs" on the project boards. The fuck? EDIT: As for you guys no being able to see the Private WIPs section, that was because no one had set your viewing permissions to allow it. That's changed now. Odd, you should have been able to once your account was activated.
prophetik music Posted March 18, 2007 Posted March 18, 2007 wait, i never did that? i thought i did that like two weeks ago. hey chrono, still want to buy me that strap?
ChaosofRuin Posted March 18, 2007 Posted March 18, 2007 The Prophet of Mephisto said: any sort of specific style that you want?EDIT - if you want a piano mix, there are a few pianists on the project. talk with them specifically. sort of a techno kinda mix...O__o
chrono26 Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007's down again...i wanna post some vocal samples so you guys can let me know which sounds the best
Escariot Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 chrono26 said:'s down again...i wanna post some vocal samples so you guys can let me know which sounds the best The site constantly goes down... don't know why... If you try and it's down, try again in a few minutes...
chrono26 Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 vocal samples are up in the same thread. please listen and tell me which sounds best to you. i want to try and finish this mix by this weekend so please comment. thank you!
prophetik music Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 bump. keep working on your tracks! and if you find a good song for me to mix, tell me and i'll do it now that my new computer is here.
tymime Posted March 26, 2007 Posted March 26, 2007 Is this project limited to just the main 2D RPGs? 'Cause I just thought- it'd be fun to hear a mix of Imakuni?'s theme from TCG. XD
DJDarkmaster Posted March 26, 2007 Posted March 26, 2007 The Prophet of Mephisto said: we don't need any opinions on the mixes, we don't need any morons trying to hack their way into the system. please just stay out and we'll finish this project as soon as its me/us, we ALL want this project to finish. we'll get it done when it's done, and if we leak songs it just winds up making it not as good as it could be. I dont plan to hack but i will check in every so often. i wont even bother registering. i only pop in as guest and see how they are working out. and as for the element of surprise i couldnt give a care less about it. Im not going to give opinion on the wips of you dont wanna hear it but i am going to at least peak from time to time to see how things are going. anf if i dont like it i will say something like it or not...
chrono26 Posted March 26, 2007 Posted March 26, 2007 DJDarkmaster said: I dont plan to hack but i will check in every so often. i wont even bother registering. i only pop in as guest and see how they are working out. and as for the element of surprise i couldnt give a care less about it. Im not going to give opinion on the wips of you dont wanna hear it but i am going to at least peak from time to time to see how things are going.anf if i dont like it i will say something like it or not... so you're not going to give your opinion if we dont want to hear it but you're going to let us know if you dont like it? oh ok, that makes perfect bout you do what you want, just don't post anything over here. thanks
Fishy Posted March 26, 2007 Posted March 26, 2007 DJDarkmaster said: as for the element of surprise i couldnt give a care less about it. Im not going to give opinion on the wips of you dont wanna hear it but i am going to at least peak from time to time to see how things are going.anf if i dont like it i will say something like it or not... I don't think you quite grasp the concept of an album project. You don't get to listen to "WIPs" from official albums, so why should you hear from us. Anything people heard when we made that forum public was a privalige, which we've taken away because it was getting annoying. We've all put lots of hard work into this, and for some random guy to appear, ignore our warnings and then say he wont hesitate to say everything thats wrong with it is the PERFECT way to appreciate all our hard work. Bottom line: Feel free to download the album when its out, and feel free to leave comments about what you like or don't like, but comments like the ones above, and ignoring everything we say is not the way to support a FREE, VOULENTARY ReMix album. We don't dedicate our free time to hearing crap for our efforts.
prophetik music Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 tymime said: Is this project limited to just the main 2D RPGs? 'Cause I just thought- it'd be fun to hear a mix of Imakuni?'s theme from TCG. XD that's a good point, i never considered the card game (which is a really fun game, actually, i got pretty good at it before i re-discovered side-scrollers) but we don't have any mixes from it. djdarkmaster...please just go away. i really, really don't care who you are or what you 'offer' to the project, and i'll just block your damn IP if you keep trying to re-register. i generally block the IP of people who try to register anyways. so just go away and maybe i won't block your ip from the mirror sites eventually, also. this project is'nt just for you, and as such your input doesn't matter. if you want to do a track and live up to your retarded dj name, then go ahead - i'm not going to blcok you just cause you're stupid. if your track gets accepted to the project, obviously you'll be allowed onto the forums. till then, go away. we're going to get like 50k downloads of all the songs as soon as we release them on some of the pkmn sites on teh intarweb anyways, so one person who's pissed and doesn't get them doesn't really matter in anyones perspective anyways.
The Damned Posted March 27, 2007 Author Posted March 27, 2007 Quote that's a good point, i never considered the card game (which is a really fun game, actually, i got pretty good at it before i re-discovered side-scrollers) but we don't have any mixes from it. Yeah, it's just the core Gameboy RPGs. If there was to be a giant, all-encompassing remix of any Pokémon game music, the tracklist would pretty much double. And as for annoying people... shoo. Away with you. Don't ruin things for everyone else.
chrono26 Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 new post in my thread. still need feedback please! i wanna finish this one off very soon.
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