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Ok cool, but what exactly does faith do "augment characters magick"? Haven't a clue how that's supposed ot work. And the curing oponents. Do you need to use gambits to do it? I have never tired it out before. And also, the origional question still stands. Where is the best place to level up? Is it in the mines? What other places are good?

The XP trick in the mines is the single best place to level. You get over 60,000 xp for three characters in 2 minutes. You won't get that kind of efficiency anywhere else. Another good xp/time place is in Nabreus Deadland where the Bone Warriors generate (hidden area), you get 2,500 from each of them and there are about 40 of them in the area. So you can kill 120 before having to switch screens. It's good XP for lower levels, but it takes longer than the henne mines.


Gambits you'll need are (top to bottom):

Ally: any - Arise

Enemy: Undead - Sleepga

Enemy: Undead - Curaja

Ally: any - Faith

Ally: any - Curaja

Ally: any - Hastega

Also, equip a demon shield (from nabudis) and main gauche (dagger, sold in some places) to max your evasion to 74%. You won't be doing any attacking, so strong weapons mean nothing. The bats also drop demon shields.

Edit: Forgot to say, Faith doubles magic potency. ie: it makes Curaja hit twice as hard.


Go to the Stillshrine of Miriam. Find the Rare Game Negalmuur, and set your gambits like this.

Party Leader

1. Ally: any...................Raise

2. Ally: HP<40%................Curaga

3. Ally: any...................Esuna

4. Self: MP<20%................Charge

5. Foe: HP>/=5,000.............Haste

6. Foe: HP<3000................Attack

7. Ally: any...................Regen

8. Ally: any...................Haste

Second Member

1. Self........................Decoy

2. Ally: any...................Raise

3. Ally HP<30%.................Curaga

4. Ally: any...................Esuna

5. Self: MP<20%................Charge

6. Foe: HP<3000................Attack

7. Ally: HP<100%...............Regen

8. Ally: HP<60%................Curaga

9. Ally: any...................Haste

Third Member

1. Ally: party leader..........Raise

2. Ally: party leader..........Phoenix Down

3. Self........................Decoy

4. Self: MP<20%................Charge

5. Foe: HP<3000................Attack

Put your controller down, and go to sleep. This loop will yield roughly 108,000 EXP per hour, and runs automaticaly. Sleep for eight hours, and that's 800,000 EXP per character.

Put your controller down, and go to sleep. This loop will yield roughly 108,000 EXP per hour, and runs automaticaly. Sleep for eight hours, and that's 800,000 EXP per character.

eight hours for 800,000 xp with that method. 1,200,000 xp per hour (ie: 9,600,000 xp per 8 hours, though theres no need to go for that long) with the henne mines one. Admittedly you can't walk away from the game with the henne mines xp trick. But it is faster.

eight hours for 800,000 xp with that method. 1,200,000 xp per hour with the henne mines one. Admittedly you can't walk away from the game with the henne mines xp trick. But it is faster.

True, but that's the beauty of the stillshrine loop. If you're like me, and get dragged off to drill, or some other event for a whole weekend, you can still make that time productive in FFXII.

Go to the Stillshrine of Miriam. Find the Rare Game Negalmuur, and set your gambits like this.

Man I went looking all over for that dumb Negalmuur. When looking at the beastary, I thought it was those two demon things hanging around the waystone. After I killed them and hung around for 5ive minutes, got really board, and finally looked up them again, I found out that it wasn't them. So I looked everywhere for that rare game and still didn't find it.

Also, when I tried to do that bat thing in the Henne mines, I discovered that I couldn't go there because I have 9 espers. When I said that I went into the phase 2 shaft, I meant that one hallway from the feywood. There wasn't much there and I figured that it wasn't worth going. But it was later that I realized that you needed to get there from phase 1 rather than the feywood.

Anyway, All the characters are now lvl 55-56. I want to wait until 60 before I go after altima and open up the phase 2 shaft.

  • 2 weeks later...

When looking for Nelgamuur, you have to sometimes kill everything, Exit up the stairs into the room with the giant dragons, and kill all thems, then come back down. Nelgamuur will spawn right at the T intersection. Its a cheap way to gain levels, but when you're almost done with the game(2 hunts left, and game beaten) then it doesn't matter because those last 2 hunts are WAY LAME...>.<

99. I did the Henne Mines levelling trick.

Also, I should point out that I only used Balthier, Vaan and Bash. Never levelled Ashe, Penelo or Fran. Never summoned a zodiac (except to open the Giruvegan door.)

Are you ASephiroth by any chance?

Also, I just got back from the henne mines doing that bat lvl up trick. The gambit combo worked great. But, it only worked once. I just reread the post and you said that you needed to two areas away so I guess I will try it again. I died by the way. All those undead things on the bottom right area of the map got to me. My characters are lvl 61-63 now and since I died, I have to set all the gambits again. That was a pain.


Set the gambits before you head off and save them. Make sure you have the evasion weapons/shields or you'll get raped.

And no I'm not ASephiroth, I don't even know what/who that is.

Edit: Also, in that picture I posted above. If you follow the path in red below, it counts as two screens and you don't run into any other monsters on the way. Just follow it to the second screen and then follow it right back.


And no I'm not ASephiroth, I don't even know what/who that is.
ASephiroth is this insane rpg gamer. He has probably has every major rpg 100% complete and done multiple times. He has about 500 videos on youtube. He posted
which is where I first saw him. Someone needs to do a remix of the song starting on 2:04 and 6:53. They are the same song, but with little differences.
Edit: Also, in that picture I posted above. If you follow the path in red below, it counts as two screens and you don't run into any other monsters on the way. Just follow it to the second screen and then follow it right back.


Thanks, but I found it already. I tried to do it over and over again, but I missed the part where you said that you needed to go to two areas and do it again. I only tried going out and back in again.

Edit: I said again 3 times in 3 sentences.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just out of curiosity, is it possible to get stuck in the henne mines? I know that you need a teleport crystal or a chocobo to get there, but what if you are out of teleport crystals? There might be chocobos outside, but what if you are out of Gyshal(sp) greens? That's something that concerns me. I always make sure I have at least 10 teleport crystals every time I level up there.

Also, I am currently between lvls 72-76 doing the henne mines leveling trick. Thanks for the info on how to do it.

Just out of curiosity, is it possible to get stuck in the henne mines? I know that you need a teleport crystal or a chocobo to get there, but what if you are out of teleport crystals? There might be chocobos outside, but what if you are out of Gyshal(sp) greens? That's something that concerns me. I always make sure I have at least 10 teleport crystals every time I level up there.

Also, I am currently between lvls 72-76 doing the henne mines leveling trick. Thanks for the info on how to do it.

If I remember correctly, there's always a Wayward Chocobo outside the mines. No need for greens to ride it. Just go out and take a look to see if one's there after you duck into the mines.


So one more thing, does anyone know where to find the embroidered tripliet or whatever it's called? It's the item that doubles exp earned. I got my only one at the bazaar in Rabinastre I think but now I can't seem to find them any more.


Final Fantasy XII is a great game!


Story - 7/10 (FFVII has the best story ever)

Music - 8/10 (Nobuo Uematsu did a better job... Although the orchestration is awesome in FFXII)

Graphics - 10/10 (They used the full potential of the PS2)

Voices - 9/10 (At least they're better than in FFX... They didn't even call Tidus' name -.-')

Overall - 8/10

That's my opinion about it...

Final Fantasy XII is a great game!


Story - 7/10 (FFVII has the best story ever)

Music - 8/10 (Nobuo Uematsu did a better job... Although the orchestration is awesome in FFXII)

Graphics - 10/10 (They used the full potential of the PS2)

Voices - 9/10 (At least they're better than in FFX... They didn't even call Tidus' name -.-')

Overall - 8/10

That's my opinion about it...

I prefer 6s story over 7. Hands down.

Overall - 8/10

That's my opinion about it...


Story - 5/10

Music - 2/10 (Can't mute it either, but I'll include Sound - 9/10 in this context.)

Graphics - 9/10

Voices - 9/10

Overall - Trite, which best describes my general feeling while playing the game, and after completing it (the main story, that is). The voice cast impressed me the most.


This game was initially very fun but quickly became very dull.

Graphics 10/10

Music 6.5/10

Gameplay 7/10

Story 3/10

Voice Acting 6/10

Story was really, really sorry.


My only grievance with the game is that the voice actors needed better microphones. The sound quality wasn't that good, but their talent was great. Except for Kytes btw. And believe it or not, FFXII uses half the number of hexagons as FFX in order to introduce a rotating camera.

And the reason they don't say Tidus' name is because you have the chance to change it. They couldn't include it in the voice acting because if you had named him something different, then it wouldn't have worked. One time I named him "2+2=22" Just for fun.

Edit: Oh, and I loved the story. It's much better then some silly love flick that many have alongside the story.


Graphics 9/10 - Really well done, couldn't have been much better. But there's always room for improvement, so doesn't reach the elusive perfect score

Music 8/10 - I really enjoyed the soundtrack, and I've listened to it a lot on its own. Some of the battle music fell short unfortunately. But the Esper Battle and Boss Battle music was superb. Overall I enjoyed about half of the soundtracks tracks enough to listen to them again outside the game. "Theme of the Empire" and "The Feywood" being two of the best tracks in the game.

Gameplay 9/10 - Can't fault it in any way. The gambit system can take a long time to set up. But it's one of those things that I personally really enjoyed

Story 4/10 - I agree that the story was where the game fell short. I enjoyed the game most when it broke free of the story and I was able to go do my own thing. The story was confusing, and too many characters were really left out to not actually do anything. Penelo and Basch didn't add much to the storyline. Vaan started off strong but was shoved into the shadows later on. Balthier, Fran and Ashe were story central, but even then I didn't get a sense of a "team" the way you do in other Final Fantasy games.

Voice Acting 9/10 - I liked it a lot. Unlike a lot of other people. Basch, Vaan, Fran and Balthier in particular were done really well. Ashe was the only one that got on my nerves.

I should point out that it's not the story itself that I didn't like. It was promising. But it's the way it was told, too many things were left unexplained properly. It just got really confusing and tacky.

I would have liked more interplay and background between the former judges (Balthier/Reddas) and the current empire administration (Gabranth/Gheis/Royal family).

i agree. i would have also just liked more basch. i think that the story of redemption is one that is both central to a lot of RPGs (ff in particular) and i liked him as a character. i thought as a whole the game almost felt rushed, like there wasn't enough storyLINE to flesh out the story properly.

i agree. i would have also just liked more basch. i think that the story of redemption is one that is both central to a lot of RPGs (ff in particular) and i liked him as a character. i thought as a whole the game almost felt rushed, like there wasn't enough storyLINE to flesh out the story properly.

In Matsuno's original script treatment, Basch was the main character. Had he stayed on for the entire development process, FFXII would have been a much different game.

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