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Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes)

Round 69: FF4 - Theme of Love




Deadline: March 6th Monday @ 1 PM

Vote Ends: March 8th Wed @ 11 PM

Submit your remix Here when completed. 
**If you have technical difficulty with account activation at ThaSauce, please contact me via PM and I will submit your track and will also tally your vote**

MnP ARCHIVE  - made by Trism ;)

The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. SOME reinterpretation is recommended, but not required.

MnP Instructions/Guidelines
1. Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted.
2. Most or all of the source notes must be present (but not necessarily in the exact same order), secondly the mood (energy, pacing, feelings being conveyed etc) should also be retained. For example, a source tune that is fast-paced and energetic that's remixed into a mellow/chill-out theme would be a hard sell.
3. If you decide to do a genre swap (i.e. symphonic to techno), make sure that the conditions of #2 are met.
4. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max).
5. Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry.
6. All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within: Competition Code and Conduct

- When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make ppl's lives easier.
- In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx)


sexy 69 - theme of love, picked by Necrox. It's not kinky per se, but it is romantic. The more deprived of us will just have to think of some shitty fan-fiction sex twixt Rosa and her love...or loves ;) oh mai


....sorry about the black background...copied this from the ThaSauce page.  Oh wells.  

4 hours ago, HoboKa said:

sexy 69 - theme of love, picked by Necrox. It's not kinky per se, but it is romantic. The more deprived of us will just have to think of some shitty fan-fiction sex twixt Rosa and her love...or loves ;) oh mai


....sorry about the black background...copied this from the ThaSauce page.  Oh wells.  

That was disgusting


This is MnP 69.

I believe I sent you the link to the week's theme?


Apparently in FB's on this day a friend said I had 69 friends 4 years ago...

2 hours ago, Necrox said:

That was disgusting


This is MnP 69.

I believe I sent you the link to the week's theme?


Apparently in FB's on this day a friend said I had 69 friends 4 years ago...

Wow I epically failed.  Both issues fixed.  But not the disgustingness, that stays :P muahaha edit2 - apparently there were 3 issues.  The ADD is strong with this one...


and wow at the FB thing...that is one creepy coincidence.  


I also would like to be more cognizant of the other holidays, 'sides from X-mas and Hallow's Eve.  Gotta at least add in Valentines Day...as that's probably the 3rd biggest "thematic" holidays, unless I add in America July 4th as an "ACTION-PACKED" theme or something.  Any other thoughts on said matter?  Oh!  April fools!!  =p  unless you guys think that's too retarded.  


21 hours ago, HoboKa said:

I also would like to be more cognizant of the other holidays, 'sides from X-mas and Hallow's Eve.  Gotta at least add in Valentines Day...as that's probably the 3rd biggest "thematic" holidays, unless I add in America July 4th as an "ACTION-PACKED" theme or something.  Any other thoughts on said matter?  Oh!  April fools!!  =p  unless you guys think that's too retarded.  


Terrible joke mixes for April fools

5 hours ago, Pichu's Dad said:

Hi, forgive me if this information is posted already somewhere but I was wondering if I need to register with the forums hosting ThaSauce comp information to submit or can I submit via OcRemix? I'd like to participate ^_^

Try to register/submit at ThaSauce if you can.  If for whatever reason you're unable to do so before the due-date, PM me your entry and I shall do the rest.  Thanks for expressing interest in participating in MnP Pichu's Dad!!!


Well my sub is up. Though I'll probably revisit the mix at least once or twice before the actual competition is over. Though in all honesty this is a really pretty theme and when I heard that main lead line I just could not for the life of me resist putting some kind of supersaw to it. In fact you might say I was in love with the notion. 


Welcome to the Voting Stage!

  • There are 4 entries this round.
  • There is 0 Bonus entries this round
  • There IS a voter bonus this round.
  • Necrox has a vote worth 2x
  • Don't vote for Bonus entries please  
  • Participants may not vote for themselves   

Vote ends March 8th @ 11PM


Looking to clarify a vote before I put the rubber stamp of finality on this round.  Please don't make any statements regarding who won or lost, as that is not finalized.  The points in ThaSauce can be disregarded as they don't take into account on voter bonuses and so forth.  


it is true that it's entirely based on opinion on what is considered to be the victor, but that's what I like about MnP honestly. You're not supposed to worry about changing things up (that's what PRC is for), it's about who can portray the same emotion better whether it's within there own style or not. I can understand if people think its bland to just follow the original track and midi but that's what this compo is.

Personally, I use MnP as the testing grounds to either create original sounds or combine multiple layers of sounds ( that I don't normally use) to form them as one. For example in the first 30 seconds of my piece, Only 2 instruments are playing in the midi but I'm actually using 4 instruments  (not including effects). If I'm not doing this method mentioned earlier than I'm practicing to play this live on my midi piano or by simply training my ear to remake the song and try to only use the midi file as a fail safe. if I'm just getting a lot of notes wrong ( which is more often than not) then I'll just bite the bullet and use the midi.

I feel like the whole point of this compo is to find better ways to improve yourself without the need of sweating things out or the need to be a try hard, At least that's how I see it. Like its not that big of a deal if you win or lose or even if you felt like you got robbed, I don't see things that way. I only see what needs or should've been improved on if such situations were to occur.


24 minutes ago, Supercoolmike said:

it is true that it's entirely based on opinion on what is considered to be the victor, but that's what I like about MnP honestly. You're not supposed to worry about changing things up (that's what PRC is for), it's about who can portray the same emotion better whether it's within there own style or not. I can understand if people think its bland to just follow the original track and midi but that's what this compo is.

Personally, I use MnP as the testing grounds to either create original sounds or combine multiple layers of sounds ( that I don't normally use) to form them as one. For example in the first 30 seconds of my piece, Only 2 instruments are playing in the midi but I'm actually using 4 instruments  (not including effects). If I'm not doing this method mentioned earlier than I'm practicing to play this live on my midi piano or by simply training my ear to remake the song and try to only use the midi file as a fail safe. if I'm just getting a lot of notes wrong ( which is more often than not) then I'll just bite the bullet and use the midi.

I feel like the whole point of this compo is to find better ways to improve yourself without the need of sweating things out or the need to be a try hard, At least that's how I see it. Like its not that big of a deal if you win or lose or even if you felt like you got robbed, I don't see things that way. I only see what needs or should've been improved on if such situations were to occur.


Well, thanks Supercoolmike, makes my day feel much better!   I'm glad you find MnP a good stepping stone to improve your craft.

I feel that the compo-scene in general is a good way to grow without too much pressure and judgement - also, most people are pretty good at giving constructive feedback around these parts ;) 

I used to be on the other spectrum, super sensitive and often vindictive, but I've learned to focus on the takeaway rather than the butthurt.  Mmmm, mostly.  Haha.  I mean, putting yourself on the stage to be critiqued can be challenging at times, but it's an important thing to do in order to improve your craft.  Glad you can frame that in a positive mindset...something we all ought to aspire to eh?  


Eh, I approach these much the same way I do any other remix I try. That is when I listen to the original is there something there whether it be a bassline, motif, lead, structural thing, or really whatever that just catches my ear in some fashion. The main difference for me with a MnP remix versus a full on remix is one of scope. Like I did my entire remix in a day basically (I sussed out some of the intro the evening prior). The last remix I did in proper took me like a month to do from start to finish. So, to me the thing with a MnP remix is one of testing waters as it were. Like a proof of concept. That to me is the essence of MnP. 

I mean when I heard the opening lead line of this I seriously thought to myself, "What would happen if I tried to turn this into Trance?" Now, the reason I thought of the source in this way was that the main lead line when you give it a good listen is one GOOD Trance lead line. Not to downplay how lovely the theme is or anything, but it is basically perfectly melodramatic. There is enough tension in its moves and has enough release when necessary to work really well as the focal point of an entire track. The only really risky thing with my interpretation of the theme was whether I could capture the idea of love and sorrow (at least to me it has some in there) contained in the original. 

While I may feel one way or another about how someone approached their MnP remix is really not the point the competition in my mind. It is more about trying to improve one's skills quickly sketching things out and seeing what sticks and what doesn't. Sometimes you want to work on sound selection. Sometimes you want to work on arrangement. Sometimes you want to work on composition. The variety of tracks that get pushed across the MnP competition really allow for a lot of flexibility in that regard. 



  • APZX got 1st with 7 points.
  • Supercoolmike and Shido tied for  2nd with points
  • Ronald Poe got last with 2 points.

APZX PM me for round 70


Good turn out and two new faces.  Nice!  Coulda used more votes, but it's no biggie.  

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