Arek the Absolute Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 ****NEW NEWS**** ClanOCR's first ever tournament is drawing close! JOIN TODAY Drack has graciously created a database for our Friend codes! Thanks to drack, we now have an online database dedicated just for us! So don't wait, start putting in your friendcodes. Thanks again drack for taking your time in making this! --- POKEMON TOURNAMENT ANNOUCEMENT! Starting June 18th, ClanOCR will be hosting it's first pokemon tournament for the games Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl. The tournament style will be double elimination. There will be no seeding, making it so that everyone has a fair chance at winning. TOURNAMENT RULES: Matches will be single 1v1 matches. Levels are to be set to 50, so that all pokemon can be at the same level, giving those that do not have as much time as others to level their pokemon to 50 a chance to join. Before any pokemon tournament, everyone is to chose 10 pokemon that they wish to use and PM me their choices along with the movelist of each. Chose wisely, for these are the choices that you are going to stick with throughout the whole tournament. You are not to tell anyone your choices, so that people do not formulate a specific counter strat against your pokemon. The day of the tournament, I will post the list of people who are playing with their 10 pokemon that they chose. *NEW EDIT PLEASE READ* All Pokemon lists WITH MOVELISTS are to be sent to me by June 16th. On the 17th, you will find out who your opponent is as well as their pokemon, giving you a day to figure out what strategy you wish to create with the 10 that you chose. The tournament shall STILL start the 18th. Your movelists will NOT be shown to your opponent. They are for me so I can sort through those that are legit and those who hacked their pokemon. Besides this, nothing else has changed. Item clause is now in effect. No more than 2 of the same item may be used in your party. This rule pertains to all items in game. The following pokemon are banned from this tournament: -Deoxys -Deoxys-E -Deoxys-F -Deoxys-L -Groudon -Ho-oh -Latias -Kyogre -Latios -Lugia -Mew -Mewtwo -Rayquaza -Wobbuffet -Wynaut -Dialga -Palkia -Giratina -Arceus -Jirachi -Manaphy -Entei -Suicunne -Raiku -Darkrai -Heatran -Shaymin And there you have it! Here is to a great tournament and many more to come! If you are interested in joining, post in this thread or contact me via aim. Please do NOT PM me because my inbox will be full of people's pokemon lists and I do not want to mix anything up. People participating: -Atma -Bahamut -Drack -Neoforte -Oddllama -Shpladoink -Majin_Geodude -Fionn -Czar Diego Rómanez XXXVII -CobaltStarfire -Josh1416 -SuperSonic -JtDL -Mewtation -IbanezNinja -Horseboy -Coniferous -Andyjayne -mduo13 --------- ClanOCR Member Friend Codes List Has MOVED! Click Here To Go To The Newly Created ClanOCR Friend Code Database -DS- Animal Crossing: Brushfire2004 - 4596-6254-0472 LiquidGlass - 5283-8014-0771 Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin : Czar Diego Romanez XXXVII - 0774-0985-0843 Drack - 4940-0725-7802 Majin GeoDooD - 0043-9494-7763 Clubhouse Games Drack - 1804-7307-6374 Kusabi - 3393-9465-0608 Jump Ultimate Stars: Brushfire2004 - 4682-5300-3795 Drack - 1761-9535-0557 Mario Kart DS: Czar Diego Romanez XXXVII - 064502-770673 Drack - 541228-024419 Majin GeoDooD - 511179-920723 Necrotic - 171860-880448 Metriod Prime Hunters: Drack - 2749-4541-0245 Majin GeoDooD - 2363-2297-5344 Necrotic - 0043-6356-8872 OutLander - 0988-8593-7656 Planet Puzzle League: Bahamut - 051641-285023 Dark Chocobo - 201965-578513 Dhsu - 536973-016783 Fionn - 472548-617526 MaGi_TekK - 476843-062189 Msyjsm - 339404-106994 zfigz - 279274-652047 Pokemon Diamond/Pearl: andyjayne - 2062-5736-0353 andyjayne arek - 3394-0235-2342 Atmuh - 3265-1534-6234 Bahamut - 2148-4623-2819 BlueMage - 5412-6809-2486 Brushfire2004 - 5326-7698-2587 Citris - 1289-4798-1624 cobaltstarfire - 3823-4992-4310 Conan the Politician - 5369-7113-7351 coniferous - 2878-6063-3711 Czar Diego Romanez XXXVII - 3351-0630-2271 Dexie - 4510-6940-6488 Drack - 2749-7572-0013 Dyne - 2792-7107-9139 Evilhead - 2878-6080-1062 Fire in the Hole - 1289-4704-6930 Graycascade - 1504-2479-4364 Hawkwing - 0516-3831-1077 IbanezNinja - 3952-3854-2581 illusen - 3952-3770-3007 JesustheDarkLord - 1504-2186-5796 LiquidGlass - 5283-4018-0771 Majin GeoDooD - 4081-2073-0458 mDuo13 - 4424-7983-2459 Mewtation - 4210-0473-2447 n2neee - 3737-6342-3957 Necrotic - 2062-5629-3345 neoforte - 1590-1512-6453 NNY - 4295-9459-0795 Oddllama - 1890-7731-5803 One-Hit Combo - 1718-9674-2234 OutLander - 4210-0848-4113 Sam - 2878-6098-8754 sinewav - 1461-2677-2209 supersonic - 4124-1638-6045 supremespleen - 2620-9082-6449 The Damned - 3136-3273-5995 Starfox Command: Czar Diego Romanez XXXVII - 850-009-556-954 Tetris DS: Czar Diego Romanez XXXVII - 833108-951563 Drack - 599927-092632 Majin GeoDooD - 261320-197915 -Wii- Wii System Codes: Critical Hit - 2865-9582-7305-9443 Drack - 0217-6307-3769-0582 Imagery - 8717-6074-7455-2679 just64helpin - 3150-6979-6178-7146 macjz212 - 4369-4392-5752-6000 Majin GeoDooD - 3317-9085-5483-3561 Necrotic - 7269-8964-0562-6551 The Damned - 6573-4948-3893-1408
Arek the Absolute Posted November 22, 2006 Author Posted November 22, 2006 Starting things off.... My wii friendcode: 6586 0721 1379 0472
atmuh Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Okey dokey here's mine. 7276-4910-9302-8393 I also got lots of them wifi DS games but no one really plays them anymore so yea... not much wii codes can do at this point though...
JoeFu Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 YES! LETS MAKE A TRIUMPHANT RETURN!! I can't wait for some Wii games to go online. Too bad we have to wait until next year... Oh well. MAYBE SOME POKAYMON NEXT YEAR! MY wii # 1218 2528 9087 7839
Necrotic Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Nintendo Wii Friend Code here! 7269-8964-0562-6551 -Nick
Power Surge Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 I'm glad Wii gets one friend code that's used for all wi-fi games instead of different codes for each game, meaning a single master list. So what can the Wii do online so far that uses the friend codes? Exchange messages or something?
Bigfoot Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Posted in the other thread, but I'll post it here too. I got an email about someone requesting me as a friend, but I haven't even given out my code yet. "An owner of a Wii Console is asking permission to register you as a Wii Friend to exchange e-mail with you. This individual's Wii e-mail address is <> If you would like to exchange e-mail with this individual, simply reply to this message. You will then be able to exchange e-mail with the following Wii address: <> If you are unfamiliar with this Wii console and its sender, please erase this e-mail without responding to it." Is this spam or is this really what happens when someone lists you as a friend? lol
Bahamut Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Those Wii email addresses are horrid . But that's kinda interesting that you get an email address with the Wii.
Bigfoot Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Those Wii email addresses are horrid . But that's kinda interesting that you get an email address with the Wii. Yeah, you can link it to your mynintendo account, so I guess that's why I got the email. I have no idea who it is though, so I'm not going to add it lol.
Steben Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 No Wii for me. But I do have a DS and Star Fox Command: 688 246840 611 I can only play online while I'm home, since I lack wireless at my apartment back at school. Hopefully we'll fix that since one of my roomies got a Wii.
Drack Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 No wii yet, however see sig for DS codes. Edit: You're missing MKDS and Clubhouse Games on your list.
Unstable Hamster Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 I as well have no wii (dangit all...) Check my sig for my friend codes, I do have MP:H, I'll have to find that one too. Where was the site that made this sig?
Arek the Absolute Posted November 22, 2006 Author Posted November 22, 2006 No wii yet, however see sig for DS codes.Edit: You're missing MKDS and Clubhouse Games on your list. Fixed it And guys, none of this "see sig" crap. It takes a while for me to manually type those numbers in when you could do it yourself and save me time to copypasta them to the first post. Think about it, going through the thread daily having to type in numbers manually for like 10-12 users would be far less efficient than for you guys to type it and help me so i can just ctrl c ctrl v
Bahamut Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Damn, I can't even connect to the internet with my DS or Wii even though I have a wireless router and I know I'm entering the WEP key right.
TheCatPhysician Posted November 22, 2006 Posted November 22, 2006 Wii for Mii: 2240 7138 7917 0960 Bahumet, I'd try disabling WEP from your router for just a second to see if you can connect without it. Also I think I heard you should set the channel on your router to 1, if it isn't already.
WesPip Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 Ahha, suckers. Some of us who lack wireless networks bought a nintendo USB thinger for the DS. It took me a good 3 seconds to set up my Wii online. MWAHA. 'Course, it DID cost me about $40.
Viol8tor Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 Nick Name: Viol8tor Wii Number: 7426-7827-3606-4408
Bahamut Posted November 23, 2006 Posted November 23, 2006 Wii for Mii: 2240 7138 7917 0960 Bahumet, I'd try disabling WEP from your router for just a second to see if you can connect without it. Also I think I heard you should set the channel on your router to 1, if it isn't already. Unfortunately, Verizon makes it quite difficult to change settings on my router .
atmuh Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 Wii for Mii: 2240 7138 7917 0960 Bahumet, I'd try disabling WEP from your router for just a second to see if you can connect without it. Also I think I heard you should set the channel on your router to 1, if it isn't already. Unfortunately, Verizon makes it quite difficult to change settings on my router . I didn't have a problem messing with my router and I gots Verizon...
Office Despot Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 Nintendo better freaking not require Friend Codes for Online Wii games.
Bigfoot Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 Nintendo better freaking not require Friend Codes for Online Wii games. All you need is your Wii code.
Office Despot Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 I just hope knowing somebody elses code, Wii or per game, is not necessary to play them online. Match-Making services for online games have been around for about a decade now, so Nintendo better include that sort of thing for Smash Bros.
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