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You can get an actual high quality router for 40-50 bucks...don't waste money on that USB crap, unless you need it for portability.

Some people in college dorms and stuff have to use it too, cause they can't have routers in their dorms, or so I'm told.



Here we go again...

Pokemon Pearl

4983 1424 1454

and since it's missing from the first post...

My Wii Friend Code

8337 0932 3626 4934


Pokemon Pearl:

Nurse @ 2878 6080 1062

I've got some Pokemon in the 20's now, but I'm still right at the beginning. I'd like to do some trading/battling though!


Wii friend codes:

Airwalker 8734 4633 7569 9823

Arek 6586 0721 1379 0472

Atma Weapon 7276 4910 9302 8393

Amayirot Akago 1757 6340 4348 2067

Bahamut 1146 3760 7639 0241

Bean 3140 8182 2845 7423

Bigfoot 3590 9337 2027 2417

BigBoss 4976 3165 2583 4220

Black Chakram 4026 4114 9386 3105

Black Starre 8952 1994 2705 1342

chfuji 8337 0932 3626 4934

Dark Chocobo 1495 3289 8226 1380

DjSammyG 7054 4619 1980 7323

Drack 0217 6307 3769 0582

Dunther 1462 2976 3026 1211

Fire in the Hole 8717 6074 7455 2679

Hellcom 8149 4687 9795 1957

Hoopla 3663 5184 3269 3917

Inimitable 7379 8494 8102 7410

Infinity's End 4475 6948 3578 5717

JoeFu 1218 2528 9087 7839

KakTheInfected 2161 5508 8746 4872

Laughy 8600 3097 7014 9879

Lyrai 2355 0622 4953 2937

MiamiGuy 5004 8901 0430 3444

Necrotic 7269 8964 0562 6551

Neoforte 1961 5211 4064 5860

Nikuki 2931 8981 3429 4120

OA 8916 9648 2403 4915

Pi_R_[]ed 7173 2123 9684 2826

Power Surge 4780 5993 9591 3462

Pzykotikfreak 0627 3378 6858 6673

Ruth Loose 5665 2837 3895 5662

Shadowolf86 1237 9576 6402 6513

Smoke 6212 2334 6280 4125

Soma 6366 8532 2494 3547

supremespleen 2571 3401 5963 9253

TheCatPhysician 2240 7138 7917 0960

Viol8ter 7426 7827 3606 4408

Watkinez 3960 3332 5420 0903

WesPip 4338 6037 7470 1168

Zeklan 5781 1633 3229 6576

DS codes:

Animal Crossing:

Amayirot Akago 1203 4308 6874

Black Mage 2234 2765 3825

Drack 1546 8114 2073

genghisdani 3694 3193 9213

Mewtation 0430 1460 7541

UnstableHamster 2749 4102 7471

Castlevania Portrait of Ruin:

Axel B. 249 193 927 217

Drack 4940 0725 7802

Joefu 223 424 111 582

Malaki-LEGEND.sys 270 670 503 734

Clubhouse Games:

Amayirot Akago 3307 9388 0781

Drack 1804 7307 6374

Kanthos 3179 1204 0544


Amayirot Akago 1375 2272 1161

Final Fantasy III:

Drack 3350 9170 5551

JoeFu 5068 9032 6027

Kanthos 5068 9059 1721

Soma 3436 8601 0861

Mario Kart DS:

Amayirot Akago 051623 429371

Black Starre 073074 334652

Crabsmasher 279259 218003

Drack 541228 024419

FiremanJoe 244875 164158

genghisdani 365139 900957

Inimitable 313594 909792

Kanthos 154703 283214

Malaki-LEGEND.sys 146116 489688

Pi_R_[]ed 420966 366404

UnstableHamster 073076 45131

Metroid Prime Hunters:

Amayirot Akago 0602 1336 3774

Black Starre 2191 1517 9204

Citris 4295 9308 2315

Drack 2749 4541 0245

FiremanJoe 1718 7117 5892

G_D 0172 5280 2156

genghisdani 3479 6004 4441

Inimitable 0129 5393 3723

Pi_R_[]ed 5068 7909 7566

Malaki-LEGEND.sys 2191 3107 4434

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl:

Atma Weapon 3265 1534 6234

Bahamut 2148 4623 2819

chfuji 4983 1424 1454

coniferous 2878 6063 3711

Drack 2749 7572 0013

Evilhead 2878 6080 1062

Fire in the Hole 1289 4704 6930

Hale-Bopp 2964 5060 7419

JoeFu 2363 2105 2737

KakTheInfected 0043 7410 2693

Necrotic 2062 5629 3345

NNY 4295 9459 0795

Sinewav 1461 2677 2209

supremespleen 2620 9082 6449

Starfox Command:

Amayirot Akago 282 175 358 520

Pi_R_[]ed 659 219 476 343

Steben 688 246 840 611


Amayirot Akago 144078 191942

Drack 599927 092632

Mewtation 641013 071115

Pi_R_[]ed 069376 275761

Tony Hawk's American sk8teland:

genghisdani 240 5796 614 07

EDIT: beat to it! Hrm. I will post my list out of spite seeing as I am not on the first page!


added some people live evilhead and sinewav

basically with most people I'll add you when we play

I dont want people who never play on my roster


Hey dudes, I want to start heavily trading and battling it out, so please add me to your pokemon games! Let me know if you add me, with a PM or whatever, and I will do the same. Thankee.

Pokemon Pearl: Trainer: Lando, 1718 9674 2234

Wii Code: 4448 5544 0052 6306, System Name: Famicom


I think you have to be on wifi at the same time as people you've added to see them on geo net....

Er anyway, friend code is in my sig...Pokemon are lv 28-29ish at the moment for those in the same lv range and would like to battle.

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