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And no: whether a person enjoys it or not is not an issue of standards, but one of tolerance. I have both high standards and high tolerance for flaws. I see the flaws quite clearly, but they don't necessarily detract enough from my enjoyment to ruin any given experience.
Did I say anything about enjoyment?
It is indeed a good game. Great game? Depends on your standards.
Enjoyment is not the same as whether you describe the game as a "good game" or a "great game" - you're defeating a point I didn't make!
So.. don't know if anyone else has noticed this(could be the game I'm playing that's causing it..) but my wrist starts to REALLY hurt, like it's being over strained, when playing some games that rely heavily on the pointer function. (game I'm playing right now is actually that Chicken Little one. As a platformer, it's not too bad. And the upgrade system seems fairly balanced)

I think it's because you have to hold your wrist unnaturally and uncomfortably straight, for long periods of time. It makes me worry that the Wii will cause me to develop carpal tunnel.

The trick is to stretch and take breaks. Don't blame the machine, blame your brain.

Did I say anything about enjoyment? Enjoyment is not the same as whether you describe the game as a "good game" or a "great game" - you're defeating a point I didn't make!

Well, it's interpretive. Good or Great can be translated to how to feel about the game, thus, your enjoyment. I wasn't really trying to defeat your specific point, your statement simply lead me to mine in an associative manner. I shouldn't have started the statement as though I was addressing you, though, and I've gone back and edited it.

The trick is to stretch and take breaks. Don't blame the machine, blame your brain.

Thing is, I'm talking after 20-30 minute play sessions. I had to take a 20 minute break in the middle of a level, because I was playing too long.

Granted, it could also be because of my setup. Having it run through my computer doesn't leave a lot of room, so I have to be a lot more rigid in order to keep the targeting on.

Metroid was supposed to get there first anyway right?

I'm kind of looking forward to "Heatseeker" now, as it's been ages since I played a good flight game :) Starfox not included.

I hope it's any good; then I'll get it this month.

Heatseeker looks to good to pass up, I'm buying that game. I can't wait for a new Star Fox, I liked both Gamecube games, but didn't really care for the DS version, but then again, I'm not much into Strategy games.

Heatseeker looks to good to pass up, I'm buying that game. I can't wait for a new Star Fox, I liked both Gamecube games, but didn't really care for the DS version, but then again, I'm not much into Strategy games.

I really enjoyed Starfox Assault, though I never played Adventures (or whatever that first one was). While the controls and everything with the tank were rather sluggish and it took getting used to controlling Fox on the ground, I liked it overall. Also, never played Starfox Command but it seems like it's the game that people either liked it or hated it (wanna throw in the Mitch Hedberg "or thought it was ok"). Anyway, if they were to make a Starfox game like Assault game for Wii, I'd get it (and I know there will be a lot of dissenting opinions about this).

I really enjoyed Starfox Assault, though I never played Adventures (or whatever that first one was). While the controls and everything with the tank were rather sluggish and it took getting used to controlling Fox on the ground, I liked it overall. Also, never played Starfox Command but it seems like it's the game that people either liked it or hated it (wanna throw in the Mitch Hedberg "or thought it was ok"). Anyway, if they were to make a Starfox game like Assault game for Wii, I'd get it (and I know there will be a lot of dissenting opinions about this).

I actually really enjoyed Starfox Assault. Couldn't get into Starfox Adventures, though. They should have totally kept that game outside of the starfox line, since it wasn't going to be one originally.

The only problem I have with Assault, is that it was too short. No branching mission paths or anything. But, the way they did everything else, I thought was rather interesting. Even the tank I enjoyed. I just wish they could have put more into it.. they could have made the levels feel much larger, if they did more the way they did the starbase assault stage.

I actually really enjoyed Starfox Assault. Couldn't get into Starfox Adventures, though. They should have totally kept that game outside of the starfox line, since it wasn't going to be one originally.

The only problem I have with Assault, is that it was too short. No branching mission paths or anything. But, the way they did everything else, I thought was rather interesting. Even the tank I enjoyed. I just wish they could have put more into it.. they could have made the levels feel much larger, if they did more the way they did the starbase assault stage.

Yeah dude, the starbase stage was awesome, and a big part of that was due to it being so vast. I agree though: biggest problem with that game was how short it was. I'll be very interested to see what they come up with for the Wii version (only a matter of time till there's a Starfox Wii).

I was really hoping by now there'd be news on some sort of Pikmin game for the Wii (I could even see a Pikmin DS being pretty kickass). I'd prefer it if they made a Pikmin Three (lol, Pikmin Thwii), but even if it were a wiimake I'd look into it.

Finally, whatever happened to wiimakes? I know Nintendo mentioned the concept once, then seemed to have vanished. I'm sure at least some people would disagree, but I think it'd be novel to have Luigi's Mansion, Metroid Prime, Prime 2, Mario Sunshine, etc wiimade. Well, anyway, I guess if it happens we'll know about it eventually :-P. And so ends my pointless rant lol :roll: .


I find The Wikipedia Article to be a much faster way to see what got added.

Elevator Action though? That wasn't even on the upcoming list for the longest time and then suddenly appears and gets released. Castlevania? Metroid? Punch-Out!!? No, let's release a NES game that actually predates the system.

Super Ghouls' N Ghost (SNES)

Sword of Vermillion(Genesis)

Elevator Action(nes)

Cool. I remember the original Ghouls n Ghosts being pretty good; anybody know how Super Ghouls n Ghosts is?


I find The Wikipedia Article to be a much faster way to see what got added.

Elevator Action though? That wasn't even on the upcoming list for the longest time and then suddenly appears and gets released. Castlevania? Metroid? Punch-Out!!? No, let's release a NES game that actually predates the system.

Good advice. And yeah, I want my orignal Castlevania and Metroid dammit! I was really hoping we'd get some more awesome classic games during this lull period like Super Metroid, but I guess they're gonna keep me waiting :razz:.

I fucking hated Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts...the control mechanics pissed me off to no end.

Haha, it was always best double jumping in the wrong direction and going "oops..." as you fall into oblivion.

Looking for a Wii controller?

Amazon has them in stock. As in, right now!

It also says they have nunchuks in stock. (EDIT: Amazon has only 3 of these left at retail price.)

I told myself I was gonna wait to find Wii Play with the remote at retail price, but this just seemed a little too urgent.

Cool. As far as brick-and-mortar stores are concerned, I've noticed Toys 'r' Us has often tended to have at least nunchuks and classic controllers in stock, if not wii remotes (in this area anyway).


Still waiting for Heatseeker and Super Paper Mario. I just hope Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros. Brawl, and Metroid Prime 3 deliver on what should be awesome games, hopefully better than Sonic and the Secret Rings...

Still waiting for Heatseeker and Super Paper Mario. I just hope Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros. Brawl, and Metroid Prime 3 deliver on what should be awesome games, hopefully better than Sonic and the Secret Rings...

Agreed. I'm hoping Nintendo is gonna give us a little news about Mario Galaxy, SSBB, or Metroid Prime 3 during GDC (if nothing else, I'd like to hear the release date for Metroid), but we'll see what happens.


I usually don't pay attention to videogame rumors I hear at school, but one caught my attention. Is there any truth to the rumor that Square-Enix is developing a Kingdom Hearts game for the Wii?

I usually don't pay attention to videogame rumors I hear at school, but one caught my attention. Is there any truth to the rumor that Square-Enix is developing a Kingdom Hearts game for the Wii?

Only confirmed Square-Enix games for Wii that I know of are Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (damn, even it's sub-title has a sub-title) and Dragon Quest Swords.


Wow. I just got back from Target. I went there for other reasons, but I came home with a Wii controller and a nunchuk that were sitting innocently on the shelf.

So, now I have acquired two extra wii-motes in one day just stumbling on to both coincidently, whereas my weeks of hunting and calling every place in the phonebook have turned up nothing. (Going to sell one to my brother.)


I need some new games with good multiplayer. My friends are kinda getting boored of Wii Sports when I play with them, and they didn't really dig Exite Truck.

I hope SSBB comes soon!!! When is GDC at again?

I need some new games with good multiplayer. My friends are kinda getting boored of Wii Sports when I play with them, and they didn't really dig Exite Truck.

I hope SSBB comes soon!!! When is GDC at again?

When is it? I think it starts tomorrow (wednesday) though there were was some rpg panel thing on tuesday (I think).

When is it? I think it starts tomorrow (wednesday) though there were was some rpg panel thing on tuesday (I think).

I could be wrong, but I thought it was 5th-9th.

EDIT: Yeah, according to IGN it's 5th-9th. They seem to be covering it pretty well, so I think they'd be a good site to visit for news related to it.


omfg, new super paper mario videos and gametrailers, gamevideos, ign, and gamespot. SPM is going to be so freaking awesome. I can't wait to play it!!!!!!!!!!


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