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You can do that in almost any online game. If I want to play with just friends in C&C3 or Day of Defeat, I can. If I'm playing with someone I don't know and they're annoying me, I can mute their text/speech with a click or two. None of that requires me to put in a shitload of numbers.


i just start heatseeker yesterday. the game is not that good (if i compare to ace combat) but using a wiimote to handle your plane is fun. the speed effect is better than Ace combat btw, at full speed over mach 1 it's hard to turn properly.


friend codes would've been fine if all you had to do was enter 'em in once on your wii. but apparently each game is going to require it's own 'friends roster', which is an almighty weiner.

this means we need to punch in X friend codes for Y online games.

to me that seems a bit redundant (and retarded), and could've been done a lot better.

you mean keeping idiots out of your online play is a bad thing

you get to choose who specifically you play with when it comes to these things

i like them for that reason

words are simpler to remember than numbers


As Ray Falling said, I'm probably not going to be buying any more systems after the Wii, I figure since half the games on ANY system have not been that entertaining as I used to think they would. I would buy a 360 (more likely the elite), but now with a blown head gasket on my truck, everything is on a permanent hiatus...

friend codes would've been fine if all you had to do was enter 'em in once on your wii. but apparently each game is going to require it's own 'friends roster', which is an almighty weiner.

I still have yet to hear any official confirmation (read: not "this one guy at this one developer said...") from solid sources (read: Nintendo) that this is happening for all games. Yes, we know it is happening for Battle Revolution, but it's probably necessitated by its functionality with the DS games, and there's no indication that other plans are not in place for other games.



What does a code do that a login name doesn't?

Why can't you just use a login for, say, nintendo.com, confirm that login/pass ONCE on each game and have the server handle your codes transparently? That way you could enter codes (for those without login names) or names, and have the server resolve the codes from the centralized database, much like DNS works for letting you type in "http://www.google.com" instead of ""

They have every tool necessary to make that happen.


I won't believe that thing. If that was formal, I'm pretty sure that Nintendo would have announced it already. And way to post stuff from a few weeks ago...

Most likely the email was from some guy whose job is to make replies to emails sent from fans who wonder whats going on. I doubt those guys have a clue what Japan wants to do with the Wii's online infrastructure. I won't put much trust into NOA unless someone like Iwata says the same thing because NOA is just here because it has to be.

And if friend codes are the way... oh well. I don't care, its just a few numbers.

i just start heatseeker yesterday. the game is not that good (if i compare to ace combat) but using a wiimote to handle your plane is fun. the speed effect is better than Ace combat btw, at full speed over mach 1 it's hard to turn properly.

I'm kinda interested in this game. So overall pretty fun? Do you think you'd recommend it?

Btw, Kak, how'd Fire Emblem Goddess of Dawn end up treating you? I assume it ended up being at least equal to Path of Radiance, no?

Anyway, preordered Super Paper Mario last week (finally!) online, so should be receiving that by the 13th at the latest. Really frickin' excited for that, especially after watching the vids they had on ign recently. That game is looking solid.


Yeah, it's as good as PoR. I love it because it's Fire Emblem, but I'd have liked to see them at least include better visuals and a lot more voice acting.

And being able to take your party online and fight others would be so fun, but no such luck...


Anyway, preordered Super Paper Mario last week (finally!) online, so should be receiving that by the 13th at the latest. Really frickin' excited for that, especially after watching the vids they had on ign recently. That game is looking solid.

i wasnt a big fan of the last paper mario on cube. but i cant lie, the new one looks crazy good. i love how you can switch from 2D to 3D kinda like turning a piece of paper around. nintnedo never ceases to amaze me with new and innovative ways to play.

i wasnt a big fan of the last paper mario on cube. but i cant lie, the new one looks crazy good. i love how you can switch from 2D to 3D kinda like turning a piece of paper around. nintnedo never ceases to amaze me with new and innovative ways to play.

*ahem* It should be...

"Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd., an internal developer owned by Nintendo, never ceases to amaze me with new and innovative ways to play."

*ahem* It should be...

"Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd., an internal developer owned by Nintendo, never ceases to amaze me with new and innovative ways to play."

no...i meant nintendo

i wasnt a big fan of the last paper mario on cube. but i cant lie, the new one looks crazy good. i love how you can switch from 2D to 3D kinda like turning a piece of paper around. nintnedo never ceases to amaze me with new and innovative ways to play.

Yeah, the play mechanics they're putting in are really looking fun/innovative. Since the Gamecube Paper Mario (personally I really liked it), looks like they've really tightened the visuals (better anti-aliasing, more vibrant, etc). When I first heard about Paper Mario for the N64, I imagined something much closer to this Wii game than what actually became the original Paper Mario: a platformer, not an RPG. Can't wait for next week!

Yeah, the play mechanics they're putting in are really looking fun/innovative. Since the Gamecube Paper Mario (personally I really liked it), looks like they've really tightened the visuals (better anti-aliasing, more vibrant, etc). When I first heard about Paper Mario for the N64, I imagined something much closer to this Wii game than what actually became the original Paper Mario: a platformer, not an RPG. Can't wait for next week!

I wonder when the first mega game, designed from the first line of code, will be for the Wii. So far, the 2 biggeest games, Zelda and Paper Mario, were both originally GC titles but then just ported.

I wonder when the first mega game, designed from the first line of code, will be for the Wii. So far, the 2 biggeest games, Zelda and Paper Mario, were both originally GC titles but then just ported.

There's so many titles that we have yet to hear about n_n, the waiting is killing me.

I'm all up for trying brand new titles but let's face it, it wouldn't be Nintendo if we didn't have games like Starfox and F-zero, just to name a few. (Ehehe, that's actually all I can come up with right now, how sad).

I would be very happy to have another Starwars Rogue Squadron, but the other games kinda had it all covered 0_0.

Fire Emblem is on it's way I guess...so is the new Pokemon.

Come to think of it, isn't like 97% of the Wii games out now a port of some sort anyway? ;_; T'is a sad bussines

I wonder when the first mega game, designed from the first line of code, will be for the Wii. So far, the 2 biggeest games, Zelda and Paper Mario, were both originally GC titles but then just ported.

which comes out first: prime 3, ssbb, or mario galaxy?

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