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Damn, now I really have to pick up that 2 gig memory stick. Perfect PS1 emulation here I come!

oh yea crap...how many games can the 2 gig mem stick hold...only like 3 right?

So, is it still not kosher to say that it's sad the only real reason to get a PSP is for portable emulation? :P

GTFO. The PSP has a ton of awesome games that aren't emulation, but you wouldn't be able to comprehend that.

Anyhow from my other thread:

From PSP Updates:


(Several Vids, but here is one, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW4m0gkei9k)

And the videos just can't stop pouring in! After the Duke Nukem and Crash Bandicoot PSP videos, we have here now new videos of Final Fantasy VII on the PSP using Dark_Alex's FW 3.02 OE-B. Yep, it does prove to be one fine heaven-sent piece, eh? Anyway, the first one's sent by jkoz over at YouTube.

The second video from TheGrandDragon is also on FFVII, this time, on PSP PSX emulation. Now, for those of you kinda lost out there as to how to get it done, you might want to pay more attention to this vid, as it does show what to do to get it running. Although, it doesn't really provide a detailed step by step installation or whatnot. But just the same, you might find it useful.

I must admit, it was pretty nostalgic seeing this PS1 classic on the PSP. Anyhow, check out the videos yourself. And then after watching, why be content with just viewing it, when you can play it on your own PSPs? Enjoy!

This holiday season just keeps getting better for PSP homebrew users. Obviously, listing all of them would just be considered as wasting time, so I'll get right to the purpose of this post. Dark_AleX has just released the much anticipated update to his earlier custom firmware, 3.02 OE-A. And as promised, the new version will allow you to play your own PlayStation titles, rather than waiting for Sony to release them.

The only new feature in this release is the ability to play your own PlayStation titles, so I won't write up a changelog. Secondly, you can only get 3.02 OE-B on your PSP by upgrading from 3.02 OE-A, which means that if you're one of the few who haven't upgraded to 3.02 OE, it's time to do it now! Once you're on 3.02 OE-B, it's best to check out the readme.

The instructions for converting your PlayStation games to the POPS format are included in the popstation folder inside the archive. Here is a list of FAQs that Dark_AleX has included in the readme:

* Q: My game generated is a lot bigger in size than the same one from the PS3 Store.

* A: They use compression. Because the algorithm of compression is not still cracked, compressed isos are not supported yet.

* Q: I have my game in bin/cue.

* A: Use the bin as the ISO while converting.

* Q: I have my game in img/ccd...

* A: Use the img as the ISO while converting.

* Q: The savegames have the icon of Hot Shots 2!

* A: It's normal. Don't worry.

The only problem right now is that the emulator isn't 100% compatible with all the games out there. That's something you'll have to wait for Sony to fix. For the full instructions on converting your games to the POPS format, refer to the readme inside the popstation folder. I'm already busy converting my small collection of PSX games to the POPS format. Have fun!

I wouldn't really say there's a TON of awesome games for the PSP. There are a few that caught my eye, but I sold mine a long time ago, heh.

I would say that this qualifies as a TON considering it would take many years to go through all of these great games.

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror Shooter 9.3 Mar 10, 2006

WipEout Pure Racing Action 9.3 Mar 18, 2005

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories [AU] Action 9.2 Nov 12, 2006

Tekken: Dark Resurrection Fighting 9.2 Jul 20, 2006

Ridge Racer Racing 9.1 Mar 17, 2005

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Action 9.0 Dec 4, 2006

Lumines II Music Action 9.0 Nov 7, 2006

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Action 9.0 Oct 30, 2006

Killzone: Liberation Action 9.0 Oct 16, 2006

LocoRoco Action 9.0 Sep 5, 2006

Daxter Platformer 9.0 Mar 9, 2006

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Action 9.0

Gitaroo Man Lives! [uK] Music Action 8.8 Aug 21, 2006

Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee Sports Action 8.8 May 4, 2005

Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception Flight Action 8.7 Oct 20, 2006

WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2006 Wrestling 8.7 Dec 12, 2005

Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix Sports 8.7 Mar 18, 2005

Ultimate Ghosts 'N Goblins Action 8.6 Aug 28, 2006

Lumines Puzzle Action 8.6 Mar 8, 2005

FIFA Soccer 07 Sports 8.5 Oct 10, 2006

Mercury Meltdown Puzzle Action 8.5 Oct 9, 2006

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth RPG 8.5 Jul 17, 2006

Race Driver 2006 Racing 8.5 May 26, 2006

Virtua Tennis World Tour Sports Action 8.5 Oct 4, 2005

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 Sports 8.5 Sep 26, 2005

Madden NFL 06 Sports 8.5 Sep 19, 2005

Burnout Legends Racing 8.5 Sep 13, 2005

Gitaroo Man Lives! Music Action 8.4 Dec 5, 2006

Medal of Honor Heroes Shooter 8.4 Oct 23, 2006

Field Commander Strategy 8.4 May 19, 2006

Pursuit Force Racing Action 8.4 Mar 3, 2006

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Action RPG 8.4 Oct 25, 2005

SSX On Tour Sports 8.4 Oct 10, 2005

Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony RPG 8.3 Nov 3, 2006

Metal Gear Solid Digital Graphic Novel Adventure 8.3 Jun 13, 2006

MLB '06: The Show Sports 8.3 Mar 1, 2006

MX vs. ATV Unleashed: On the Edge Racing 8.3 Feb 27, 2006

Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max Fighting 8.3 Feb 10, 2006

SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo Shooter 8.3 Nov 7, 2005

Mega Man Powered Up Action 8.2 Mar 14, 2006

Every Extend Extra Shooter 8.1 Nov 9, 2006

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Action 8.1 Nov 3, 2006

Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover Fighting 8.1 Aug 25, 2006

Gradius Collection Shooter 8.1 Jun 2, 2006

SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 Shooter 8.0 Nov 7, 2006

Gun Showdown Shooter 8.0 Oct 20, 2006

Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded Action Compilation 8.0 Oct 18, 2006

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 Sports 8.0 Oct 10, 2006

NBA '07 Sports 8.0 Sep 21, 2006

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Action 8.0 Sep 12, 2006

Madden NFL 07 Sports 8.0 Aug 22, 2006

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X Action 8.0 Jan 31, 2006

Ultimate Block Party Puzzle 8.0 Dec 23, 2005

NBA Street Showdown Sports 8.0 Apr 27, 2005

MLB Sports 8.0 Apr 15, 2005

Twisted Metal: Head-On Racing Shooter 8.0 Mar 18, 2005

I wouldn't really say there's a TON of awesome games for the PSP. There are a few that caught my eye, but I sold mine a long time ago, heh.

I would say that this qualifies as a TON considering it would take many years to go through all of these great games.

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror Shooter 9.3 Mar 10, 2006

WipEout Pure Racing Action 9.3 Mar 18, 2005

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories [AU] Action 9.2 Nov 12, 2006

Tekken: Dark Resurrection Fighting 9.2 Jul 20, 2006

Ridge Racer Racing 9.1 Mar 17, 2005

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Action 9.0 Dec 4, 2006

Lumines II Music Action 9.0 Nov 7, 2006

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Action 9.0 Oct 30, 2006

Killzone: Liberation Action 9.0 Oct 16, 2006

LocoRoco Action 9.0 Sep 5, 2006

Daxter Platformer 9.0 Mar 9, 2006

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Action 9.0

Gitaroo Man Lives! [uK] Music Action 8.8 Aug 21, 2006

Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee Sports Action 8.8 May 4, 2005

Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception Flight Action 8.7 Oct 20, 2006

WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2006 Wrestling 8.7 Dec 12, 2005

Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix Sports 8.7 Mar 18, 2005

Ultimate Ghosts 'N Goblins Action 8.6 Aug 28, 2006

Lumines Puzzle Action 8.6 Mar 8, 2005

FIFA Soccer 07 Sports 8.5 Oct 10, 2006

Mercury Meltdown Puzzle Action 8.5 Oct 9, 2006

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth RPG 8.5 Jul 17, 2006

Race Driver 2006 Racing 8.5 May 26, 2006

Virtua Tennis World Tour Sports Action 8.5 Oct 4, 2005

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 Sports 8.5 Sep 26, 2005

Madden NFL 06 Sports 8.5 Sep 19, 2005

Burnout Legends Racing 8.5 Sep 13, 2005

Gitaroo Man Lives! Music Action 8.4 Dec 5, 2006

Medal of Honor Heroes Shooter 8.4 Oct 23, 2006

Field Commander Strategy 8.4 May 19, 2006

Pursuit Force Racing Action 8.4 Mar 3, 2006

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Action RPG 8.4 Oct 25, 2005

SSX On Tour Sports 8.4 Oct 10, 2005

Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony RPG 8.3 Nov 3, 2006

Metal Gear Solid Digital Graphic Novel Adventure 8.3 Jun 13, 2006

MLB '06: The Show Sports 8.3 Mar 1, 2006

MX vs. ATV Unleashed: On the Edge Racing 8.3 Feb 27, 2006

Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max Fighting 8.3 Feb 10, 2006

SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo Shooter 8.3 Nov 7, 2005

Mega Man Powered Up Action 8.2 Mar 14, 2006

Every Extend Extra Shooter 8.1 Nov 9, 2006

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Action 8.1 Nov 3, 2006

Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover Fighting 8.1 Aug 25, 2006

Gradius Collection Shooter 8.1 Jun 2, 2006

SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 Shooter 8.0 Nov 7, 2006

Gun Showdown Shooter 8.0 Oct 20, 2006

Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded Action Compilation 8.0 Oct 18, 2006

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 Sports 8.0 Oct 10, 2006

NBA '07 Sports 8.0 Sep 21, 2006

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Action 8.0 Sep 12, 2006

Madden NFL 07 Sports 8.0 Aug 22, 2006

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X Action 8.0 Jan 31, 2006

Ultimate Block Party Puzzle 8.0 Dec 23, 2005

NBA Street Showdown Sports 8.0 Apr 27, 2005

MLB Sports 8.0 Apr 15, 2005

Twisted Metal: Head-On Racing Shooter 8.0 Mar 18, 2005

Er, there are a lot of doubles in there. Taking those out, the games I'm actually interested in are:

WipEout Pure

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

Lumines II

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories



Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City

Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee

Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception

Ultimate Ghosts 'N Goblins


Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth

Burnout Legends

Gitaroo Man Lives!

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse

Metal Gear Solid Digital Graphic Novel Adventure (didn't even know this existed O_o)

Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max

Mega Man Powered Up

Every Extend Extra

Gradius Collection

Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X

Most of them look like rentals for the most part, though.

I wouldn't really say there's a TON of awesome games for the PSP. There are a few that caught my eye, but I sold mine a long time ago, heh.

[big List]

Not to be a jerk or anything, but almost all of those games are either ports or nearly the same as their PS2 counterpart. It might be a good game, but when I can play it on my TV instead of on a handheld and get the exact same experience, I'd rather do that.

In all honesty, most people play their handhelds at home, including myself. I'm not buying a PSP for a remake of GTA or Tekken when I can play something superior.

I wouldn't really say there's a TON of awesome games for the PSP. There are a few that caught my eye, but I sold mine a long time ago, heh.

[big List]

Not to be a jerk or anything, but almost all of those games are either ports or nearly the same as their PS2 counterpart. It might be a good game, but when I can play it on my TV instead of on a handheld and get the exact same experience, I'd rather do that.

In all honesty, most people play their handhelds at home, including myself. I'm not buying a PSP for a remake of GTA or Tekken when I can play something superior.

Obviously you don't know too much about which ones are remakes, since both GTAs for the PSP and are brand new. They did make one GTA for the PS2 a year later, but it lacked multiplayer and other stuff.

Ports aside there are more than enough great games for me though.

I wouldn't really say there's a TON of awesome games for the PSP. There are a few that caught my eye, but I sold mine a long time ago, heh.

I would say that this qualifies as a TON considering it would take many years to go through all of these great games.

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror Shooter 9.3 Mar 10, 2006

WipEout Pure Racing Action 9.3 Mar 18, 2005

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories [AU] Action 9.2 Nov 12, 2006

Tekken: Dark Resurrection Fighting 9.2 Jul 20, 2006

Ridge Racer Racing 9.1 Mar 17, 2005

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Action 9.0 Dec 4, 2006

Lumines II Music Action 9.0 Nov 7, 2006

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Action 9.0 Oct 30, 2006

Killzone: Liberation Action 9.0 Oct 16, 2006

LocoRoco Action 9.0 Sep 5, 2006

Daxter Platformer 9.0 Mar 9, 2006

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Action 9.0

Gitaroo Man Lives! [uK] Music Action 8.8 Aug 21, 2006

Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee Sports Action 8.8 May 4, 2005

Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception Flight Action 8.7 Oct 20, 2006

WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2006 Wrestling 8.7 Dec 12, 2005

Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix Sports 8.7 Mar 18, 2005

Ultimate Ghosts 'N Goblins Action 8.6 Aug 28, 2006

Lumines Puzzle Action 8.6 Mar 8, 2005

FIFA Soccer 07 Sports 8.5 Oct 10, 2006

Mercury Meltdown Puzzle Action 8.5 Oct 9, 2006

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth RPG 8.5 Jul 17, 2006

Race Driver 2006 Racing 8.5 May 26, 2006

Virtua Tennis World Tour Sports Action 8.5 Oct 4, 2005

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 Sports 8.5 Sep 26, 2005

Madden NFL 06 Sports 8.5 Sep 19, 2005

Burnout Legends Racing 8.5 Sep 13, 2005

Gitaroo Man Lives! Music Action 8.4 Dec 5, 2006

Medal of Honor Heroes Shooter 8.4 Oct 23, 2006

Field Commander Strategy 8.4 May 19, 2006

Pursuit Force Racing Action 8.4 Mar 3, 2006

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Action RPG 8.4 Oct 25, 2005

SSX On Tour Sports 8.4 Oct 10, 2005

Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony RPG 8.3 Nov 3, 2006

Metal Gear Solid Digital Graphic Novel Adventure 8.3 Jun 13, 2006

MLB '06: The Show Sports 8.3 Mar 1, 2006

MX vs. ATV Unleashed: On the Edge Racing 8.3 Feb 27, 2006

Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max Fighting 8.3 Feb 10, 2006

SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo Shooter 8.3 Nov 7, 2005

Mega Man Powered Up Action 8.2 Mar 14, 2006

Every Extend Extra Shooter 8.1 Nov 9, 2006

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Action 8.1 Nov 3, 2006

Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover Fighting 8.1 Aug 25, 2006

Gradius Collection Shooter 8.1 Jun 2, 2006

SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 Shooter 8.0 Nov 7, 2006

Gun Showdown Shooter 8.0 Oct 20, 2006

Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded Action Compilation 8.0 Oct 18, 2006

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 Sports 8.0 Oct 10, 2006

NBA '07 Sports 8.0 Sep 21, 2006

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Action 8.0 Sep 12, 2006

Madden NFL 07 Sports 8.0 Aug 22, 2006

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X Action 8.0 Jan 31, 2006

Ultimate Block Party Puzzle 8.0 Dec 23, 2005

NBA Street Showdown Sports 8.0 Apr 27, 2005

MLB Sports 8.0 Apr 15, 2005

Twisted Metal: Head-On Racing Shooter 8.0 Mar 18, 2005

Er, there are a lot of doubles in there. Taking those out, the games I'm actually interested in are:

WipEout Pure

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

Lumines II

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories



Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City

Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee

Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception

Ultimate Ghosts 'N Goblins


Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth

Burnout Legends

Gitaroo Man Lives!

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse

Metal Gear Solid Digital Graphic Novel Adventure (didn't even know this existed O_o)

Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max

Mega Man Powered Up

Every Extend Extra

Gradius Collection

Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X

Most of them look like rentals for the most part, though.

Yeah, I just got them from IGN; all of those games you want to play seem to be or are really awesome games.

I don't like shooters, fighters, or sports games. Clearly the PSP isn't for me.

...I want Loco Roco. :(

Feminine? Though I can understand not caring about sports games, but ditching shooters and fighters?woMan...


Also, a lot of the PSP games can be found for discounted prices now. Megaman Powered Up & Maverick Hunter X (I have this one) for $20, and X-Men Legends II, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, Capcom Classics Remixed and Gradius Collection for $10, all at the Toys 'R Us clearance now.

I don't like shooters, fighters, or sports games. Clearly the PSP isn't for me.

...I want Loco Roco. :(

Don't forget the Megaman games, and maybe E^3. Aside from that.. nope, nothing on that list I'm interested in, either.


So, I finally bought some PSP games - caught X-Men Legends II, the Gradius Collection, and Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth for $40 total. The best part? I paid not a dime since I have a $100 gift card to Toys 'R Us from my XBox 360 purchase. Puts me up to 6 PSP games and hopefully counting.

I wouldn't really say there's a TON of awesome games for the PSP. There are a few that caught my eye, but I sold mine a long time ago, heh.

[big List]

Not to be a jerk or anything, but almost all of those games are either ports or nearly the same as their PS2 counterpart. It might be a good game, but when I can play it on my TV instead of on a handheld and get the exact same experience, I'd rather do that.

In all honesty, most people play their handhelds at home, including myself. I'm not buying a PSP for a remake of GTA or Tekken when I can play something superior.

Why are you playing a handheld at home? Granted, I've played my PSP and DS a few times at my house, especially when I was into animal crossing, but the whole point of a portable system is to be able to play it anywhere. For people who like the franchises on the PS2, playing a sequel, port, or new version of their favorite games on the go is the draw of the PSP library.

I actually play my handhelds on my bed usually. It doesn't really compel me to play my games on the go, although I can see younger kids loving them for the portable gaming. My traveling habits just doesn't lend to portable gaming very well.

I blame the lack of public transport in America. I occasionally play in bed, but usually I'll just play my consoles when I'm at home. But a DS or PSP makes an hour long train ride seem like 15 minutes. At the doctor's office waiting for your appointment? Same deal. If I go camping or on a weekend trip I bring it along for any unexpected times of boredom. I even bring it to work for a little gaming during my down time. Using a portable system exclusively at home seems rather pointless to me.

I actually play my handhelds on my bed usually. It doesn't really compel me to play my games on the go, although I can see younger kids loving them for the portable gaming. My traveling habits just doesn't lend to portable gaming very well.

I blame the lack of public transport in America. I occasionally play in bed, but usually I'll just play my consoles when I'm at home. But a DS or PSP makes an hour long train ride seem like 15 minutes. At the doctor's office waiting for your appointment? Same deal. If I go camping or on a weekend trip I bring it along for any unexpected times of boredom. I even bring it to work for a little gaming during my down time. Using a portable system exclusively at home seems rather pointless to me.

Oh I agree, my friend holding my PSP at the moment uses it all the time because he has to take the subway to get into Manhattan a lot. My greatest usage of a portable is waiting at a damn airport for several hours for my flight. It's just that it's hard to get actual portable usage out of it when you spend most of your time couped up studying.

Also, I like the convenience of being able to play on my bed with a handheld. For such relatively small space of my dorm room, it just feels nicer.

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